Active day and swing traders

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I took this first thing yesterday because i saw that US stocks in the same sector had already gone.Up nearly 4% since yesterday.

I religiously follow everything in the US markets because thats where it happens first and after that the rest of the world follows.



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Well, Naz, is everyone on holiday this week, or what? I'm reading your posts, if that's any consolation!

Yesterday, Everything going up except DGE, I thought I'd take it so

B/O DGE at 833. I've been having problems with my stops lately, in the first hour of the morning, when spreads are wide. This time I decided to go without a stop, which was fortunate, because it would have triggered late afternoon, when I am out of the house. As it happens, I am gratified by a rise to 842 this morning and hoping to be able to leave it open for the weekend with a stop in profit.

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Splitlink said:
Well, Naz, is everyone on holiday this week, or what? I'm reading your posts, if that's any consolation!

Yesterday, Everything going up except DGE, I thought I'd take it so

B/O DGE at 833. I've been having problems with my stops lately, in the first hour of the morning, when spreads are wide. This time I decided to go without a stop, which was fortunate, because it would have triggered late afternoon, when I am out of the house. As it happens, I am gratified by a rise to 842 this morning and hoping to be able to leave it open for the weekend with a stop in profit.


Hi guys! I've been working on my strategy, and entered few trades on friday, all shorts (gulp!).
However, I wanted to say: few weeks ago I said that I was going to post some things I found when I decided to sit down and see how to deal with big unexpected losses (gaps that go through your stop loss). I still have to polish it, but there is an interesting problem presented in the general trading chat by badtrader that serves very well as a motivation/introduction to this. If you want to read it, I posted here:

In the thread they're all busy arguing with each other, but I'll appreciate your comments. I know that many of you are very concentrated on money management, actually I remember Dave saying that for him it's all down to good money management, and Split you're always thinking about your stops...I know that Mark is very much in money management too. If you have any comments may be you can PM, I think trying to discuss about it in that thread is quite difficult at the mo 😀

Ok boys, have a nice Sunday!

Morning Silvia et al,
I think this thread has been a little quiet this last week, I personally have been away on business so no trading!

I am still long III and ShP from 24 Oct and both are well in profit, stops are above the entry.
As I have posted I have changed my stop strategy and now it seems better, I dont get stopped out as often.

On the screener today I have SSE. Very interesting move early on, massive move up then an equal fall. It has not really entered in to the general FTSE party the last week. I will go for a smal short in a while if it drops below around Fridays low of 980.

As I write FTSE and DAX are falling from their opening pops so I might go for a quick short.

Good trading to all
mornin' all

absent back-end of last week, but back to full attention now.

update: sab long still running, gus short stopped out for full loss, emg short - remaining half stopped at b/e overall.

no longs in view, but half a dozen potential shorts if the market comes back including wpp, cbry, nxt, pru and sn

the recent volatility is not suiting me and it's a sad to say that i haven't made much in a near 300 point rise in ftse over the past two weeks 🙁 good to see that some of you have been getting the bank account in shape for christmas though 😀

good trading


Hi guys,

Update on what's going on on Silvia's shaky account:

shorted on friday:


Stopped out today of AAL.

(I'm correcting this today 09/11) HBOS stopped out on the 07/11

Shorted yesterday (monday):


Reasons behind these trades: price stalling near resistance levels and making what looks like swing highs. Feeling a little bit worried about the action of AL. and DSGI today...

Good trading!

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Hi Silvia,

I hope you did alright out of HBOS, at least, because I made nearly 27 points out of that and got out too early!

Splitlink said:
Hi Silvia,

I hope you did alright out of HBOS, at least, because I made nearly 27 points out of that and got out too early!


Well, it did have a brilliant move the last week!! I got in the 04/11 when it started to head down, and I got out the next trading day when it crossed 880. Now is doing weird things, may be now it is a good short. Am't I annoying trying to see a short in everything or what! 😆

Good trading!

Hi Guys,

Just wonderinf what impact SAB will have once the results are relaeased

S/C DGE at 532.9. Bought last Thursday at 832.9 +19.7. That looks an OK close since the EOD was around that level. Not like HBOS, which kept going on up! 😱

Hi guys!

A busy start of the day as I reversed 3 of my shorts. This were TATE, AL. and DSGI. TSCO it's not behaving properly, so I'm following it closely. The other short not looking very healthy is AV., but I'm giving it a little bit longer. I don't think I'll reverse this one if I get out. So, in short my positions now are:

AL. long
AV. short
BLT short
DSGI long
TATE long
TSCO short

The main reason behind the reverted positions was that they were trading in a narrow range during the last few days, and I went short because I thought that would mean a swing top. However, in view of the price breaking above this small zone, I think it's worth going long.

Good trading!

Morning Guys,

I have still got my positions long positions open on SAB BLT & SN

Has anyone got any ideas of what is going to happen over the next few weeks


Splitlink said:
Sorry, bought to open. It's shorthand that I use in my diary.


Split, here is a chart of WTB. The 200 ema is at 930, I see support at around 933. If this is what it looks, the swing low it's at around 935, about ten points from your entry in a 900p share. Previous swing top 961, that gives you a possible initial target of 14 points if it goes your way. Not bad 🙂

Good luck!

PS I forgot: I'd be careful about the macd 12,26 histogram not taking off and the 12,26 emas showing a downtrend.


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Stopped. Sold WTB at 837 -9. End of experiment! WTB opened quite strongly but the spread was too wide and could not close than 3 points gain. That's happened to me before in the first hour.

Splitlink said:
Stopped. Sold WTB at 837 -9. End of experiment! WTB opened quite strongly but the spread was too wide and could not close than 3 points gain. That's happened to me before in the first hour.


The market doesn't know where it is going, and I know even less! Pity about WTB 🙁

I shorted AGA this morning. Here are the charts I based my trade on.

Good trading!



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Morning all,
Yep, I am still alive and kicking!
OK, I am long iii & shp from late October, learned my lesson and lowered the stake and slackened stops. Am well up!

Entered ISYS and HSX this morning, both long.
DAX is struggling with 5100 and our dear FTSE is suffering up 10 ish on the day but down from yesterdays close.

Nothing on the screener.

Good trading to all
Welcome back Dave

Euro_d said:
Morning all,
Yep, I am still alive and kicking!
OK, I am long iii & shp from late October, learned my lesson and lowered the stake and slackened stops. Am well up!

Entered ISYS and HSX this morning, both long.
DAX is struggling with 5100 and our dear FTSE is suffering up 10 ish on the day but down from yesterdays close.

Nothing on the screener.

Good trading to all

Hi Dave, nice to see you back!!! We were missing you. ISYS looks great!

I reduced my position in BLT, hasn't touched the sl yet but I'm not liking the price action. Also I set a trap for FDL to go short below 452. We'll see what happens there. And I'm think I'm out of TATE in the next few minutes.

Good trading!!!
