Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

got stopped out, check the low 14,734

dont normally trade dow. stop loss too small

wonder what the distance will be from todays low to tomorrows high

unlucky SD, good trading control though, im still in it but cutting some after beig o far offside ! hopefully 15k tomorrow , wishful thinking !
got stopped out, check the low 14,734

dont normally trade dow. stop loss too small

wonder what the distance will be from todays low to tomorrows high

sorry SD I thought you caught it on the way up after it had double bottomed.
For scalping Dow I normally use a 20 point stop.
sorry SD I thought you caught it on the way up after it had double bottomed.
For scalping Dow I normally use a 20 point stop.


i notice on dow before it bottoms it does one fake out candle to take out buy stops, then does an actual up candle (10min time frame)

FTSE seems very languid stuck at 9pts above todays low

i notice on dow before it bottoms it does one fake out candle to take out buy stops, then does an actual up candle (10min time frame)

That is very common on the Dow & ES . Before taking a reversal trade I look for a strong pullback in the opposite direction of the trend followed by a low momentum retest of the trend extreme
That is very common on the Dow & ES . Before taking a reversal trade I look for a strong pullback in the opposite direction of the trend followed by a low momentum retest of the trend extreme


SP500 cash is unchanged

SP500june is up
london close ..the bears have gone home

its interesting when the well followed indices, SP500, Dow,Nasdaq are behaving badly the lesser known indices wilshire 5000, russell 2000 give a correct "read" on the true state of the equity markets

Russell now +0.3% , dow/sp500 to follow?
Dow back to where it opened.

Talbs - hope you managed to ride out that shake out
its interesting when the well followed indices, SP500, Dow,Nasdaq are behaving badly the lesser known indices wilshire 5000, russell 2000 give a correct "read" on the true state of the equity markets

Russell now +0.3% , dow/sp500 to follow?

maybe less manipulation? i've got no idea never watch them

seems to be a fair bit of volume at ftse 6430
over the last week
30 min data
6 points by 2 /close
a bounce off the trendline
can this trend continue ??
yeah....but a slightly better lookin chart
that is a good trend
only touched the internal on p/b/aqua
the main trend is green
that is the one that we want to follow
look for the consolidation now
Dow back to where it opened.

Talbs - hope you managed to ride out that shake out

Sure did thanks ads ! New money coming into market tomorrow so expect. Pop on the markets that are open remember Eurex closed
Ftse looking a little low here are 6427 been up to 6490 this morning maybe worth a purchase ahead of new month tomorrow and a stronger performance from US since we have for home

Bought 6428s see where we are tomorrow profit order in at 6480
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