A Technical Breakthrough!

I'm not really sure what this thread is all about then.

Yes, I can tell.

Its an announcement. It is just an announcement. That's part of what forums such as these are all about. Forums serve many different purposes - this is merely one of them. Along the way, I might make updates to the announcement. The very first post here told you what this is not about: Not for sale; Not to be detailed, Still in testing, etc - stuff like that.

Its an announcement - nothing more. Of course, I don't have to announce it and that would be just as valid as if I had announced it. If someone finds a coin from prior to the B.C. era, they would at least make the announcement. Of course, they would show the coin as well, but this is not ancient history and real money is potentially on the line if I can mange to get the thing certified.
But what are you announcing? That you have had an idea? Whatever it is it's not properly tested by your own admission. You aren't going to tell us how it works, and you aren't going to show us it working. So again - what are you announcing exactly - cos as I say i'm stumped.

It's more like someone having a reading on their metal detector and announcing they have found a coin from what I can tell.

Good luck with whatever it is.
But what are you announcing?

Well, let me check the title of the thread......oh, it says: A Technical Breakthrough!

So, yeah, that would be just about right - I'm announcing a Technical Breakthrough! Yep, that's it. I'm sure of it.

Ain't it great! These things do happen, you know. 😀

I've created a new build (variable input) by deconstructing the PSAR into two components:

Leading Edge PSAR (LE-SAR) [one for Long and one for Short]
Trailing Edge PSAR (TE-SAR) [one for Long and one for Short]

This simply takes the PSAR span or length and divides it by two (2). The first SAR data point to emerge, is the Leading Edge and the last SAR data point within the emergent span, is the Trailing Edge. Both will be used in a lower level calculation to determine trade type, as there appears to be two different kinds of trade profiles that can be used.

The second build (variable input) was the creation of a new De-Trending Indicator, or D-Trend:

Quite simply, it tells me whether or not the market is De-Trending and if so, to what degree of inflection from the overriding "trend" itself. In other words, the De-Trending Indicator gives me market information on buyer and seller behavior relative to the previous full blown "trend."

Knowing the condition of D-Trend and the physical location of data point LE-SAR and TE-SAR, I theorize, that I can determine not just trade type and entry, but the actual slope of aggregate price action out to a specified target level. Basically, laser guided triangulation to the target level.

In addition, the output from the calculation involving D-Trend and either LE-SAR Short or LE-SAR Long (depending on where the market is an any given point), will determine whether or not either PSAR [either Long or Short] gets inverted. In other words, when Welles created it, he used PSAR "on top" to denote downward movement and PSAR "on bottom" to denote upward movement. Well, with the D-Trend and LE-SAR Short or LE-SAR Long combination, together they produce another new Indicator that I have called PSAR-Inverse.

PSAR-Inverse output, reverses the direction that Welles had intended for trade direction and market movement:

In other words, when the PSAR-Inverse Indicator light come "On" - that will automatically reverse the direction of the trade AND the entry location of the trade, to maintain coherence to a horizontal market condition. When the PSAR-Inverse Indicator light turns "Off" - that will reverse the direction of the trade and shift the entry location from LE-SAR back to the TE-SAR level.

In this way (I theorize), I should be able to ride the natural, cyclical waves of the market, Always-In and regardless of trending conditions (not including unexpected news spikes).

With fingers crossed, the test-bed will now be built and the serious back-testing will commence. The final tally on the front-end manual/visual testing was 229 trades triggered (Always-In), zero net losses, 57 trades at or near break-even, absolute draw range between 3 to 47 pips and absolute net (gain) range between 29 to 189 pips.

The expectation is that by adding the PSAR-Inversion Indicator (including: D-Trend, TE-SAR, LE-SAR [short and long]), I can eliminate a vast amount of the 57 trades at or near break-even and convert most of them into winners. That's the next step. After that, certification begins which is a fairly painful process, but so very necessary to maintain the integrity of the system overall.

I think Welles, Jr., would be proud, seeing what I've done to his creation. 😎 I think I did it justice by improving it and not destroying it. Time will tell, however.

Think outside the box and connect the dots! In the end, it's all just a little bit of history repeating.
TN7: You seem to be designing the next-generation of F-117 Nighthawk bombers what with laser-guidance, etc.
My Sopwith Camel will have to do me for the time being.

I have to concur with leovirgo; you seem to be similar to some guy that also used extensive aeronautical terminology, to the extent, we wondered whether he was actually building a plane or a trading plan.

Let us know how your tests go. 👍 (beware of windshear)
TN7: You seem to be designing the next-generation of F-117 Nighthawk bombers what with laser-guidance, etc.
My Sopwith Camel will have to do me for the time being.

I have to concur with leovirgo; you seem to be similar to some guy that also used extensive aeronautical terminology, to the extent, we wondered whether he was actually building a plane or a trading plan.

Let us know how your tests go. 👍 (beware of windshear)

"I don't use the same userid on every site I've ever visited on the internet .."

or even on the same site 😆
I feel an epic thread coming on...

It doesn't have to be. Live and let live. TN7 started a thread promoting new ideas in trading, that's all. Let it be, he has not offended anyone, no reason to pick fights.

I have been reading his stuff on forums for years, I'm not what you'd call a follower, but I've picked up a lot of ideas from his posts, repackaged them, modified to make them work for what I do. I don't post much on forums and the majority of my posts have been on his threads, this is only because, frankly, most trading talk is boring to me until I see someone who has fresh ideas beyond a new way to rearrange a cluster of moving averages.

TN7's methods are no holy grail, at least they haven't been to me, but I don't fully understand everything he does. I've seen the market change over the past few years that actually makes his delta concepts less predictable, but it's one method I use among others. I just like looking at numbers more than looking at charts and I realized that early on in my trading career. I have gotten from him a more mathematical approach which may or may not be more accurate than methods you guys use.

Look guys, I don't care if this guy is really a multi-millionaire or flys his own jet or not, but I do like reading what he has to say, at the very least, it's interesting. I'm also a fan of Robert Kiyosaki. A lot of people try to discredit him and he may or may not be everything he makes himself out to be, but I like reading his books, he has a lot of good things to say that changes my way of thinking about money. It's about the message, not the messenger.

Yes, this could be an epic thread or it could just die, but if it is, let's make it epic for the right reasons, polite sharing of ideas and if you choose not to participate, that's cool. For the credit of newbies who can at least see that there is more beyond the same old stuff that is talked about day after day in trading forums, please be constructive. No one is following this guy off of a cliff, there's no harm in new ideas.
sorry, what I meant to say was, anything and everything that "traders" "DISCOVER" has already been done and dusted
It doesn't have to be. Live and let live. TN7 started a thread promoting new ideas in trading, that's all. Let it be, he has not offended anyone, no reason to pick fights.



Yes, this could be an epic thread or it could just die, but if it is, let's make it epic for the right reasons, polite sharing of ideas and if you choose not to participate, that's cool. For the credit of newbies who can at least see that there is more beyond the same old stuff that is talked about day after day in trading forums, please be constructive. No one is following this guy off of a cliff, there's no harm in new ideas.

re: promoting new ideas in trading
re: polite sharing of ideas

My understanding is that TN7 is only sharing the fact he has "discovered" some new variant use of PSAR.
he has CATEGORICALLY stated he is unwilling to disclose those ideas.

There is NO "polite sharing of ideas" NOR "promoting of new ideas".

Unless you are psychic, you WONT, by TN7s own admission, know what his discovery is.

Hope you had a good week. The volatility has returned, so the pips have started to roll back in. Sort of.
... Today, I'd really rather bash companies like FXCM (they have earned it) and help to inspire Newbies to keep reaching for their goals. On occasion, I talk about breakthroughs, if I think they are worthy of some minor discussion - again, to hopefully inspire the Newbie to higher heights.

What I don't understand is many of your posts show some brilliance but then you feel the need to average down your IQ with the relentless FXCM bashing both on these boards and FXCM's boards and a certain number of "stupidity" posts.

I trade for a living and typically not for show. Of course, a $300K+ 17 pair trade profile, really goes a long way in shutting up the professional Naysayers. Sorry you missed it - it was like a nuclear bomb going off in here. You could have heard a pin drop - no more Naysayers after that. They now start threads and make oblique, non-direct comments about me - but that's ok, too. I know the real deal when I see it. 😎

This entire thread is for show and you even described what it should look like!


Ignore them - they are bunch of intellectually malnourished primitive minded people. They also don't have the capacity to reason and they lack true intelligence - just look at how they behave for proof. Most interestingly, they ignore what's already been laid right before their very eyes.

I netted (live and right here) over $300+k in 17 simultaneous trades after being called out by one of the Shop Foremen (TA Police Cadets) and not one of these Naysayers has mentioned it yet - though it happened right before their eyes in full detail - with updates. So, what do they harp on instead? What somebody is not trying to sell them. Not worth the time of day.

Take the guy who told you that there is 'nothing new in trading' as prime example of intellectual malnourishment.

LOL, are you kidding me! Nothing new! Where the heck did the 40+ years of conventional technical analysis come from, if nothing new can ever be discovered in trading. Why are we not drawing our charts by hand, if nothing new can ever be developed. People like this are so incredibly narrow, that I hardly know how they roll out of bed in the morning without bumping their head on life itself. That comment right there should tell you everything you need to know about the typical Naysaying paradigm. Laugh, because it is the only thing you can do with them.

Take the response to my extensions on Pinheads and the Inside Bar concepts that people have asked questions about on this forum, as more prime example of precisely how narrow mindedness works for your average human being.

I expanded both of those concepts with methodologies to increase both number of available and profitable trades for Newbies here who posted about their use in other threads. Has anyone one of these foolish people said anything about those two extensions that had never before been posted on this forum - or any other forum that I can think of for that matter? Of course, not. Why? Because that is what Professional Naysayers do. They have no ideas of their own, no new thoughts of their own, suggestions and/or valuable concepts and if the truth really be told here, most all Naysayers fit the profile of your classic Neo-mediocre Trader, hoping that one day, the tooth fairy will land some revelation on their pillow at night and spin-up their account while they are asleep. 😴

I know winners when I see them and losers never bother me. Winners persist while losers are too busy complaining about why they lose. It has been that way since the dawn of mankind on planet earth. Just smile, shake your head and give the obligatory nod in agreement - then move on.

Also remember, FXCM is a paid sponsor of this forum and I have exposed FXCM on point-by-point detail for the Bucket Shop Broker they truly are and these posts did not come up until I effectively did that. Newbies beware, Bucket Shops are real and they could care less about your trading success. That is one of the reasons why they need to spin-up their marketing departments to attract new "blood" as often as they can.

Now, what was I about to do......Oh, yes....

Update (Newbies):

There is more than I expected, here. This should be an object lesson for the Newbie (I don't post here for anyone else) - there is always a new and fresh way to look at what you think are your best ideas. You can always look at a problem from an infinite number of angles - not just 360 of them. Sometimes, you will come across something so profound, that it changes the way you calculate Risk in your trading.

Using the PSAR Event Horizon extensions, I've tentatively concluded that under a specific range of D-Trend (see previous post), that I can set the entry into a position either Long or Short and at the very least break-even virtually 96% of the time. Well, if breaking even is the only downside 96% of the time - what's the question, LOL! This entire concept of inverting the SAR's entry by shifting what would be the entry to the exit and the exit to the entry locations, lead me to understand that whenever the SAR's themselves get steep enough in angle relative to price and my D-Trend Indicator is within a specific range, the tip of the SAR becomes a far better Break-Out candidate then a so-called "trend following" indicator.

In fact, when the market is de-trended sufficiently and both SAR's (Long and Short) have an angle (relative to price action) that is within a specific range, you will really have to work very hard to lose money an almost any trade. Of course, the standard/default settings from Welles, won't work and thus the first level of PSAR modification becomes necessary.

Another new discovery is what I am now calling an Overlapping SAR, or O-SAR. Using the H1 chart and the custom settings for Step and Maximum, as well as the new D-Trend Indicator, I can literally connect the dots from one SAR1 to SAR2 (for example) to create an O-SAR for contiguous or non-contiguous bars of data. Doing so, they act like (behave like) on-ramps to a freeway of sorts where price seems to move in the direction of the synergy from both SARs.

Now, the problem with this one is that you can't tell when SAR2 is going to show up because SAR2 is always a "future event" and SAR1 is always the "historical event." Yeah, I know - a real bummer. So, here's what I did to fix that problem. Knowing what to look for in the data, I captured the historical events where SAR1 was eventually coupled to SAR2 within 2 bars of data. I then calculated the mathematical probability for each occurrence where price would follow the direction indicated by the creation of SAR2 (called the: O-SARp, or O-SAR Probability). Well, what I determined was that not only can the SAR2 location (price range) be predicted fairly accurately, but you can also predict the mean distance in bars between the two events, SAR1 and SAR2 that create O-SAR.

So, I took my mouse, grabbed the H1 chart and randomly slung it through several bars of data. I moved the chart to the nearest Daily Close and then waited for SAR1 to appear. Boom, there it was. Then, instead of taking that trade, I waited for SAR2 to appear according to the predicted price level and predicted time - boom, now its appears. I move the chart forward to see what happens and every single time, the synergy between the two SARs working together moves price drastically in the direction of O-SAR. Bizarre, and fun to watch! More random testing is required on this one, but it is very much like having your cake and eating it too, because the number of pips on average are far more than what I get from the entries that I've been seeing on my first discovery.

The point is this. All Newbies need to to understand the massive importance of finding new ways to look at old concepts, even on things that you now take for granted. There could very well be a new and fresh concept that might be profitable, sitting directly under your nose, without you ever knowing it or recognizing it for what it could be.

There are a countless number of different way to trade the markets. One singular concept may hold the key that unlocks a dozen new and different ways to profit that you have never explored before.

Rethink the old - you might just find something very new. 😉

That's called: O-SAR, boys. 😎

Get inspired Newbies. Get fired-up. Get your head into the data where it belongs. All roads to success as a Trader pass through the Data! Learn to read it. Learn to interpret it and learn how to creatively use it to your advantage.

Overlap is good! New concepts are everywhere you look! Newbies Rock!
Take the guy who told you that there is 'nothing new in trading' as prime example of intellectual malnourishment.

LOL, are you kidding me! Nothing new! Where the heck did the 40+ years of conventional technical analysis come from, if nothing new can ever be discovered in trading. Why are we not drawing our charts by hand, if nothing new can ever be developed.

chart ?
what the heck is a chart ?

oh, its that crutch that you mugs lean on when you can't trade properly