Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

so you got + 218 upside targ?

no Dick Lexic.

I am saying the Dow was on a single day able to climb 218pts, this turns the index bullish, since we got within 25pts of multi year highs, i also said it was done by triggering stops on shorts, but think tomorrow we get some backing and filling due to todays opening gap, but it creates a bullish setup for the rest of the shortened week
looks like your right postie ....disappointed we didn't get ftse 6750 close.. this may scupper the 5 leg i was looking for but not counting it out yet
Ftse up 100 yesterday - down 70 (in the first 20 minutes) today, similar on Dax.

Dow up 200 then down 200...
I know what's causing this.
You know when you get your money at the beginning of the month and by the last week you've run out because you didn't budget properly.
Well its the end of the month and the treasury guys have run out of money. But who can blame them, after all $85B doesn't stretch as far as it used to. :LOL:
morning everyone

morning postman

1650.6 is pivot for SP500june were above it earlier now 2 pts below

dow close = FTSE 6733
Morning SD, postie and All

Comments from BOJ are driving markets over night.
Japan market was like a yoyo.
no Dick Lexic.

I am saying the Dow was on a single day able to climb 218pts, this turns the index bullish, since we got within 25pts of multi year highs, i also said it was done by triggering stops on shorts, but think tomorrow we get some backing and filling due to todays opening gap, but it creates a bullish setup for the rest of the shortened week

morning Dick Lexic and bustech

Dow is down 76, hoping its normal backing and filling , Tuesdays opening gap. ftse ex divi was less than 1pt (0.97)

sp500june weak, unless can climb above 1650.6 (1647.75)
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UK seems to be waiting for US market to open,

check out the sp500june daily chart, and look at how the 1649 level has been important,