A Technical Breakthrough!

How do I become a Delta trader? Where can I learn how to use math to trade? Also what platform can I use that lets me keep my trades private?

Keep trading the Daily Low and Daily High pivot, using smaller bars and without a clue for timing, direction, magnitude & probability, and you will end up like all the other little RATs, getting your trades whiplashed to death and never the wiser for it.

When you trade with RATS, you really do need to read this disclaimer:


This is what happens to RATS.

Avoid the "Draw'ma" when trading as much as possible.
You mentioned you are offering upto 4G. Where?

I've seen many posts on this board claiming that something was being sold, since I did the last pre-production roll-out test of my system. In almost nine (9) years now, being online, discussion my work, nobody can point to a single, solitary sales pitch or so-called "offer." No website, no "donational" paypal site - nothing related to the sale of so much as a cupcake. Yet, like Pavlov's Dogs, people keep asking: "Where's my offer?"

So, for nearly nine (9) years, all of the fools that came into my last pre-production roll-out test thread worrying themselves half to death because they thought that something was being sold to them, now have egg on their face.

I'd like to do a "Where Are They Now," thread.

If it was not so sad, it would actually be funny. Rather than learn what was put before you, many allowed their ego to get in the way of better profits. I'm still in the market. Still a highly successful trader, having reached about 67% of my original goal. Yet, nine (9) years later we don't see many of the same nose picking naysayers today.

I wonder why that is so.

Where is LightHouse, for example. He was so certain that you could not apply concepts taken from Physics and adapt them to the financial markets. What about FeatteredChinos (sp), as another prime example. So, sure that the forum would be "sold something" that he went out of his way to get my thread shut down. Its still open by the way, Chinos. TheRamble, I mean... TheBramble - where the heck are these guys today? Are they still trading the markets? Have their retired, living on a private island somewhere below the equator? And, the many other naysayers who promised that something "fishy" was going on inside my test/educational thread. I bet they must have a billion posts by now on T2W.
Your posts in this thread sets a record for me. I've never seen more words disclosing absolutely nothing of value since I heard the plaintiff's attorney talk in a case he lost against me.

Congratulations. 🙄
This thread is single handedly the biggest pile of **** i have ever read on the internet, even worse than 4chan, congratulations.

Now please go book an appointment with a psychiatrist as soon as possible, your need for attention/recognition and your determination to sound intelligent by using big words trying to belittle others is not only rude/annoying, i also worry for your personal sanity.

All this while trading on a DEMO account? Pathetic. You have nothing of value here, stop posting.
This thread is single handedly the biggest pile of **** i have ever read on the internet, even worse than 4chan, congratulations.

Now please go book an appointment with a psychiatrist as soon as possible, your need for attention/recognition and your determination to sound intelligent by using big words trying to belittle others is not only rude/annoying, i also worry for your personal sanity.All this while trading on a DEMO account? Pathetic. You have nothing of value here, stop posting.

In all fairness TN7 hasn't offered anything for sale as far as I can see, and the price delta thing has been repeated a fair bit.
A list of trades before the event was called and it seemed to be a success from what I saw.
Since I joined the forum world I've read my fair share of BS.
TN has offered more than a few.
If you don't like don't read!😉
This thread is single handedly the biggest pile of **** i have ever read on the internet, even worse than 4chan, congratulations.

Now please go book an appointment with a psychiatrist as soon as possible, your need for attention/recognition and your determination to sound intelligent by using big words trying to belittle others is not only rude/annoying, i also worry for your personal sanity.

All this while trading on a DEMO account? Pathetic. You have nothing of value here, stop posting.

Yet, another potential great thread where learning could have taken place, destroyed by myopic clueless individuals such as yourself. You people are all over the net. Your total ignorance destroys more threads than any air campaign subsequent to World War I. No one can learn anything because OPs all over the online trading world with something different to discuss, always get mobbed by dumb people pretending to be otherwise.

Its like a Mass Dumb-In with some of you people.

BTW - this is 2012. Take a damn good look at the date. Then go take a damn good look at the date of some of my very first posts as 7thSignalTrader, here. Then go look at all the idiots who are no longer trading and no longer posting here about their trading.

I'm not only still in the game, I've graduated out of Retail Hell and now trade on an Institutional platform. How many of those naysaying idiots are doing that now? How many of them still trade on Retail platforms, after all these years? How many have graduated to a Prime Broker relationship?

The proof is in the longevity. I think some of my absolute very first posts were back in 2004. When will idiots like you ever wake up?

The PSR concept never made it into production. However, just like always, one idea always leads to another and two (2) new custom indicators were created out of that one idea and both of those ideas are part of my trading system to this very day. Proof positive that you should NEVER throw away ANY of your old work, simply because it might not work in the moment. You never know when you can scavenge something from an older concept, for use in a newer design.

I truly feel sorry for the Newbies that have to constantly deal with dumb people in online trading communities around the entire internet, who are just about as inventive and creative as a brass door knob.

And, this rotten mentality is STILL going on to this very day in 2012.
