Andrew Searle's Lindencourt method

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Dude ... I need to get my eyes checked ... but that imageshack link is not the same TF as the one of mine you compare it to, and I'll bet my left gonad that it is certainly not a 5 Minute chart as you claim.

It is now becoming apparent that what you resent is the fact that you have a good system you haven't been able to market, while Andrew is getting 99 quid for his.

Suck it up dude ... that's life. Is it just your jealousy that's biting you?

I can't help you if you want to grip that emotion with both hands ... same as the anger you grip - the bitterness will destroy you.

Let it go man. It's just a forum and it's just a trading plan.

This is just one small part of my life ... don't make a carbuncle out of a zit.

Your emotions are on full display here, and you're out of control.
You'll never trade to win with all that hate inside of you.

Let it go dude ... life's too short.

LOL dude you said on your last post you were at work and have no charts.

How about you count the candles you dummy and see its a 5 min chart its not that hard.

Start with 1 candle, 2 , then 3 then 4 then 5 then 6 after 6 is 7 then 8 then 9.
If you cant read a 5 min chart from a 1 hour then what chance have you got in trading never mind trading the LC system LOOLLL. Syas it all really!
ps: Just had lindencourt come over to my thread and vote NO on the poll LOL so much for his post here about not making enimies or anything like that LOL 😉

Get help dude ... that "no" vote was mine from about 3 days ago ... and it was honest because your system has not helped me ... I did not find it useful.

I could not understand why you didn't take all the setups - just publicised the ones that were winners. I saw what seemed to be a setup, but you didn't put it up as a trade.

It was a loser.

But I will discuss that on your thread if you like - this thread is not about you... or your system, but you have certainly done a fine job of hijacking it.

I will gladly follow your live calls of your system as they unfold - be sure to include the time stamp, and be sure to show your trading account, or trade receipts.

I have set myself up for a hiding to nothing here - and if that happens, so be it. My thread is an enquiry into the LC method, but you have made it into a battle to see who has the biggest sheepstation, with the most sheep.

End of discussion from me. You certainly do seem to have some troubling emotional issues in there.
guys, can you all just step back, take a deep breath and just cool it with all the fighting please.


ps any off topic from now on will be deleted. i will hit any off topic poster with an off topic infraction, they're not without heavy penalty!

now please carry on with the thread as per op

last time of asking!
To keep on topic!

I'am the ONLY person here willing to post LIVE trades based on your system rules and manual.

How can you call me childish as a PAYING client of yours and one that has used your system with REAL hard earned money!

I have my opinion and I'am entitleted to it thats what the forum is all about!

Now to keep things civil and on topic.

I will be trading the pairs listed in your manual.

I will call the trades LIVE as they happen

I will NOT post charts with your system on it. Only clean system free charts with entry exit.

I will do so for 5 days . Monday to friday.

I think that is fair and on topic.
Well said LM. Its's neither interesting nor helpful to anyone else here to be reading a discussion about the discussion. Never mind all this I said, You said, He said business: that's not our business: our business is trading. Let's hear how well / badly the system works as from tonight's market session.
To keep on topic!

I'am the ONLY person here willing to post LIVE trades based on your system rules and manual.

How can you call me childish as a PAYING client of yours and one that has used your system with REAL hard earned money!

I have my opinion and I'am entitleted to it thats what the forum is all about!

Now to keep things civil and on topic.

I will be trading the pairs listed in your manual.

I will call the trades LIVE as they happen

I will NOT post charts with your system on it. Only clean system free charts with entry exit.

I will do so for 5 days . Monday to friday.

I think that is fair and on topic.

I agree with that, for one.
There is more to life than trading. As far as I know some members have difficult time, so I understand strong emotions that come out of some posts.

I've found that it's the best choice not to trade during that time. I usually achieve best results while fully concentrated and emotionally balanced. I agree with the idea to keep the thread on topic, avoid emotional responses and try to asses the system in a calm and realistic manner.

Also I should think that this time of the year (with lower trading volume) may not give the best results for any system.


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I understand you are angry Ivan but it seems a shame to not carry on. I was looking forward to it. If you decide to post something somewhere else pm me, as sounded interesting.

Anyway, whatever but i enjoyed your posts😕
Now who’s the dude posting emotional responses?

Buddy I already said from the start I was posting my review of the system as a BUYER. I think you and someone else said you stole it from the net or saw it elsewhere LOL before buying it 😉

I gave my review and stuck up for my opinion based on that when under attack. What do you expect me to do when someone attacks my opinion?

Everyone is saying I’m out to get lindencourt LOL read my posts from the start(some have been deleted by T2W censorship) you will see I gave an honest and frank review, then because I gave such an honest review I Was attack for my straight forward and frank words!

I have said sorry if I went over the top with some of my posts but I’am not the only one to do so!

I have also promised to post LIVE trades based on the manual rule all of next week!
What the probs?

Put your dummy tit back in and be a fooking MAN!!!!!
very sorry you feel that way ivan, the mods did the best they could, barjon was on the ball from post 24 when the mods were alerted that events were taking a turn for the worst. jons away now so i took over for him, i'm very sure tomorton didn't mean any disrespect to you. i think you're ok to carry on you know, please do.
very sorry you feel that way ivan, the mods did the best they could, barjon was on the ball from post 24 when the mods were alerted that events were taking a turn for the worst. jons away now so i took over for him, i'm very sure tomorton didn't mean any disrespect to you. i think you're ok to carry on you know, please do.

I agree with Ligthning Mcqueen carry on!

No one is stopping you. Why not stop being a fooking DRAMMA QUEEN and be a man and stick to your word!

I will post LIVE trades all of next week and you can correct me if I'm wrong on the signals🙂
that way we work together to show non buyers of the system its performance!
very sorry you feel that way ivan, the mods did the best they could, barjon was on the ball from post 24 when the mods were alerted that events were taking a turn for the worst. jons away now so i took over for him, i'm very sure tomorton didn't mean any disrespect to you. i think you're ok to carry on you know, please do.

Utter rubbish - the job carried out by the moderators was contemptable and useless.

The idiot Xenophobia was allowed to run riot on this thread and destroy what could have been a very decent thread.

Don't expect any further involvement from me on this thread or this forum!
Utter rubbish - the job carried out by the moderators was contemptable and useless.

The idiot Xenophobia was allowed to run riot on this thread and destroy what could have been a very decent thread.

Tut tut!

Dude there is nothing wrong with this thread. I feel and think all you want is 5 stars on every post made!

Thats not the case. Now here is the thing,,, How many memebers here how bought your systems ? as of counting I seem to be the only liget one! that bought it from the wrapper! The rest if any stole it! then claim to have bought it afterwards!!!

You claim to be a pro and very well educated in you manual. By your posts here I very much doubt that now!

I gave an opinion on your system you clearly don't like it and have stated that so to me you don't like OR can take Criticism which is not a very strong point for a vendor!

Now buddy I have been fair and made it clear I will post live trades many times now, without bias!!!

And I will NOT post charts with your system on it.

All I will do is post charts with entry/exit signals.

Whats up with you ? are you affraid ?
Utter rubbish - the job carried out by the moderators was contemptable and useless.

The idiot Xenophobia was allowed to run riot on this thread and destroy what could have been a very decent thread.

Don't expect any further involvement from me on this thread or this forum!

do i sense a whiff of cut and run here lindencourt? now while xenophobia has an abrasive posting style, of which i will be having words with him about, he has said in reply to this thread that he has actually tried the system and found it wanting, at any time did you try to ascertain whether he indeed is a bona fide purchaser of your system? if not why not? look, even after we deleted postings, you came along and stirred it up with follow up posts, at times causing it all kicking off again.

yes there was a delay from first report to a mod getting online and dealing but this was an unusual event as both barjon and i are not usually absent for such a long period.

it still could be a decent thread, it reads through ok, but we won't be held to ransom and stop a poster posting his views because they don't hold with you own. you are of course free to complain to admin.
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