Active day and swing traders

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marben said:
? Closing price was 149 - so I'm happy 😉

didnt mean that, i closed my short and went long on blt and rbs, but right after i done that, the market came down. thats why OUCH!!! : 🙂 hope they will open up...
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You are correct with you sugestion about gsk rolling,it closed down @1348.6 last night and opened this morning at 1352.9, so the price balanced out correct when I closed it.
I appreciate you help,thanks.
Khi and Marben.
Thanks for your replies to my posts.
I currently hold a number of blt shares in my portfolio and intend to short these with sb rolling when I consider the the time is right.Also am holding some shares in Travice Perkins and am currently short on these too.
goodnight all

almost bedtime, but for you early birds in the morning it's no surprise that the last few days have culminated for me in a whole host of potential swing lows and potential long signals: ba, lloy, bg, hbos, rbs, hns, smin, xta, ihg, iii, wmh, eti, jmat - pick the bones out of those 😕

upward and some may trigger, downward and it'll likely mean new potential swing lows with some maybe changing trend to down.

oh yes, and just one lonely potential short signal: rb 🙂

tomorrow may be a busy day - typical that i'll be off to golf, but not too early on.

good trading

Not golfing at Goring & Streatley are you Jon? Good luck!

barjon said:
goodnight all

almost bedtime, but for you early birds in the morning it's no surprise that the last few days have culminated for me in a whole host of potential swing lows and potential long signals: ba, lloy, bg, hbos, rbs, hns, smin, xta, ihg, iii, wmh, eti, jmat - pick the bones out of those 😕

upward and some may trigger, downward and it'll likely mean new potential swing lows with some maybe changing trend to down.

oh yes, and just one lonely potential short signal: rb 🙂

tomorrow may be a busy day - typical that i'll be off to golf, but not too early on.

good trading

i like ba. and plus jon is recommending them, so i bought some, it has a nice smooth upward trend.
senyorqueso said:
Not golfing at Goring & Streatley are you Jon? Good luck!


sure thing - cardiac climb 😆


ps: ba, lloy, bg, xta, wmh triggered so far
khi said:
i like ba. and plus jon is recommending them, so i bought some, it has a nice smooth upward trend.


😱 don't treat them as "recommends", kim. They are just ones which appear on the radar of my particular method as potentials.

good trading

barjon said:

😱 don't treat them as "recommends", kim. They are just ones which appear on the radar of my particular method as potentials.

good trading


ooops..., well nevermind, i like the look of ba anyway. gotta take the chance sometimes. mmm better pray for it to go up then.... :cheesy:
marben said:
Closed 50% of BATS short @ 1044. Looks like there's some support coming in at that level but my trading rules indicate that I should really be staying in until there's a more definite rise - hence leaving remaining 50% of trade at present. (opened trade on 11/7 @ 1090)
Yup, there was a more definite rise today, so closed other 50% @ 1057

Hi Barjon,

Hope you had a good round.

Intersting that I get signals in similar stocks to you but often in opposite directions, yet both of us clearly make profits! E.G Just started 50% of short trade in IHG @ 722.75 (will take other 50% if/when firmer entry signal occurs). I wonder whether this is because we trade in different timeframes?

My typical trade duration is a couple of weeks. What is yours?



An up and down round - lost money 🙁

Maybe we're looking for different things as well. I'm basically looking for trend continuations (or attempted continuations) after a correction. First profit target is usually reached 1 to 5 days but residual position left to run for as long as price action looks positive - doesn't get beyond 3/4 weeks very often.

bsy, for example, lasted 4 days (including entry day) but when the residual position goes, who knows. Another example, I was in and out of xta today with a residual still in play. At the other end of the scale I see that I ran a residual short in hg for 41 days!

With ihg I was triggered in long @ 23.5 but I won't hang about if there's no follow through tomorrow.

good trading

barjon said:

An up and down round - lost money 🙁

Maybe we're looking for different things as well. I'm basically looking for trend continuations (or attempted continuations) after a correction. First profit target is usually reached 1 to 5 days but residual position left to run for as long as price action looks positive - doesn't get beyond 3/4 weeks very often.

bsy, for example, lasted 4 days (including entry day) but when the residual position goes, who knows. Another example, I was in and out of xta today with a residual still in play. At the other end of the scale I see that I ran a residual short in hg for 41 days!

With ihg I was triggered in long @ 23.5 but I won't hang about if there's no follow through tomorrow.

good trading


Very interesting! Yes we have quite different strategies: I'm looking for changes in trend directions and trying to get in early on new trends. This can be risky but when it goes right there can be substantial profits - as long as I stay in long enough. I now know why we tend to get triggered in the same stocks but in opposite directions: we're both observing a turning point but you're hoping for a resumption of the original trend whereas I'm looking for a true change.

I suspect you're trading in larger quantites than me and with tighter stops, whereas I'm allowing more time by employing looser stops but with smaller quantiites. Clearly both methods can work!

Looks like you need to do some work on the golf strategy though 😉

All my best,



mmm, I don't try for the trend change - too many painful experiences - but just wait for the first correction (if one comes) once it's changed. 'Course we probably all have a different idea of what we mean by "trend" 🙂


barjon said:


mmm, I don't try for the trend change - too many painful experiences - but just wait for the first correction (if one comes) once it's changed. 'Course we probably all have a different idea of what we mean by "trend" 🙂



Maybe our strategies are not that different (I'm also trying to open trades on a correction from the main trend). As you say, it does rather depend on interpretation of "trend"!

My signals are still -ve (and now stronger) for CW., so I'm having another crack at shorting it this morning (@149.25). I'll exit the trade if turn-down not confirmed before end of today.

I'm back at break-even on BSY now, keeping fingers crossed.

Good trading!

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Are there any UK stocks that are volatile and you guys know well that you could tell me of? I mean specualtive types that you know quite well.
Traderuk - have you looked at NLR? Solid long term uptrend with some wild swings up and down along the way. Pulling backat the moment on low volume from new all time highs made a few days ago.
Traderuk said:
Are there any UK stocks that are volatile and you guys know well that you could tell me of? I mean specualtive types that you know quite well.
Hi Traderuk,

I won't claim any special knowlege of any particular stocks but I always find that the more you can find out about anything you trade in the better your chances of success. For trading I restrict myself to FTSE100 stocks. This is because my trading is based on TA. The basis of TA is statistics and psychology IMHO and as such I believe it's less likely to be successful with less liquid stocks. For trading, I also confine myself to the UK market because I don't feel that I know enough about US companies and markets.

I also invest long-term across the whole market FTSE, AIM & OFEX, using any data I can get hold of to give me an edge.

I won't make any recommendations about speciifc stocks because trading and investment decisions must be your own.

FWIW, I'm currently long BSY and SCTN and short BT, CW, IHG and SGE. I am watching CBRY and ICI as possible long opportunities (mind you, ICI's increasing pension liabilities make me a bit wary). I am watching BPB, CCL, DXNS, IPR, JMAT, SMIN and SPW as possible shorts.

Suggest you start by having a look at the fundamentals of these (is the current share price good or bad value?) and then examining their price charts. Before trading, also make sure you are aware of any important dates relating to your trades (expected company announcements etc).

Good luck and feel free to post again if you have any more questions or need clarification on anything.

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