Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

FTSE at lows implies dow being down 100pts lets see if they buy it up before the US open

sp500 june needs 1646 before I get bullish ftse, on hourly view
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sp500 june is looking in bad shape, 1640, need 1645 to get bullish ftse . 5pts sp500 = 20pts ftse

Have a great long weekend SD.

Mind you I'm sure that you will here on Monday.

No big economic data next week.

Maybe trading on market belief.

And should have some nice ranges to work with.
Lot of gravity on Dow and Dax today.

In 40 min will be announced Durable Goods Orders. Mixed expectations.
ftse 6660 is your sp1646 eqiv....woof woof :)

strange that sp500 bottomed from 666 and is now struggling at 1666m and ftse is oscillating around 6660

still say on daily , today we would need 1661 to show us the sp500 is technically neautral
(Reuters) - Britain may be as much as three quarters of the way through the process of working off the high debt levels which have weighed on the economy since the financial crisis, a top Bank of England policymaker said on Friday.

Paul Fisher, one of nine members of the bank's rate-setting committee, said growth would remain weak while Britain's households, public sector, banks and other companies sought to get themselves back to financial health.

"In my view we are maybe two thirds to three quarters of the way through in each case, varying both across and within sectors," Fisher said in notes for a speech.

UK may be three quarters of the way through debt purge - Fisher | Reuters