Amplify Trading-my journey

A pity traderboi didn't come back recently with an update.

1.Have they gagged him from telling ?

2.Or is he too rich already to bother talking to us ?

3.Flat broke and too ashamed to admit it ?
Hi guys. Just to let you know we have a new analyst who over the last two weeks has been on fire. Today, his entry long recommendation at 1095.5 provided two great opportunities as can be seen from the chart below which shows the volatility from Non-Farm Payrolls (posted at 19:39).

These reports are updated daily, I hope you can put them to good use.

Best regards, Amplify Trading.

You can see his daily reports at

Image Non Farm.gif
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Amplify; glad you are posting on here, you have obviously been following this thread for some time. Therefore, can you answer some questions please:

1. What happened to Traderboi ?

2. How many live traders do you have ?

3. Who is putting up the margin requirement to fund your operation ?

thank you
Hi Police, thanks for your quick reply. We have known about these threads which have been a challenge for us, it's good to see that our hard work is slowly filtering through against the speculation when we started, it's been quite a journey. Traderboi had some personal issues that it would not be our place to comment on but I believe you can email him through this site, we have just under 30 live traders who are progressing well and the company and margin has been fully funded by it's founders. I hope that answers your questions, if you want to see our opinion on 2010 we will be on cnbc on Monday for two hours from 7am as head guest.

Have a good weekend.
Hi Amplify,

Could you advised if it is possible to join Amplifyona part time basis, I have comittments where I am busy for 12 days per month and free the rest. Is it possible to join Amplify on part -time basis?

Thanks in advance
Hi Sall. We usually do not recommend part time participation due to the amount of material covered. However all the live training sessions can be recorded and sent to you should you be able to catch up with the extra work. Please feel free to contact us to discuss further.

Best Regards.
things are quite here now

any further comments on amp as i have just come across here
Really? I assumed he was in cahoots the way he talked up the firm. You have any evidence that he was a victim? If he is I'm gutted for him.
Hi everyone,

‘Trader Boy’ was a brand new young trader excited about trading, he clearly wanted to create a blog but stopped posting after receiving constant discouragement. Perhaps his enthusiasm was too intense on this forum. You can clearly tell he was not asked to post by us and I am sure if he felt he had a bad experience he would post about it here.

In fact no one who has traded or trained with us has ever posted anything about a bad experience with us which I hope can speak for the quality of what we do.

We have worked incredibly hard here and have built a reputation for the quality of our trading and training shown by affiliation with leading business schools and our frequent market commentary leading financial news sources such as CNBC financial news and the FT.

We are completely open and if you want to speak to our traders or see what we do come down to Canary Wharf and check us out. If you want to send a direct message I would be happy to answer.'s so funny to see the conspiracy theorist and there wild theories flying about......

Guys I am very much still alive and trading!Just been focused on my career as a junior trader hence no time to post. Anyway to clear a few things,

1.@scose, I wish I had an advertising contract to run out in the first place!

2.@ST, correction, I did not get SCAMMED, I simply didn't agree with what was offered at the table hence I left.

3. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Amplify and even though I no longer trade with them I was never ripped off or scammed, in fact the guys at Amplify are as genuine as you can get who are fiercely protective of there reputation. I left for my own reasons.

Anyway, for those who are interested, I am now working as a junior trader at a city investment house, have been for nearly a year now. The sole purpose of me writing this journal was to give newbie traders a genuine insight into the day of a trainee trader to give them an informed decision whether to go down the trading route or not, I was never on the payroll of Amplify and the mere suggestion that I was it absurd. I had a genuine desire to help the newbies differentiate through the muddy path of the good and the bad trading course's out there as I once wish there was help for me when I first started, this journal was my way of doing it. I'm also confident in saying that Amplify has proven themselves over the past year as a genuine trading course provider and not just another unscrupulous firm who'll take your money and run, or promise you'll learn how to trade in 2 days! Another company who are doing well is Savi trading.

Anyway people, I'm still about and if any newbies have any Q's just holla at me on here and PM me, happy trading everyone!👍
3. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Amplify and even though I no longer trade with them I was never ripped off or scammed, in fact the guys at Amplify are as genuine as you can get who are fiercely protective of there reputation. I left for my own reasons.

You made out to me in PM that Amplify had asked you to cover all of your trading account losses in your final month before continuing. You are not the only case of this I have heard. You pay 3.5k to access a chat room for 4 months then get "moved on"...
You made out to me in PM that Amplify had asked you to cover all of your trading account losses in your final month before continuing. You are not the only case of this I have heard. You pay 3.5k to access a chat room for 4 months then get "moved on"...

@ST .........yep that's pretty much along the lines of what i said to you in the PM, what i don't agree with is when you said i got scammed in the previous post which at no point in my PM did i ever say that.I merely didnt agree with what was offered on the table and so left.

Why don't you post your experience with them and let everyone know how it went, i think the newbies deserves to know and they can make up there own mind whether to go with them or not. But hey, i invite everyone, past or present to talk about there experiences with Amplify.👍
Hi everyone,

TB thanks for your views I'm really glad to hear everything is going well Good Job! ST I have sent you a pm and I am glad to hear things are going well with you now too.

TB one of our guys has created a group on Facebook where they stay in touch or find out what's going on. It would be great if you could join. (Oddly enough though when you search Amplify Trading on fb the first result is of an 'attractive' woman who's interest is trading...! that is not the right one so go to the group with our logo.) On the Grad front UCL now financially support their students to train here with us which we hope can open up doors to future careers in finance.

Again glad to hear you are well and stay in touch.

The team at Amplify