Anyone received this? (property searches)

revidgeblue said:
Greetings, I am a totally new member to the Board, logged on because recently I received the latest in a long line of mailings from Manhattan Direct/Andrew Reynolds which now seems to be more under the name of Tim Lowe/Markiteer Ltd

I too only registered today as I cam across this stie whilst doing some searches on Google for 'Markiteer'. I bought some videos back last year, and subsequently returned them, getting my money back. I am now getting mailings everyweek as a result of giving Tim Lowe/Markiteer/Manhattan Direct my name and address. Despite their 'we will never share your details with anyone else' I know all the mail I get is as a result of them passing on my details because of the mis-spelling of my name! If its not Manhattan Direct (Andrew Reynolds), its, A Downes/AD Associates, and scores of others.
The lastest from Tim Lowe/Markiteer extols the pot of gold on offer by joining him in a DVD./Video enterprise. His proof of earnings from this venture are presented with a 'guarantee'. Only thing is that if you have been getting mail long enough you notice that the figures quoted are what he quotes everytime (in some cases down to the exact penny) for every latest product/business or whatever!
If you go to you will find their names under all sorts of monthly reports - either 'investigation' 'feedback requested' or 'feedback received' . Manhattan Direct also gets a mention on the Advertising Standards Authority website.
Be warned!
Peter Newey

NEILM16 said:
Recieved an interesting piece of post today .First i thought its Vince Stanzione offering me something amazing!again!But no to my surprise it was from a guy called Peter Newey offering me to part with £3500 to go to a seminar in london heathrow to find out how i could earn £500 per week plus by carrying out local property searches ?Apparently at £100 a go!!Anyone had this too?Anyone know anything from a solicitor background to know if an individual can do local searches on behalf of others?Im certainly not paying £3500 to find out how to do it even if u can!!
Funningly enough he offers a full refund if by 12 midday on the date of the course im not convinced i can make money?Sound like anyone else we know?

I work for a major house builder and deal with solicitors and property matters daily. A few of the solicitors I deal with do personal searches on behalf of clients conveyancing. This means they farm out the local search to an individual who personally attends the relevant local authority offices where he/she pays £10 to inspect relevant records. Having carried out the search a report is then passed in writtten form back to the solicitor. The charge for this is usually kept to a few pounds under the local authority charge with the benefit of a speedier report. There is a lot of money to be made. However, you would need instructions from a few solicitors each week to enable a decent income. If you could find say half a dozen solicitors to pass search instructions to you numbering say an average 2 each per week, then you would probably make around £1200 PER WEEK ! Could be done in principle but in practice ...... well......I am not so sure.
I will show you how to pick £50 notes off the ground.

Will you pay me to attend a seminar?
Racer said:
I will show you how to pick £50 notes off the ground.

Will you pay me to attend a seminar?

I happen to be a local authority search agent.

The deal is straightforward. Anyone has a right to inspect a council’s public registers (planning, land charges, highways, etc). The fixed charge for this personal search is £11. It takes about an hour, often less because most councils do the work for you as they don’t want you upsetting their routines and filing systems.

When a solicitor requests a postal search the councils have a set fee of between £80 and £240 depending on the area. The time taken varies from council to council but generally takes 2 to 3 weeks.

Personal search agents provide a quicker and cheaper service than going direct to the council. The client saves money, the solicitor’s services are more competitive and the search agent makes a good hourly rate. Expenses are negligible and the work is pleasant and well paid.

Like any business you have to get clients but nowadays solicitors are very marketing/cost conscious so will listen to ways of improving their profitability. Even a small 1 or 2 man band practice will do 5 or 6 searches a week – so even one client is the basis of a viable business.

Mr Newey’s £3,500 price tag seems reasonable given that there are franchises in this area being sold at in excess of £10,000.

I am in the process of expanding my business by teaching people in other areas to become search agents. I haven’t quite finalised things yet but if anyone is interested and wants some more details e-mail me at [email protected]
Tim Lowe

undefined I received a mailshot from this guy too. I did a seach against a directors database and it seems his accounts up to 2001 showed a turnover of £167,000 Not exacly been doing this for long!, so why is he so enthusiastic about "training" everybody in the kingdom about it? Because his fat lifestyle is really funded by the money of those gullible enough to attend the seminars, the same as Manhattan Direct. It's funny that the proof of earnings is held back until the seminar. What are they hiding?
Isn't it time we rid the country of these scamsters? VS and all?

fastlady said:
I too only registered today as I cam across this stie whilst doing some searches on Google for 'Markiteer'. I bought some videos back last year, and subsequently returned them, getting my money back. I am now getting mailings everyweek as a result of giving Tim Lowe/Markiteer/Manhattan Direct my name and address. Despite their 'we will never share your details with anyone else' I know all the mail I get is as a result of them passing on my details because of the mis-spelling of my name! If its not Manhattan Direct (Andrew Reynolds), its, A Downes/AD Associates, and scores of others.
The lastest from Tim Lowe/Markiteer extols the pot of gold on offer by joining him in a DVD./Video enterprise. His proof of earnings from this venture are presented with a 'guarantee'. Only thing is that if you have been getting mail long enough you notice that the figures quoted are what he quotes everytime (in some cases down to the exact penny) for every latest product/business or whatever!
If you go to you will find their names under all sorts of monthly reports - either 'investigation' 'feedback requested' or 'feedback received' . Manhattan Direct also gets a mention on the Advertising Standards Authority website.
Be warned!
projects2004 said:
undefined I received a mailshot from this guy too. I did a seach against a directors database and it seems his accounts up to 2001 showed a turnover of £167,000 Not exacly been doing this for long!, so why is he so enthusiastic about "training" everybody in the kingdom about it? Because his fat lifestyle is really funded by the money of those gullible enough to attend the seminars, the same as Manhattan Direct. It's funny that the proof of earnings is held back until the seminar. What are they hiding?
Isn't it time we rid the country of these scamsters? VS and all?

He is also late in filing his 2002 accounts and the 2003 accounts are due at the end of September - so perhaps he doesn't want anyone to see them, either.
Anyone reeived an invitation to Andrew reynolds latest seminar ?

I got a mailshot two weeks ago, claiming it was an event for a few selected people on Streetwise mktgs list.

As I explained in a msg on this link I did attend one of his specials in the past but backed out due to uncertainty of not really getting enough information or time to consider it. At the mid day he did allow anyone to have a full refund if they decided it wasnt for them or if they were unsure.

At least one thing hes still around and hasnt disappeared altogether. So i surpose hes not a total conman.

Im not sure just how many of these seminars he has held in the last 2 years, but he claims only a few. I also managed to discuss with someone who did claim he only offered his ideas / products to so many of his clients at a time, and would NOT sell the same products / idea to others. IF he came along for another seminar it would be with NEW products.

I am wondering if I made a mistake not taking up his offer. Im also wondering if this is a 2nd chance.

Anyone else had similar experience or thoughts ?

This is from an associate of Andrew reynolds.

I actually met this guy at one of ARs seminars.

seems he stuck at it...

Id be interested if I can find 2 or 3 others interested in sharing.


Direct From Tim Lowe

“If you like watching DVD’s AND VIDEOS you’ll love this NEW business"

I Averaged £41,000+ PER MONTH in 2003

Last Year That grew to £69,000+ PER MONTH

FRANKLY THIS COMING YEAR IS GOING TO EXPLODE - I FULLY EXPECT TO EXCEED £100,000 PER MONTH (By working with a couple of other people on a Joint Venture basis...)

Here's how it works...I watch DVD/Videos I get off the Net … place some cheap little classified ads in magazines … and then pop copies of those DVD/Videos in the post a few days later… IT’S DEAD EASY!

Takes just 1-2 hours a day … NO customers to meet … NO staff … NO office … NO experience … NO stock … NO taking calls …

Last year I met up with and taught my whole business to a few individuals throughout the UK. Now I have the time to work with just a few more people...So if you’d genuinely like to…

…copy my £10,000+ PER WEEK business doing this out of your own local area...and work with me on some joint projects...let’s meet up in a couple of weeks…

I’ll show you the PROOF … the BANK STATEMENTS … and I’ll teach you how I do this … hand you 57 different DVD licenses to get you started … and…


(model may vary from that shown)


Well here we go. Unplug the phone … turn the TV off … and find a quiet room.

In fact, go lock yourself in your car if necessary … just find somewhere you won’t be disturbed for the next 15 minutes!

Because what you are about to read is not just one of the most fascinating ways of making money you’ll ever come across … it could provide you with an incredible relaxed lifestyle. Just wait until you read this!!!

Its a new and very exciting way to make £10,000 or more PER WEEK from DVD’s and Videos…

All you need is access to a post office … 1-2 hours spare a day between Monday to Friday … a TV … and access to the internet to get the DVD’s or Videos...

I do this myself from my home in Surrey and after just a couple of years, its already bringing in well over £800,000 POUNDS A YEAR! In fact I am certain that it will be more than £1.2 Million Pounds this year.

And I still work from home, and for maybe just a quarter of the time most people slog away each week to scrape a "living".

Oh, yeah, and by the way, just in case you’re wondering what’s on those DVD’s and Video’s, DON’T WORRY!

Its got NOTHING to do with the adult industry … or illegally copying BLOCKBUSTER FILMS!

Neither has it got ANYTHING to do with renting out DVD’s/videos … or buying them at wholesale and selling them on … in fact, I doubt you’ve ever heard of this before. I know I hadn’t myself until a couple of years ago when…

I made a discovery that literally changed the way I looked at them … and it changed my life completely…

Basically I now sit at home doing what I love and get paid a huge amount of money for doing it. Just take a look at some of my daily deposits for this time last year (I'm expecting the next 3 or 4 months to be even better this year):

AVERAGE: £10,254.31 PER WEEK

And that’s just about the minimum that I’ve averaged EVERY WEEK for the past 2 years! Actually the total for my little one-person DVD/Video business in 2003 alone was £524,428.31 and 2004 was even better, (the accountants haven't finished counting yet but I’ll show you the bank statements when we meet - its certainly going to be at least £835,000.00).

Which isn’t bad is it for dishing out a few DVD/Videos?

It can give you a completely new life...

In fact, not only could you earn an absolute fortune without even ‘working’ for it, it can give you a fantastic lifestyle.

You won’t have to get up early any more … you won’t have to answer to anyone … you’ll no longer have any financial frustrations in your life.

What I’m doing right now is a perfect example of that lifestyle. Having had some winter sun at a luxury Spa I toddled off in search of a bit of activity...At the moment I’m writing to you aboard a beautiful yacht (I love sailing and the freedom of the open sea).

Its 10:30am … I’ve already made over £3,000 today … the sun is shining … the sea is calm … it's just a serenely beautiful day...

And to top it all, I’m listening to the gently lapping waves and the seagulls and have just enjoyed a hearty breakfast and a mug of tea brewed by the galley slave (don’t tell my wife I called her that!) Somehow food always tastes better on the water!

In contrast, do you know what most people are doing right now?

They’re stuck in offices, factories, shops, in meetings or on the road. Not because they want to of course, but because they’ve got bills to pay … mortgages to pay … families to look after … loans to repay … they have no freedom at all really.

Is that what you want to do for the rest of your life too?

Stuck for 8 hours working all your life for someone else in a job you don’t even particularly like just to keep your head above water?

I’ve done all that myself and had a gut full of it to be honest. Its just no way to live the rest of your life is it? So before I tell you why I’d like to teach you how to copy my £10,000 or more a week business in your own local area with the DVDs and Videos (which I’ll tell you about in a second) just think…

What you’d really rather be doing right now…

What would you honestly do if you had all the free time you wanted? And enough money to enjoy it. What would your choice of lifestyle be?

You might not want to relax on a yacht like me … but it’s a sure bet you probably wouldn’t want to do what you currently do for a living. Especially if you could bring in between £40,000 and £69,000 a month working just 1-2 hours a day.

So sure, maybe your ideal day wouldn’t be to spend it relaxing in a luxury Spa or aboard a yacht munching away on a hearty seaman’s breakfast. Maybe you’d prefer to play golf … or spend time relaxing in the garden … or jet off to the sun every few weeks … or go shopping.

I don’t know what your ‘thing’ would be, but when you have no boss … no job … no financial ties … your life is going to become a hell of a lot more care-free, I know that much.

Which is why I consider the DVD/Video ‘business’ I’m now about to talk to you about, virtually idyllic. And I say ‘virtually’ because there is ONE TINY DRAWBACK. If you are one of those rare people who actually likes face-to-face contact, dealing with people personally, or working with other employees rather than from your home, then what I am about to say, is probably NOT for you.

However, if you’d prefer to make your living privately and quietly like I do, then you’re going to find what now follows one of the most thrilling reads of your life.

So what did I discover about DVDs and Videos which is enabling me to bank more than £800,000 POUNDS a year out of my home in Surrey?

Well I’ll tell you in detail in a second but before I do let me just give you 3 little clues which I want you to think about:

Clue 1:- We are a nation of TV watchers…

Clue 2:- The DVD/Video business is absolutely COLOSSAL. Far, far bigger than you probably even realise. For instance, an average of 380,000 DVD’s alone were sold EVERY SINGLE DAY in 2003 … and the trend is getting bigger … DOUBLING in 2004 in certain categories

Clue 3:- There’s a reason why individuals are ‘hooked’ on DVD’s & Videos … and it's this ‘reason’ which has opened up a unique way for a single person ‘working’ from home to tap into the huge amount of money which changes hands daily in the DVD/Video business…

Any ideas yet? Do you know what that ‘reason’ is? No?

Well I’m coming to it in a second. But what I will tell you now is that the best bit about all of this is that…

It’s so damn easy I could show my old Mum how to do this in a day … well I could, if only she’d stop gardening that is...

You’ll see that for yourself in a moment…

I’m going to tell you EXACTLY what this is … what’s on those DVD’s and Videos … where you get them from … who you’ll be sending them to … and why the hell someone who’s making £69,000 A MONTH is even writing to you about them.

But first I think I should tell you how I found out about this DVD/Video ‘business’.

So lets get cracking…

Find somewhere you won’t be disturbed … get yourself comfortable … put your feet up … and let me now introduce you to something you are going to love (well unless you hate DVD’s and Videos that is).

One minute I was working in the fire & security business next I was part of the MULTI-BILLION DVD/Video business…

I first got into this a couple of years ago … or I should say I first found out about it. I was running my own Fire Alarm business … NOTHING to do with what I do now by the way.

Now though being my own boss was okay, it wasn’t actually much better than working for someone else. I’d been running it for about 2 years and to be quite frank I had just about had enough of it.

But you know what it's like, because of things like the mortgage … bills … and just general living costs … I never had the time to stand back and get myself out of it. Even though I was tired of the whole damn thing. Don’t you just feel like you’re kind of stuck sometimes?

It was a frustrating position for me to be in because I’d originally started my fire alarm business in the belief that working for myself was going to give me freedom.

But the reality was not like the dream…

I had large overheads … I had to employ technical staff … I seemed to wait forever to get paid for every job I did … I carried loads of stock … but worst of all, I found myself on call 24 hours a day … 7 days a week!

It was leaving me feeling and looking completely knackered most days. In fact, I was burnt out (doesn’t sound like a good advert for someone in the fire alarm business does it) … and I wasn’t even 40 years old yet!!

Still I suppose in some ways I should be thankful because it was through this work that I stumbled across the opportunity I’d like to now talk to you about.

A friend of mine I’d met through my Fire Alarm business had been invited to a small private get together of entrepreneurs who were looking for ways of producing between £100,000 to £1,000,000 A YEAR from home.

A unique private meeting hosted by a gentleman who had actually became a Multi-Millionaire in just 3 years doing what he would teach them how to do.

My friend however couldn’t make that meeting, so though I don’t usually go to these type of things myself, I went along in his place to see what this was all about.

Now I won’t bore you with all the details, but … and I know this sounds corny for which I’ll apologise beforehand … it was this ‘meeting’ which genuinely has changed my life overnight.

Here was a guy who didn’t just have the things I wanted in life … the MONEY (he was banking millions each year) … LUXURY CARS … SEVERAL HOMES … and all the trappings of success … but he had the one thing I really envied above all…

The freedom and time to really enjoy life…

Of course all this kind of intrigued me, but what really got my attention was when he mentioned to me that he was thinking of retiring. And it got my attention because he couldn’t have been much older than me. Probably around about 40 at the time I guess.

And its what he told me … or what he showed me to be exact … which has changed my own life totally. Something which made me close down my fire alarm business within 2 months.

As far as I could tell it appeared…

He only worked about 1 hour a day … 2 or 3 times a week…
Work which involved using the internet to locate certain DVD’s and Videos…
He then watched a selection of the DVD’s/Videos he found on the Net…
Advertised them using really cheap little methods…
And then sent copies of the DVDs or Videos through the post a few days later and banked the profits…
That appeared to be it … job done! And he told me there were 1,000’s of these type of DVD’s/Videos available and that he made most of his money from just 3 or 4 of them a year.

It also appeared, from what I could gather at the time, that he was making around 1,000% PROFIT on each DVD/Video. Which by my reckoning, from what he showed me, meant he had to be banking at least £1,000,000 a year!

As you can imagine, I remember driving home that day really excited. My stomach was doing cartwheels … and it’s a big stomach I can tell you, so it takes a lot to get that cartwheeling around ;-)

I’ve got to admit I felt like a kid, I could hardly contain myself. I went straight to my old computer when I got home and connected to the Net … which is about all I can do on a computer.

And as a direct result of what I found, I closed down my own business within weeks…

Wasn’t that a bit rash?

Not really! For a start, though this guy obviously had money, I didn’t just take his word for it. I first had it all checked out myself independently.

And as it happens I found out that my reckoning was a bit off anyway. This guy had actually made far more than £1,000,000 a year.

Besides, I carried out a little test of my own and was gobsmacked because to my great delight IT WORKED!

I BANKED £7,546 IN MY FIRST MONTH with just this one little test … WITHOUT any hassle … and WITHOUT even breaking into a sweat! It was such a difference from my fire alarm business.

And as they say the rest is history. Anyhow the upshot of it all was that I closed down my fire alarm business and went into this DVD/Video business ‘full time’. If you can call about 6-10 hours a week ‘full time’ that is.

As a result within 6 months of doing that I was averaging £15,000 A MONTH … within a year over £25,000 A MONTH!

Its literally taken me from working around the clock, having no free time and only earning enough to cover all my outgoings … to only working 1-2 hours a day, with all the freedom and time I want, and bringing in well over £800,000 POUNDS A YEAR from a spare room in the back of my house.

In fact, my lifestyle couldn’t be more different...

For a start, for the first time in my life I have money to spend on myself, family and friends … and I can do it without even batting an eyelid at the cost.

Now I’m going to quickly show you a few examples of that, NOT to impress you but just to show you that this is not fantasy.

My luxury house … my care-free lifestyle and the £69,000 a Month I bank is real … not some figment of my imagination.

In fact, when we meet, I’ll even bring along my actual bank statements so you can see this for yourself.

So here goes … and I promise I’ll be quick. Firstly, as far as the money goes, its really allowed me to do things I just would not have previously been able to do. For example…

Last year I bought my wife a brand new £23,000 car which even has a built in DVD Player!

And yes, I paid for it in cash ... NO car loan … NO finance!

I just walked in the car showroom, pointed to the 7-seater I knew my wife had always wanted, gave it a test drive and paid there and then. You should have seen the look on the young salesman’s face.

As for me, in the last 12 months my income has grown so much that I decided to treat myself to the two cars that I have always wanted - so I’ve just taken delivery of a brand new top of the range £75,000 Supercharged Jaguar. It has everything, satellite navigation … multiple CD player … and of course two DVD players! I am also lucky enough to have on order a brand new Bentley Continental GT Convertible, it won't be delivered until 2006 as it's not even been launched to the public yet but literally this week I was invited to visit the factory and have a VIP preview and factory tour.

I am not telling you this to brag but to try and explain how far selling a few DVDS and videos has taken me. Even 2 years ago I could not really have imagined that I would be able to afford these sorts of cars and to be honest this time last year I never dreamed that things would be so good just 12 months later that I would be sitting in the Visitor's dining room at Bentley having a VIP lunch with the sort of celebrities and business leaders that you normally only see at "red carpet events" on the TV!

Talking about cars, that reminds me. I’ve also now had a new garage and barn style study … with a nice big patio area in front where I can work outside in the sunshine … built for me next to my house at a cost of approx £45,000!

I’ve even had a professional landscaping architect in to design the area around the building which includes a nice big Spa Jacuzzi.

And once again all of these things I’ve paid for IN CASH!

Anyway as I said, I’m not going to spend ages telling you everything because quite honestly it’ll probably bore you silly. But these are just some small examples of the kind of things I can do ONLY because of the cash profits in this DVD/Video business.

It would probably be more interesting to you anyhow if you thought about what you’d be doing now if you were taking £1/2 Million or more a year.

Move to a nice detached 5 or 6 bedroom place in the country? Buy a villa in the sun? Buy a couple of luxury cars?

The point is, when you’ve got this kind of money, your life changes pretty quickly. However, maybe the best part of it all is not the money, but the amount of FREE TIME you can enjoy. For example…

How would you like to spend 4 months of the year on holiday?

You’ll find it such a liberating feeling not being tied to a job or business.

Remember, just a couple of years ago I was literally on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and had no time for myself or my family.

The exact opposite is now true today.

For example, the year before last, while most people were stuck at work I had the time to go on two wonderful holidays to Disneyland staying in the best most luxurious suite in the best Disney hotels.

Last year I had holidays and weekends away practically every few weeks, I stayed in castles, romantic cottages and stately homes, Presidential suites in 5 star hotels and even log cabins in Lapland.

In fact December seemed like non stop holidays I was lucky enough to spend Christmas in Lapland for the second time - What an incredible place...and an incredible experience.

I stayed in a luxury first class log cabin with its own massive log fire and relaxing sauna.

A cabin set in the midst of unspoilt scenery in the Arctic wilderness.

The peace and silence of the Lappish fells … the mystical blue
light of ‘Kaamos’...the incredible Northern Lights … driving
a Snowmobile...Husky Dog Sleigh...and Reindeer Sleigh
through this sparkling winter wonderland. It’s just an
extraordinary experience.

In fact, this is just one of those amazing places you must go to
at least once in your lifetime.

After Lapland we spent a few days at home, enjoyed a sumptuous Christmas, went to the pantomime and then jetted off to an exclusive Spa resort in the sunshine, this place was incredible (it was voted the best Spa in the world in 2003).

Incredible turquoise blue seas … endless blue skies … sugar powder-soft beaches … and breathtaking scenery.

We just relaxed and soaked in the sun from a private beach side villa perched alongside a stunning, deserted beach and sat in it's own tropical gardens.

The villa’s expansive bedroom even had a double Jacuzzi in the marble bathroom and outdoor dining table for a touch of romance. As for the spa treatments, well you just have to experience being pampered for day after day to truly appreciate how healthy you feel afterwards!

Problem is at over £1,000 a day its out of reach for most people … certainly it’s something I could have never afforded to do before, or would have had the time to do.

And it's this time which will enable you to also finally do the things you’ve always wanted…

You see besides all the luxuries you can now afford and the time to go to the parts of the world you’ve always wanted, another great thing I love about the amount of free time this business gives you is that finally you’ll be able to do the things you’ve probably always wanted to do.

You know, learn to play the piano … learn a new language … learn to sail etc. Whatever it may be.

One thing, for instance, I’m now doing which I’d always wanted but would never have had the money or time to do before … is learning to fly.

As I said, I don’t want you to think I’m saying, “hey look at me .. look at how great I am and my life is…” … because I’m absolutely not!

I mean come on look at me. I’m a normal guy … average intelligence … not much hair on my head … and a bit, shall we say, rounded in the midriff area.

All I’m trying to basically say is, “look if I can do this you can … here’s the type of money you can make … here’s the kind of care-free lifestyle you can enjoy”. Okay?

So what exactly do I do which brings me an average of £69,000 a month and gives me this wonderful lifestyle?

Well, as I said though this is concerned with DVDs and Videos it has NOTHING to do with renting them out … or buying them at wholesale and selling them on.

Its got NOTHING to do with the entertainment business or obtaining the latest BLOCKBUSTER FILMS be they legal or pirate copies.

Or anything to do with adult entertainment in any way, shape or form.

And though I make use of the Internet to get hold of these DVD/Videos, it has NOTHING to do with an INTERNET BUSINESS … AFFILIATE PROGRAMS … or ONLINE AUCTIONS such as ebay etc.

Yet the type of DVD/Videos I get off the internet mean that I can sell them on at HUGE PROFITS through some simple classified ads … and that in turn has meant that virtually…

Every morning for the last 2 years I’ve been waking up to an average of more than £10,000 EVERY WEEK in the post …

You see what I was shown by the guy who first introduced me to this was how to make a lot of money NOT FROM THE MOVIES but from…


VIDEO tapes in a box I can get copied for around £1.37 per video … and which sell to special interest groups at between £49 to £697 per set…

DVD’s in a box I can get copied for around £1.89 per DVD … and which also sell to special interest groups at between £49 to £697 per set…

For example…

3-Tape Video Box Set

1) I found a 3-tape Video Box Set on the Internet which I got copied and professionally boxed-up for £7 per set…

2) This video set sold for £55 per set…

3) I sold over 2,000 of these in just 6 weeks – all starting from one simple cheap little classified ad and a web page I never even created.

Bringing me in
£110,000 in 6 weeks
Of course, that’s not all profit – but you get the idea

6-Tape Video Set

1) I found a 6-tape Video Set on the Internet which I got copied and professionally boxed-up for £32 per set…

2) This special interest video set sold for £697 per set…

3) I sold 35 of these in just 2 weeks also as a result of one cheap little classified ad and a web page I never even created.

£23,275 in 2 weeks!


The figures are not yet finalised – but when I added a few extra Videos/Dvd’s to the same package above – in less than 3 weeks I have just sold over 134 sets

Bringing me in a further
£93,398 in 3 weeks!

In fact, from the thousands of possible Box Sets you can find on the Internet, I only need to offer 3 or 4 a year to make well over £1/2 MILLION POUNDS A YEAR!

But maybe best of all…

It’s dead easy to do…for example…

You get these special interest DVD/Videos off the Internet … you don’t develop them … create them … put them together …
You then place a really cheap little classified ad in a magazine/newspaper … something you can do in seconds by email or fax…
Individuals read that ad then go to a particular web site … so they don’t contact you … you have no direct involvement. And neither do you create the web site they go to…
As a result money starts arriving in the post, and/or via email if you want, virtually every morning…
All you need to do is get the DVDs or Videos copied, pop them into a jiffy bag and post it to whoever ordered it…
THAT’S IT! You DON’T deal with anyone … speak to anyone on the phone … there are NO CUSTOMERS to meet … all you do is keep repeating the same ridiculously simple process week after week.
That’s exactly how I got my business started and I still do this to this day … get some boxed sets off the internet … advertise them in magazines/newspapers … and pop copies of them in the post to whoever orders them. Simple, yet from this simple beginning look at some typical months: -

Okay Tim, this is all very exciting but why are you willing to teach this to me?

Well I’m not going to insult your intelligence by saying something along the lines of, “I’ve made all my money and so now out of the goodness of my heart I want to help you do the same…”.

Don’t you just cringe when you read this kind of thing? I mean, come on, we both know that’s just a line … and I’m certainly not going to waste my time or yours with such rubbish. So cards on the table…

The truth is I’m writing to you about this because I’ve tied up a unique licensing deal to several BRAND NEW DVD BOX SETS which I can get copied for around £1.89 per DVD and sell for between £49.95-£697 per set.

The only problem is I have all the work I can possibly handle on my own until the end of 2005 and just don’t have the time to advertise them … especially as right at the moment I’m having some of my existing products converted from video to DVD – so that I can run new ads.

When I advertise these, that alone should bring me in between £400,000 to £550,000 over the next 12 months.

So quite literally the new DVD Sets I’ve just obtained the licences to are piled up in a corner of my room staring me in the face...

And yes, I know I could take on staff to help me over the next year or two but that would mean renting an office.

Its almost precisely the same situation which happened to me with my Fire Alarm Business … and I DON’T ever want to get into that situation again. I DON’T want to be tied to my business … I DON’T want staff … I DON’T want to sort out their wages, national insurance and tax etc …. AARGHHH!!!

And I DEFINITELY do NOT want to cancel my planned trips this year to Cyprus, Madeira and the Caribbean (amongst others) … or to start reducing the 4 months of the year I now enjoy on holiday. Neither do I want to put a halt on my flying lessons and sailing days.

Because believe me, when you start employing people and setting up big corporate offices, you just can’t have that kind of freedom anymore … I know I’ve been there before.

It would be the same if you worked for yourself at home, and then someone offered you a chance to go back to the factory, or office or to work for someone else for some extra money. I can tell you, you’d hate the thought. Once you’ve tasted real freedom, its difficult to ever go back whether you could make extra money or not.

I feel the same now. And there’s NO WAY I’m going to start working more than a couple of hours a day anymore either. Why should I?

I’m extremely happy with my little one-person
£800,000+ a year DVD/Video business.

Its enough to provide me with a lovely relaxed care-free lifestyle … and one which should see me retire in a couple of years anyway at the age of just 42. Which I suppose begs the question…

Why did I take on these NEW DVD Box Sets?

Well firstly, after I was sent some samples and watched them at home, I thought they were so good I wanted to secure the licence to them before anyone else.

But the main reason is that I’ve recently been thinking of a way in which I can increase my own profits but without actually taking on any more work myself.

And I’ve been thinking of that because now I’m in the ‘DVD/Video trade’ so to speak, I’m always being offered Special Interest DVD/Video Box Set ‘deals’ which in the most part I have to keep turning down because I’ve got enough work as it is.

That’s why I’m writing to you...

You see, I have the DVD/Video contacts … access to suppliers of special interest DVD/Video Box Sets which are generally only known about by those in the trade … and I have the knowledge of how to turn these DVD licensed products into £20,000- £50,000 per month incomes through a combination of some cheap classified ads and a Web page.

What I DON’T have is the time … and that, at least I’m hoping, is what you have…

But if you DO have that time, then I’d be willing to meet you and personally hand you…

These 5 Brand New Professional DVD Box Sets which contain unique products with an estimated combined value of at least £162,000 … that’s the amount it would probably cost to develop, film and produce these 5 Box Sets yourself…

5 UK LICENCES which would cost you over £30,000 to secure and which give you the authority to profit from these exclusive DVD Box Sets…

57 individual DIGITAL DVD’s which make up the 5 Box Sets and which have been professionally developed, filmed and are all ready housed in FULL COLOUR pristine packaging and housed in high quality protective cases…

A HUGE MULTI-LICENSED PACK which I estimate I'd bank between £300,000 to £750,000 (about the same I should make with the current DVDs/Videos I’m working on) over the next 12 months if I had the time to do these myself …

A copy of my DVD & Video Home Business Tracker Software I use to run my own DVD/Video business … software you could spend £10,000 to develop yourself at the very least…

A FREE SLIMLINE DVD PLAYER … feature 3D Virtual Surround Sound, Dolby Digital, Multiple Angle selection, plus instant freeze and zoom…
And with those tools in your hands … that’s the 5 DVD Box Sets … 57 DVD’s … DVD Tracker Software and the DVD Player:-

I’ll PERSONALLY TRAIN you for 8 hours in a small PRIVATE room … behind closed doors I will literally be showing you how you can lead a fabulous care-free lifestyle with your own DVD & Video Box Set Business ‘working’ just 1-2 hours a day, 3 or 4 days a week…

I’ll PERSONALLY TEACH you how to copy my £20,000-£50,000 PER MONTH business using the 5 DVD Special Interest Box Sets which I'll sign over to you on the day…

I’ll hand you ALL MY PERSONAL RESOURCES … including my personal duplicator who will duplicate anything from 1 to thousands of Videos or DVD’s cheaply … the people I use to get the DVD/Video cases really cheaply

I’ll PERSONALLY SHOW you how to get your Own Merchant Credit Card Facilities - you need your own credit card facilities to succeed in any business today, but without an excellent track record it can be difficult to get them from the banks. I can show you how you can have your own credit card facilities within days.

I'll PERSONALLY SUPPLY you with the names and numbers of people in the UK who can help you. This information is absolutely invaluable … and if you're not in the know, extremely difficult to get a hold of.

I’ll PERSONALLY TEACH you where I would ADVERTISE these DVD Box Sets and other sets … I’ll teach you HOW TO PLACE SMALL ADS in magazines/papers … I’ll tell you WHAT I WOULD PUT IN THOSE ADS and what I would put in any future DVD/Video Box Sets you want to advertise … I’ll even tell you the CONVERSION RATES I get …

I’ll PERSONALLY TEACH you how and where to get Special Interest DVD/Video Box Sets off the Internet … and teach you how to secure the exclusive licence to those Box Sets…

I’ll even provide you with MY PRIVATE ONE-TO-ONE DVD & VIDEO BUSINESS SUPPORT for a FULL 12 MONTHS giving you direct access to me … which also includes my private email address…
In essence, I’ll take you by the hand … supply you with the DVD’s and tools to start you off and train you to run your own Special Interest DVD/Video Box Set Business out of your own local area...

So if I’m willing to give you all this, what’s in it for me?

Well I’ve come up with a way to profit myself which doesn’t involve much more of my time so I can pass these … and future … DVD and Video Box Set licences on to you.

I’ll tell you how this will work in a second and how you can make sure you’re one of the trainees I’m looking for. But first lets just take a very quick look at the 5 Brand New DVD Box Sets, the DVD & Video Home Business Tracker Software and the DVD Player I’d like to pass on to you when hopefully you and I meet in a couple of weeks.

5 Brand New DVD Boxed Sets … 57 individual DVD’s … with full UK Licences...

Now one thing I should say is that I am currently bound by a non-disclosure agreement by the copyright holders of these DVD’s … i.e. the production company that created, filmed and produced them in other words.

So I can’t actually reveal what their precise contents are in this letter. Though of course when we meet I’ll be bringing the masters with me so you can take a look at them … we’ll even watch some samples of them on TV.

So I think probably the best thing I can do now is just briefly list these DVD Boxed Sets with photos and we’ll take a look at the amount I have calculated they have the potential of making each month … this is based on results from myself and others in the trade with similar size/priced boxed sets.

I’ll also give you an idea how much these DVD Sets would have cost you to have developed yourself … in other words, the estimated amount it would cost you to create, film and produce these DVD Boxed Sets yourself.

Finally, as you read, do remember, I currently generate more than £800,000 POUNDS a year with very, very similar DVD/Video Box Sets myself (in fact, the ones below are actually better). Right, let’s get going…

FREE: DVD Box Set Licence No 1

This Box Set contains 5 Brand New DVD ‘How To’ Titles and like all the special interest sets I deal in, they are aimed at niche markets.

It's one of the reasons why they command such a high price … simply they are not available elsewhere.

Now to give you an idea as to the potential of this Box Set, the last time the creator of this particular set passed on a similar licence was to a friend of mine who also runs a similar business in his local area..

He sold 12,000 sets at over £50 a time and banked himself more than £600,000 from just one similar product.

As for the estimated Licence Development Value, well this I would set at £30,000 for this particular 5 part DVD Set

FREE: DVD Box Set Licence No 2

This Box Set contains 14 New DVDs which comprise of a complete Home Study Course though this set could also be split into 2 or 3 separate Box Sets.

The full set would command a selling price of around £397 but would cost less then £35 for the whole set to be duplicated and professionally presented in individual cases and master box.

Now to give you an idea as to the potential of this Box Set, I sell a similar box set myself and have sold 353 sets at £697 a time and banked myself £246,041.

As for the estimated Licence Development Value, well this I would set at £25,000 for this particular 14 part DVD Set.

FREE: DVD Box Set Licence No 3

This Box Set contains 12 New DVDs which also comprises a complete Home Study Course as with Licence 2 (though obviously aimed at different customers).

The full set would command a selling price of around £495 and would also cost less then £35 for the whole set to be duplicated and professionally presented in individual cases and master box.

Now to give you an idea as to the potential of this Box Set, this week I started selling a Video Box Set for over £800 and have already sold 60 sets … banking myself £49,080 this week alone.

As for the estimated Licence Development Value, well this I would set at £27,000 for this particular 12 part DVD Set.

FREE: DVD Box Set Licence No 4

This Box Set also contains 12 DVDs filmed from a very, very exclusive £3,000 seminar.

In fact, the entire DVD Box Set comes with a £2,997 selling price. In a recent test by the copyright holder before I took the licence on, he sold 18 sets at £2,997 in just a month. … banking £53,946 for the month!

Oh yes, and incidentally though this exclusive set has sold at almost £3,000, it would still cost less then £35 for the whole set to be duplicated and professionally presented in individual cases and master box.

As for the estimated Licence Development Value, well this I would set at £50,000 for this particular 12 part DVD Set

FREE: DVD Box Set Licence No 5

This Box Set contains 14 DVDs which comprise of a Complete Study Course which practically every business, fledgling one man band to multinational corporation, definitely needs.

The full set would command a selling price of at least £995 but again would cost less than £35 for the whole set to be duplicated and professionally presented in individual cases and master box.

Now to give you an idea as to the potential of this Box Set, I have seen this set sold in the US at more than £1,000.

As for the estimated Licence Development Value, well this I would set at £30,000 for this particular 14 part DVD Set

So in summary…

That’s a total of 5 DVD Box Sets … comprising of 57 individual DVD’s … with a total estimated licence value of £162,000…

In other words, thats the estimated amount it would cost you to develop, create, film and produce these 5 DVD Boxed Sets and 57 DVD’s yourself from scratch. And if you don’t believe me, when you’ve seen these, try putting one of these sets together, including the hiring of the individuals they feature.

Anyway, I’ll be going through these with you on the day, as I will the…

FREE: Home DVD & Video Automated Tracker Software…

In addition to my personal training and the DVD Box Sets I’ll be handing to you , I’ve also decided to include the Home DVD/Video Automated Tracker Software I use to run my own business.

It’s extremely easy to use because it is all automated. In fact, with this you’ll be able to keep track of hundreds of DVD & Video projects and thousands and thousands of customers. It slashes your paperwork and record keeping completely and gives you more time to literally roll out one DVD/Video Box Set project after another.

By the way, don’t worry, I’ll bring a copy along with me and show you how it works in person. You’ll see that its actually a lot of fun playing around with it and seeing how much you are making and how much you’re likely to make on new DVD/Video projects.

Indeed, over the last couple of years that I’ve used this its proved a remarkably accurate tool.

As I said, this I’ll give you FREE along with the 5 DVD Box Sets, but for your information, if you were to go to the trouble of developing a similar software yourself and having it written for you, it could easily cost you £10,000.

As I said, its easy to understand and I’m going to teach you how to use it on the day, as with everything else. However, to put your mind at rest still further I’m going to also include…

FREE: Full 12 Months DVD/Video Business Support From Me Personally

Finally, something very important and which I think will give you a great deal of peace of mind, is my Personal DVD/Video Support Service. I’ll not just meet you, Train you, hand you the DVD Box Sets, UK Licences and Tracking Software and then leave you on your own.

Instead you’ll have private and direct access to me so I can support you, answer your questions and be there for you, as you build your business.

And I’ll do this for a FULL 12 MONTHS completely FREE! I’m even going to give you my Private Email Address which very few people, even close friends, know of … it’s the one I usually use solely for my DVD/Video licensing contacts.

Okay Tim, I’d love to make £40,000+ per month … what do I need to do now?

Okay, presuming you really want to take on these DVD Box Set deals and you’re willing to let me train you personally … not just in the business but specifically to the methods I’d use to turn the box sets I’m going to hand over to you on the day into £20,000- £50,000 per month incomes … I will be willing to meet you at a private venue for the day…

On February 22nd in the London Airport area..

Now not only do I have a limited number of places available but I can only work with a small number of people on this, so it is purely and simply on a first come - first served basis.

You are STRONGLY ADVISED to book your place WITHIN the next 48 HOURS.

In fact if you reserve your place WITHIN THE NEXT 48 HOURS, I’ll even hand you a…

FREE: Remote Control DVD player…

YES, I’m serious!!

There’s no catches … no gimmicks. As a special thank you for securing your training place within 48 hours I will hand you an attractive slimline DVD player at the end of the training so that I can be absolutely certain that you have everything that you need to get started straight away.

A slimline DVD player which will play DVDs, CDs and even VCDs, which features 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen mode and Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound outputs.

Okay Tim, I want to do this. Tell me, what do I do next … and how do you make a profit if you’re giving all this away completely free to me?

Well its all pretty straightforward … that’s the way I like things and I’m sure you would too. Which is why I’ve come up with a solution I believe is fair to both of us.

Originally I had considered a 80%-20% split on the profits from the 5 new DVD Box Sets. In other words, in return for me training you, setting you up and providing you with the DVD sets and licences, you would pay me 20% of the profits you make and keep 80% yourself.

For example, make £100,000 from a boxed set and you’d pay me £20,000 and keep £80,000 for yourself.

The reason I haven’t gone down this route at this stage is that the only way I could administer this properly would be to process all orders myself which defeats the object of training you in the first place. I want less work if anything, not more!

And even after training and providing you with all the tools etc, I’d have no guarantee that you would actually do anything.

So NO 80%-20% Profit Split … NO Hefty up front payment … NO Royalties … NO interference…

Instead I’ve come up with something fair to the both of us. Something which will get us used to working with each other so we can do some profit-split on future DVD or Video Box Sets I source (I’ll talk to you about this when we meet).

And something which DOESN’T involve the need for you to spend a small fortune … DOESN’T involve sharing your profits … and DOESN’T involve any interference or control in your business.

I decided the fairest way of doing this would be to initially set a one-off flat training fee … a fee which I’ve not only kept far, far lower than even the value of a single DVD licence, but is actually less than I often make in a single day … yet is still enough for me to make a profit myself.

I hope that’s okay? After all I don’t think anyone would expect me to go to the trouble of teaching them the system I have developed for making more than £10,000 per week, and even provide them with what amounts to a ready-made Special Interest DVD business model to copy complete with Boxed Set licenses, all for nothing.

To suggest otherwise would not only insult your intelligence, it would be an out and out lie.

So for these 5 new DVD sets and to start our ‘working relationship’ off, lets just keep it very simple and the cost low. In fact, that TAX-DEDUCTIBLE training fee I’ve set at just £4,997 (+vat … I’ll show you how to reclaim the VAT so you can immediately get £874 back in your hands).

And YES, this private training fee does INCLUDE EVERYTHING I’ve mentioned:
Andrew Reynolds and the £4000+ seminar

Tim Lowe (Markiteer Ltd) is a 'student' of Andrew reynolds. He is one of the few who actually did something with what he was taught.

Tim now teaches what Andrew taught him.

If you can be arsed to actually take action (about 1% of the population) then the products Andrew Reynolds offers are a great vehicle to learn about the direct marketing industry (specifically direct mail).

Is £4000 good value for a seminar of this type? If you subsequently do nothing with the information and products you acquire, then of course not, as you would have done nothing had it been £40. You will forever feel the sting of that £4k and may, on occasion, shout 'CON'.

It's not a con, and you didn't waste £4k, you simply wasted the opportunity.

However, if you really want to learn the ins and outs of direct mail, AND have a few good products to start you off, what Andrew Reynolds / Manhattan Direct offer is a BARGAIN.

I'm an ex bouncer living in a council flat. I attended just such a seminar 18 months ago, and as a direct result of the knowledge and products I acquired from Andrew Reynolds I now bank an average of £12,000 per month from just one of those products.

Someone wanted to hear from anyone who has succeeded with what AR promotes?

You just did!

Here's to taking action
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What has anything in this thread got to do with 'Trading Resources'?

This thread has one of the highest number of a people registering and making their maiden (and only?) post pretty much the same day.

I'm sure all of these wonderful money-making MLM etc. efforts work really well.

It's just that most of the people who extol the virtues of these things and have "Make £50-£100/hr part-time/full-time" and "Be your own Boss" stickers stuck on some crap heap of an 8 year-old rust-bucket.

Dave, are you still living in a council house while banking your £12K/month?
Hi Tony

I appreciate your candor.

Yes, this thread is off topic now we have moved away from VS

Interestingly, my car is indeed over 8 years old.

As its a Merc SL it's not rusty, however.

The council flat I used to live in is now one of four properties
I own, and is used as a 'pick and pack' office
Another seminar / Good to read about your experience !

Hello Dave,

sorry for my late reply to your message in reply to my last message.

Its good to read from someone who has made a success of one of Andrews Business Opportunities.

Unfortunately few people do seem to believe that some of these ideas MAY be worthwhile investigating. I have to admitt as I have said before, it seemed to be one of the much better opportunities out there. Its just that the cost is HIGH for the average person to risk upfront.
Its a shame that there is no other way to test the waters more gradually when entering such a business.

I did ask IF it was possible to just start small with one or two products, BUT Andrew wouldnt allow me to do this.

4 to 5 K admittedly is a VERY small cost compared to most real businesses in the real business world.

I can certainly understand people being very sceptical about many biz ideas as such a lot out there being advertised are so often either cons, OR dont work as they claim. Many ideas often make claims of how you can start with a few hundred pounds and make £1000s.

No doubt IT may be down to the indivual as to will they suceed or not. BUT also I do think some ideas are either oversold ie flooded the market, OR may only work for certain types of personalities.

I would think the Mail / direct order business however could work for most provided they have the right products or marketing methods.

I am still very interested in getting involved with one of these businesses, BUT I would like to share the cost and reduce it down as much as possible..

IF I can find 2 or 3 others who would be interested, there is another seminar coming up on 18th March.

I have got an invitation to attend. I am allowed to take guest provided that they are seriously interested. Id be prepared to go 1/3 to 1/4 of the cost of the 5K plus vat overall cost ,, ie £1250 to 2.5K if I can find other interested partners. I already have found one interested person, but would like to reduce the cost as much as possible. Therefore Id be willing to share the opportunity between say 3 or 4 persons in total.

If anyone else is interested please let me know.

The opportunity is as wrote on my last post regarding Tim Lowe. above.

Thks Pete

UKdave said:
Tim Lowe (Markiteer Ltd) is a 'student' of Andrew reynolds. He is one of the few who actually did something with what he was taught.

Tim now teaches what Andrew taught him.

If you can be arsed to actually take action (about 1% of the population) then the products Andrew Reynolds offers are a great vehicle to learn about the direct marketing industry (specifically direct mail).

Is £4000 good value for a seminar of this type? If you subsequently do nothing with the information and products you acquire, then of course not, as you would have done nothing had it been £40. You will forever feel the sting of that £4k and may, on occasion, shout 'CON'.

It's not a con, and you didn't waste £4k, you simply wasted the opportunity.

However, if you really want to learn the ins and outs of direct mail, AND have a few good products to start you off, what Andrew Reynolds / Manhattan Direct offer is a BARGAIN.

I'm an ex bouncer living in a council flat. I attended just such a seminar 18 months ago, and as a direct result of the knowledge and products I acquired from Andrew Reynolds I now bank an average of £12,000 per month from just one of those products.

Someone wanted to hear from anyone who has succeeded with what AR promotes?

You just did!

Here's to taking action
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Ok so here is a great deal....

For a fee of £2500 (£1000 less than your other offer) I will tell you how you can make £1000 per day plus, and I have the bank statements to prove it. If you follow the steps I provide, you should be capable of making similar money. And if you don't agree you can make money by 12h00 you can have a full refund.

LOL - just pulling your leg. Think of it, it is easy to tell someone how to make money for a fee, but why would they sell the idea to someone else, unless it didn;t work as well as suspected. I mean they could alwyas employ someone at say £5 per hour and make tons more money if it was so easy.

Remember there is no easy money in life, unless you are a gifted entrepreneur. Study hard, work hard, keep learning, apply the knowledge. Read up about world business leaders, work with people of integrity, set your goals and achieve them.
Having a good idea is as good as money in pocket.
Look at it this way, will any business owner tell you how his/her business is run. Identifying niche is a skill only few people possess, putting that into action is altogether a different ball game.
Manhattan Direct is now closed....!

I am not sure if this is the best thread to contribute to regarding Andrew Reynolds, but here goes anyway.

Today I received an unsolicited mailing from the said man:

"...this is just to let you know I'VE CLOSED DOWN MY BUSINESS and SOLD THE OFFICE. Why?

Because in the last 2 years I've developed a system which is making me over £1,000,000 A YEAR for myself. So I've decided to say goodbye to business life and instead I'm doing this on my own from home working just 1-2 hours a day..."​

At the top of the letter is the Manhattan Direct logo with a slightly camp "Closed" sign hanging off it. Indeed, the Manhattan Direct website no longer seems to be operating.

Andrew is very cagey in this letter as to what this opportunity involves, so maybe it is to do with Property Searches, I am not sure. There are pictures of the course "Cash-on-Demand System" in the letter and the usual copies of bank statements etc. which may be real, maybe not, no one could say 100% for sure from the copies.

He is offering a Free Trial period of a month, but interestingly a course module is only available per month for £29.95. I say interesting because there is no mention of how many modules there are or why they are being released on a per month basis - seems like a good way for Andrew to guarantee himself a steady flow of income, and even after a year the course may only be half complete!

Any thoughts? Anyone tempted to try the Free Trial?
I got it also. Pictures of him "working" from a suite in New York etc. ( or was it Las Vegas ).

Anyway, for a man that can make £1M a year, he is going to a hell of an effort to sell something for a poxy £29.95, isnt he ?
£29.95 a month multiplied by, say, 100 buyers adds up quite nicely!

Anyway, that BMW 7-series he allegedly bought is gonna suffer some serious depreciation, so he's gotta cover it somehow 😉
closed manhatten direct

Bluewave said:
I am not sure if this is the best thread to contribute to regarding Andrew Reynolds, but here goes anyway.

Today I received an unsolicited mailing from the said man:

"...this is just to let you know I'VE CLOSED DOWN MY BUSINESS and SOLD THE OFFICE. Why?

Because in the last 2 years I've developed a system which is making me over £1,000,000 A YEAR for myself. So I've decided to say goodbye to business life and instead I'm doing this on my own from home working just 1-2 hours a day..."​

At the top of the letter is the Manhattan Direct logo with a slightly camp "Closed" sign hanging off it. Indeed, the Manhattan Direct website no longer seems to be operating.

Andrew is very cagey in this letter as to what this opportunity involves, so maybe it is to do with Property Searches, I am not sure. There are pictures of the course "Cash-on-Demand System" in the letter and the usual copies of bank statements etc. which may be real, maybe not, no one could say 100% for sure from the copies.

He is offering a Free Trial period of a month, but interestingly a course module is only available per month for £29.95. I say interesting because there is no mention of how many modules there are or why they are being released on a per month basis - seems like a good way for Andrew to guarantee himself a steady flow of income, and even after a year the course may only be half complete!

Any thoughts? Anyone tempted to try the Free Trial?

I got this today in my post. i remember his sending his early mailing mentioned in this tread earler in 2002/3. i normaly would have thrown the mailing away after a quick scan, but this one i actually read through and thought about it..... And yes he doesn't say how many modules or parts there are! That sort of put me off! I was considering getting the trial and then cancelling; but after reading these msg on this thread, i think i'm better of trading. As some wise person told me "if it's too good to be true..... it usually is!".....
Hi all,
I also got the stuff in the post as I'm intersted in following up the 'information publishing' business. I cheked the accounts at companies house and Manhatten did make a profit to 31.12.2003 of about £3 Million.
I sent for the free trial, don't know if I'll cancel it or not yet. The stuff he sends out is definately about info publishing but no specific info. I'll probably let it go a couple of months to see what he sends next. After all £60 is less than a meal out in London.
Let's face the facts though, direct mail/ marketing has been around a long time and is probably here to stay. If it didn't work to some extent, we wouldn't get hundreds of offers for credit cards, loans, shirts etc.etc every week. it's just a numbers game as is any kind of selling. As Dave said earlier, less than 1% of the peple that buy the info will act on it.