Andrew Searle's Lindencourt method

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There is nothing wrong with purchasing the odd system from time to time, particularly when you have had a bit of a look at it beforehand. I'm sure the author would prefer there weren't pirate sites, mirrors and "good mates" to share their intellectual property around.

But in the real world, this will happen. I think that if you have had a look at this and like it, but don't actually own your own copy, then this is a matter for yourself to deal with.

Andrew Searle does give out a free DAILY method.

I think I have already made back the cost of the system - not only in monetary terms, but in terms of the support emails and ongoing tutelage that accompanies them. And in terms of the confidence boost that comes with actually getting my trading together.

Time will tell how well I am able to make this system work ... but I think not having it would have been worse than parting with the $$.

Someone once said: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."

I am not an affiliate of Andrew Searle. My first contact with him was on 14th May 2010 when I made an enquiry, following my reading about LC on another forum. At that time I told him of my interest, but stated clearly that "you can't chase 2 rabbits" because at the time I was trading the ProFx method.

I wanted to have a T2W discussion thread going, because I really don't contribute much on the other forum. But it does have a good discussion going about the method.

I hope others who have this method will contribute, because I am beginning to sound like a front man for Andrew Searle, and this is not the case. Please don't worry about the boofhead knockers who have a habit of trolling threads here ... ignore them and get on with the topic.

I welcome you and your input, in the spirit and intent of the thread.

Kind regards


Thiers no boofhead knockers.

I have bought the system!

I have tried the system!

The system does not work!

The system loses money!

I used discretion!

I followed the rules!

3 months real money testing!

End result...losing system!

Thank you! 😆
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No problem Ivan, will catch up with my reading on this thread. You can not be accused of not posting chunky updates.

I'm not from Siam, no. Spent a fair bit of time there and lived in Bangkok for awhile. Hopefully more time there in the future.

Look forward to reading more to help me see the merits
Hello All,

I am Andrew, the developer of the Lindencourt FX system and I just wanted to say hi and that I will look at this thread now and again. If I have time to contribute something worthwhile I will, but I am not the kind of person who will indulge in making rude, meaningless, unhelpful comments for the sake of doing so, either on this forum thread or any other.

I should also add, or rather verify, that Ivan has no connection to me or my system other than being another customer who would like to succeed with it. If there are customers who have purchased the system and have not made money with it, all I can say is that you are probably doing something wrong. If that is so, then I am always available to try to help. I cannot help if you do not communicate with me. At least this thread will give those new to the system another place where they can share some of their successes and failures and also receive some constructive feedback.

I can also be contacted directly via my website or from my usual email address if anyone wants to PM me.

Kind regards,
Even with some of my posts here about this system have been edited/deleted by on the take mods 😉

I still stand by my word. This system is BS and the net is full of FREE systems that perform better.

I traded it for 3 months. And like I said on my other post. I used discretion for a period of time, followed the rules fully for a period of time and it was a blank bullet!

Do your self a fav and keep your money.

Thats my honest review.


I did make it clear that we would housekeep this thread to keep it constructive and free of the trashing type posts that add nothing to the topic.

You have made your opinion on the system perfectly clear, albeit that you could have done so without rudeness and insults. It is, of course, quite valid for you to hold such an opinion and express it in a civil manner.

Less than civil and your posts won't last for long.


I wasn't trashing anything, I was making a point.

But here is one for the "topic"

Why is it you are letting lindedcourt obviously multi account here ? I though this kind of thing was against the rules.

Why is it that this thread has just started and then lindencourt joins T2W on AUG 2010 and makes one post here.

Isn't this screaming out at you that this is all a set up ?

Dude I'm not trashing anything, I'm a straight to the point kind of a guy. If I have something to say I will say it in a clear way even if it offends. Why would I hide behind fancy words.

Here is my view.

I bought this system ages ago and traded it on paper for 2 weeks the results were not great but then I wanted to try it a bit more as 2 weeks aint really enough.

I opened a spread betting account at ETX as at the time they were offering £100 just to join them with no ties.

I deposited £350 and with the £100 free I had £450 to play with to try the system for real with real money.
I was only trading £1 per pip.
I stuck to trading what lindencourt said in his manual and stuck to the rules for 1 full month trading only the Euro session and was taking on avrg 3 trades per day.

If I remember right after the first month the trial account had fell from £450 to around £270-90.

I then decided to try other things(discretion) on the second month like higher time frame support and resistance, days high/low, and it still didn't work.

I think I managed to get the account back up to around £350-70 before it started falling again.

The thing is I was keeping records at the time of all the trades printing out charts and so on.

And the point was the system wassgiving signals far to late(after the event) price in most cases had already moved 20-50 points before the system gave a signal and on a 15 minute chart those kinds of moves are really all you are going to get before some sort of reversal.

I did carry on trading the system for almost 3 months in total and to be honest it got to the point where EXT would no longer take a £1 a pip bet as there was not enough margin in the account.

started with £450, left with £60.

Like I said stuck to the rules. tried discretion. Gave it a go on paper and REAL money.

Not impressed!

Thats my honest review of this system.
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Xeno', can you concentrate on your FTSE/S&P method 🙂 would be good to see some more charts and more thoughts on your method.

From a purely selfish point of view : Then I get the benefit of your indice style trading and to read this forex style trading without the banter 😕

I am sure most people on here should be grown up enough to know that not everything everyone says here is for a purely altruistic reasons but by letting the thread grow on topic with example trades then it should be apparent if the system/methodology is fundamentally flawed.

This was supposed to come across in a light hearted and friendly manner but it is always hard to do on an internet forum. So apologies if I have offended, would just be lovely to see your thread growing so I can study and this one also.

In time it will be clear if flawed systems.. but we may all end up learning something and I personally would learn more from you if your thread expanded nicely.

:clover😛eace all
.................Why is it you are letting lindedcourt obviously multi account here ? I though this kind of thing was against the rules.

Why is it that this thread has just started and then lindencourt joins T2W on AUG 2010 and makes one post here..............


Perhaps if you read the first post in the thread.

Ingot has been a member for quite a few years (joined 2005 in fact). In his opening post he said "Hopefully Andrew will keep a watchful eye on the thread, and if so, it would be great if he would contribute where appropriate, to keep traders on the right track. We all want to profit, and this method will produce that profit for you ... I am certain. So it is my hope that contributors will not re-invent the system as it exists, but discuss the various nuances as they occur". and maybe that's the reason lindencourt joined at the time he did.

There is no evidence of multi-nicking.

I am taking on trust that Ingot is making a serious attempt to road-test the system and will report features both good and bad.

So, let's give it a chance shall we? After all, it'll soon become clear to those who have experience of the system - such as yourself - if the wool is being pulled over anyones' eyes.


Perhaps if you read the first post in the thread.

Ingot has been a member for quite a few years (joined 2005 in fact). In his opening post he said "Hopefully Andrew will keep a watchful eye on the thread, and if so, it would be great if he would contribute where appropriate, to keep traders on the right track. We all want to profit, and this method will produce that profit for you ... I am certain. So it is my hope that contributors will not re-invent the system as it exists, but discuss the various nuances as they occur". and maybe that's the reason lindencourt joined at the time he did.

There is no evidence of multi-nicking.

I am taking on trust that Ingot is making a serious attempt to road-test the system and will report features both good and bad.

So, let's give it a chance shall we? After all, it'll soon become clear to those who have experience of the system - such as yourself - if the wool is being pulled over anyones' eyes.


Okay fair enought I wont post here butwill watch and see.

Just for the hell of it I thought I would check out some of the results such as the EUR/JPY against my FTSE100 system. The other results are just as good. But anyway I look forward to seeing ignots results in future.

Screenshot below.


ps: If lindencourt is reading this he may want to try using the volatility indicator or add it to his system in future it may help in another version he makes.
Just a friendly suggestion.
(the red line indicator on my screen shot)
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Just for the record, I was invited here by Ivan who set up the thread, as was clearly mentioned in an earlier post. I thought I would accept and join up and if I could make a positive constructive contribution to the thread (my time allowing), I would.

As for the allegation of multi-T2W accounts here by one participant- this is just offensive without any foundation. Its these kinds of posts that usually keep we well away from online forex forums. These types of comments are completely unnecessary and unhelpful to everyone.
I hope it doesn't put you off too much as plenty people who are interested in seeing this thread run.
I hope it doesn't put you off too much as plenty people who are interested in seeing this thread run.

Oh pleaseeeeeee😆

I hope you buy the system, and learn a lesson.

Sorry last post on this thread.

But ask yourself, why would I bs about this system ? what I said is true JEUZZ I will even post trades based on this system if it helps you save £99.

Here is something I will post trades as they happen all of next week. No BS true trades LIVE.
Lindencourt can confirm or ignort that they are trades all based on the RULES!

I wont post fluff, I will post trades within seconds as they trigger, and ignot or lindencourt or both can say if they were signals or not. I wont lie!

I will post charts WITHOUT the system on them.
😀 I'm not buying anything at this stage would just be nice to read some threads about a system and decide for myself. I come on trade2win to learn and so far that is working quite well.

But seriously I am quite aware that a lot of these systems are basic and are more for the revenue of the vendor but it is still nice to have a chance to see a thread and see the merits of it.. it is all slowly helping me decide how I want to trade and what kind of system I want to use.

It would be good to see some trades posted by you, your charts are very informative on your thread, I just can't be a$5ed with the angstyness if it turns out to be rubbish I think the thread will die a natural death, if not then, well we'll see😴
Dude you just watsed a lot of time typing all that about the 1hr.

My system is based on 5 minute charts and volatility!

Plus its free on T2W. None of this £99 PDF rubbish😉

My stops on the 5 minute are 15/20 points.

R&R 2/1 or higher.

My strike rate as I undertsand the mechanics of the system as the creater 80%+

.Someone trading my system using basic rules no discretion 60-70% 2/1+ ratio/

Stricked rules/striked time of day.

But enough of my system it has its own thread.

This belongs to lindercourt and so I will do my honest bit here and post the lindencourt trades LIVE.
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Xenophobia ... get a grip mate!

You're an emotional train wreck!

Have you read any of your own posts?

Calm down ... I am pleased for you to post anything to do with entry/exits/trade management for the LC system, but there is no need to treat it as a revenge-I-told-you-so thing.

If you find trades that are good ... good.
If you find trades that are bad ... good for that too.

That's what the thread is here for dude ... to learn how to deal with this stuff when it happens ... and it will happen.

Your anger is biting you from the inside. There is something there that you need to deal with ... to resolve, and I can't help you.

Please do post your trades, and I hope that the outcome is that we are all better traders. That's my personal goal.

I am not here to make enemies or engage in he-said-she-said rubbish.

This is trading, and we can not afford to become emotional about it.

LOL dude I'm no wreck trust me.

Anger there is no anger!

I'm making a point and want to stand by my point becasue thats the type of guy I'am.

I say the lindencourt system is BS, then I want to prove it.

No emotion dude, no anger, and don't need to get a grip.

I'm just a dude with an opinion and likes to prove his point.

I'm here to help people who are looking to watse money.

Like I say I will post LC trades LIVE next week on here for 5 days,

Feel free to confirm them in your own time.
ps: Just had lindencourt come over to my thread and vote NO on the poll LOL so much for his post here about not making enimies or anything like that LOL 😉
Dude you just watsed a lot of time typing all that about the 1hr.

My system is based on 5 minute charts and volatility!

Plus its free on T2W. None of this £99 PDF rubbish😉

My stops on the 5 minute are 15/20 points.

R&R 2/1 or higher.

My strike rate as I undertsand the mechanics of the system as the creater 80%+

.Someone trading my system using basic rules no discretion 60-70% 2/1+ ratio/

Stricked rules/striked time of day.

But enough of my system it has its own thread.

This belongs to lindercourt and so I will do my honest bit here and post the lindencourt trades LIVE.

Dude ... I need to get my eyes checked ... but that imageshack link is not the same TF as the one of mine you compare it to, and I'll bet my left gonad that it is certainly not a 5 Minute chart as you claim.

It is now becoming apparent that what you resent is the fact that you have a good system you haven't been able to market, while Andrew is getting 99 quid for his.

Suck it up dude ... that's life. Is it just your jealousy that's biting you?

I can't help you if you want to grip that emotion with both hands ... same as the anger you grip - the bitterness will destroy you.

Let it go man. It's just a forum and it's just a trading plan.

This is just one small part of my life ... don't make a carbuncle out of a zit.

Your emotions are on full display here, and you're out of control.
You'll never trade to win with all that hate inside of you.

Let it go dude ... life's too short.
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