Anyone received this? (property searches)

Hi Smarty,

Please keep us informed how you get on with the trial and the monthly information......
AR Course

Bluewave said:
Hi Smarty,

Please keep us informed how you get on with the trial and the monthly information......

I is also trying it out. The quality of the initial video and cd seems reasonable. However, I find it highly suspect that its released on a monthly basis. At what point do you actually 'learn enough' to implement an idea? If its for 12 months why not just sell the course as a one off for £360? It only took a couple of hours to review the 'Free Trial' stuff. Notice that unlike many schemes, there is no refund of the monthly payments!

Me is getting ready to cancel the standing order before 1st payment is called!

(wouldn't it be nice for one of these guys to share something that really works instead of conning the unwary all the time?)
I got the same mailing and did a bit of research. Ive been following the progress of Andrew and Tim Lowe for a while now and decided to take the plunge and opt for the £29.95 a month course. Its cheaper than a seminar!! By the way if you have questions just lift the phone to the order line and ask them. I did and they told me the course is 12 parts, ie 1 year at £29.95 a month. I've had the first one which is a bit gung ho and just whets your appetite but if he does what it says on the tin I'll be happy enough. I am one of the 1% who will act on this if it is all that it seems. Its all about selling CDs videos, tapes, and info booklets, high quality products which cost very little to reproduce and about acquiring the rights to sell them. Will keep you posted month by month. But I agree why not sell the whole damn thing for £360? If you have the time and the motivation you want to get going ASAP not in 12 months!
Last edited:
Just joined, so not completely sure how this system works!

I am very interested in ANY comments regarding TIM LOWE - MARKITEER LTD, By reading through the messages posted I have just found out that someone called ANDREW REYNOLDS - MANHATTEN ? apparently ran the business originally.

Would be VERY interested to hear members comments, as I have been thinking of attending the course on 7th May (at a yet to be disclosed location near one of the London Airports!

The cost of the couse is £4999 + vat - but I see from some of the letters posted this course was offered on a monthly basis.

This course has the "refund" option, up to lunchtime, and offers, to those who stay on, a dvd player! and dvd's, licences, contacts, web page, accounts type software etc.

PLEASE could anyone tell me if they know or feel that this is just another scam, or is there anyone out there who has either attended one of these courses, OR actually made it!!

Many thanks

Further to my post #29

Should you so wish, please feel free to email your questions to me direct via
[email protected]

jacqui1304 said:
Just joined, so not completely sure how this system works!

I am very interested in ANY comments regarding TIM LOWE - MARKITEER LTD, By reading through the messages posted I have just found out that someone called ANDREW REYNOLDS - MANHATTEN ? apparently ran the business originally.

Would be VERY interested to hear members comments, as I have been thinking of attending the course on 7th May (at a yet to be disclosed location near one of the London Airports!

The cost of the couse is £4999 + vat - but I see from some of the letters posted this course was offered on a monthly basis.

This course has the "refund" option, up to lunchtime, and offers, to those who stay on, a dvd player! and dvd's, licences, contacts, web page, accounts type software etc.

PLEASE could anyone tell me if they know or feel that this is just another scam, or is there anyone out there who has either attended one of these courses, OR actually made it!!

Many thanks
I dont know what the seminar teaches as I havent got £5K to gamble on it. However It is not unreasonable to assume you will be learning the nuts and bolts of the same business as the 12 month mail order course teaches. Whats the bottom line? If you spend 5 grand and for whatever reason dont act or act and then give up, youre 5 grand down. If you spend 30 quid a month youve got a year to get it right or cancel your direct debit. Maximum loss is £360 + whatever set up cost are involved in the business. I know which figures I prefer!
jacqui1304 said:
PLEASE could anyone tell me if they know or feel that this is just another scam, or is there anyone out there who has either attended one of these courses, OR actually made it!!


You won't hear any of the real valuable information before 12pm but the organisers will give you a full refund at 12pm if you do not want to stay.

As far as I know, the ideas that Messers Lowe and Reynolds sell do work and work very well but it is not as easy as they make out in the sales patter. You can't just go out, buy the £7 CD/DVD set and sell it for £49 then buy another, sell etc. You have to research to make sure the product sells, then go out and buy the reproduction rights and then have many copies made up. Also, you have to ensure that there are no competitors. I have seen examples of this type of work in the press, 2 ads, side by side, selling the same Bill Myers DVD for £57.

The idea works but you will probably have to throw a lot of money at it (advertisements in the national press are £1000+) so unless you are cash rich or brave enough to borrow heavily then think twice.

Or, then again, pay, listen to the morning session, stay if you like it, run away with your refund cheque if you don't!
Re; Tim Lowe / Markiteer Ltd

Hi all,

Just a quick thank you to everyone who replied to my message regarding the £5000 seminar being held by Tim Lowe, Markiteer Ltd on 7th May.

I have quickly come to the conclusion that the money is far better off in my bank account, than in Markiteer's.

In all the 44 pages of blurb that is posted on the Markiteer's web link, Tim Lowe says that he works a couple of hours a day and runs his business from HOME, I phoned the tel no given in the blurb, sounds very much like an office setup!

Anyway thanks again. Happy trading to all.


further to my earlier message, type in " tim lowe dvd scam OR tim lowe dvd " in google and you will know what he does. even on ebay search for " tim lowe " and you will find more.

sanjeev gautam
Tim Lowe

mistainvesta said:
further to my earlier message, type in " tim lowe dvd scam OR tim lowe dvd " in google and you will know what he does. even on ebay search for " tim lowe " and you will find more.

sanjeev gautam


Well done mate. Its good to come forward with this sort of information.

My only concern is that the Tim Lowe of the adult products site is not the Tim Lowe of Markiteer. Are you certain of your research? I have not followed all your links though.


I attended a couple of Manhattan's seminars a couple of years ago, one with the famous Bill Myers in attendance. I managed to get a refund thank God on the basis that they were going to show me radically new on Internet trading. That something new was together with the usual internet marketing stuff which is cramming the pipelines.
Respect to Andrew Reynolds for giving me a full refund, at least on the Bill Myers seminar, without any real argument.
The guy, in my opinion, is not a con man but having said that I wouldn't buy his products. As someone said earlier in the thread he has a lot to offer on teaching standard, good old fashioned direct mail techniques which are proven to work.
My biggest problem is the products he sells. In my opinion most of the Internet marketeers are using MLM techniques with a new slant. Most, or all of the products he encourages you to sell are videos and courses on how to make money selling videos and courses on how to make money selling .... etc. Everyone is churning out the same old stuff and then making their own versions to license to others to churn out the same old stuff. Bill Myers was one of the first and Andrew made his money selling his stuff and then his proteges do the same.
I am amazed that at an exponential rate this market hasn't saturated by now, but it seems there are always newbies coming out to buy into it, and the Internet lets face it is a gigantic market.
In essence you make money telling others that you make money by telling others.
And, as someone else in this thread says it does actually work if you put in your time and you are prepared to put your name to a lot of old tat.

I don't know about his new DVD project but it sounds like another reworking of finding a product and negotiating a license. Nice if you can find a product but I guess it takes more than an hour or two a day at home. Unless that is we recycle the product in his good old fashioned way.

Is it just me or am I the only one who dares call this MLM ?

Anyone want to buy my course on how I've thrown away a small fortune on get rich quick schemes?

Iggy 🙁

No sweat Iggy. Feel your pain man. Been there, done that, lost the...

Dont get too neg though, "cos winners never quit and quitters never win"

Cheers Seguna,

just nice to know I'm not alone. My wisdom is growing, one day they'll be queueing up......

Yes, you can! Because you are expressing an opinion to people who want to hear it, in teh same way as you would share it around a table with a drink in your hand. If you posted your allegations on a dedicated website, you'd possibly get sued. Not so here. So post away!

oops, sorry: i was responding to a message that asked if it was possible to post here about scams he knew about...seems my response was displaced, so it probably doesn;t make much sense here. Sorry.
If you are unsure then always post the words "Allegedly" or "It is alleged that ...."

Cash on Demand

Peter said:
I got the same mailshot,
It concerns me that all he is doing is repeating the last opportunity that he offered last year, BUT has changed the advertising material to sound different.

He probably is selling exactly the same concept, BUT may have different products.

IF HE was genuiene, then I surpose he can do this every time he comes up with new products. I dont surpose theres a law against that. However Maybe some of his clients who paid for the idea he had last year may not be too pleased if too many are doing the same thing..

There was no further write up from the ASA that I am aware of. That was wrote along time ago in 2000.

I agree some of his latest concepts have NOT be made clear for the individual to make a decision as he only gives about 3 days to make up ones mind.

Two ways of looking at it, he does this because it is a better way to con certain TOP mail list type of potential customers who shown interest in his past products.

OR if hes in any way genuiene he MAY be doing a favour by strictly limiting his offer and being good enough to share it to a select few lucky people.. HOWEVER as you say he wants 4K for the idea.

IF the IDEAS genuiene, you do have to question how this compares to other BIZ ideas out there. MANY would cost you MUCH more than 4K.

I have studied much of the so called Mail order type biz ideas some years ago. The Concept no doubt if one has the right products is VERY good. You have little overheads and can work from home etc, NO staff required.

What MAY be a probelem is he may suggest selling some of the products at exceptionally high mark up prices. This then becomes a question of ones morallity.

Would you sell a product costing you £50 for £1000.

GREAT BUSINESS idea, BUT is it MORAL .. This is down to the individual, BUT I do KNOW MANY no doubt feel ripped of if they buy certain products for £200 or so , then later when they have become more wiser to the world realise OR believe they were conned.

I personnally however would think If he suggested selling his products at say £1000 and its costing you £50, then IF you sold it at say £150 to £200, ITS still a good return IF people are willing to pay for the products and they are in demand.

NO DOUBT his sales material does appeal to a high % of persons whos interested in BIZ ideas, OR he wouldnt have got where he is today. His Marketing does get MANY peoples interest. NO DOUBT.

Those wiser to the world MAY see right through it.

At the end of the day I dont think hes breaking any laws. Im sure he would havbe been arrested a long time ago. UNLESS thats why he moved to the USA and theres more to it.. HOWEVER hes kept his same company name.

TRUE conmen would have changed theres many times over.

As far as BIZ opportunitys goes, I think MAYBE hes one of the more honest ones IF you can call em that.

Hope this helps.

My thoughts are based on my experience and having been to one of his meetings.

I am NO WAY suggesting hes 100% genuiene.


I received a mailshot from Andrew today for Cash on demand and am surprised that to gain access to information on the system you need to provide bank details. Is there any update on this business venture
I signed up for Andrews cash on demand system,

So far ive received 3 or 4 manuels, BUT Ive been a bit busy to really study it in detail as yet.

I get the impression hes more or less going to sell you his seminar type idea s of obtaining CDs, DVDs, Videos etc with licences and showing you how best to sell them.

Only breaks things down at a more slower pace to try and explain in more detail.

He mentioned to me He was considering offering some cheaper start up products.

I Sincerely Hope that he can do this as one can hopefully then test the waters without paying 4 to 6 K Upfront with his usual seminar idea.

He May however have just decided to go about selling his origional idea in a slower new formatt IF for eg his seminar ideas may have been oversold .

I Know Two of his students continue selling seminars.

I WOULD consider going ahead with one of these IF I can find two extra people to share costs.

Id consider say splitting a £6000 seminar idea between 4 of us.. I dont really want to have to pay over £2000 to try one of these ideas.

Other than what Ive said, the cash on demand system is a bit SLOW as it may take 6 to 12 months before you get the info you need.

At least with the seminar idea you can start straight away.

I believe theres another one with Tim Lowe this weekend.

I was considering it with another t2w member, BUT I wanted 1 to 2 others to help share costs IF it would have been possible to arrange.

Its a bit late NOW !

cheers Pete

Paul Gillen said:
I received a mailshot from Andrew today for Cash on demand and am surprised that to gain access to information on the system you need to provide bank details. Is there any update on this business venture
Not very likely

mistainvesta said:
hiya all,

tim lowe claims he is not into adult dvd/videos. please check the link below, i might be mistaken but just to let every one know about what is going on...! if this is the case anyone can do it why pay over £ 5000 !

sanjeev gautam

If anyone has seen the pictures of himself that Tim Lowe likes to put about, they would probably agree that he would be a very unlikely porn star!