A Technical Breakthrough!

chart ?
what the heck is a chart ?

oh, its that crutch that you mugs lean on when you can't trade properly

Heck, I only use them for research myself in conjunction with raw data. My entire system is a fully integrated Digital GUI - no charts necessary. But, of course, there was no way for you to know that. 😎

Still, there are times for old nostalgia sake, when I like to look up and see a Candle go ballistic, from time to time. I have an ego, too (I'm human). I just try not to let it get in the way of better judgment, common sense and rational thinking, like the typically Neo-mediocre Naysaying Trader always seems to do.
...Unless you are psychic, you WONT, by TN7s own admission, know what his discovery is.

I think he meant the typical Naysayer attitude of making total fools of themselves attempting to ridicule that which they don't fully understand on any level - and merely because they don't understand on any level, it is somehow non-existent, moot, or worthless. I think that was the point being made, though I could be wrong.

What is is made of you ask?

Well, PSAR, of course. Welles, created it. All I did was look at it in juxtaposition to what I have already created, blended the ideas together and boom, up came a third, completely new idea or set of ideas (I'm still developing it).

It comes from spending years studying raw data. A concept that amazingly gets overlooked by many Traders at all levels. Raw Data contains all the answers about market behavior, price action and market persistence. If you grew-up on the beach, then nobody has to tell you when a wild one is coming on-shore. You can look out a quarter mile away at the very least and see it coming. The person never having spent much time on the beach, sitting and taking in the sun, looks out at that same horizon and does not see anything very interesting but more water. He sits on the beach until it is too late, getting pulled out with the undertow - all because he has not seen enough "waves."

Same here, I see things that other people don't see, because I spent years developing my ability to read raw data - not charts. So, when I see something inside a chart that looks "interesting," I immediately load-up some raw data to see it digitally or numerically. If I can see it numerically, then I know that I can quantify it - which means that I can measure it. And, if I know that I can measure it, then I know that I can test and analyze it for its qualitative value. Once qualitative measures are taken, then I know whether or not I have a winner. All of it driven by raw data analysis, most of the time.

Here's a hint:

Most people look at PSAR and see two broken chains of dots on a screen. This is sad. This is truly sad and for years this is what I saw, too. So, I was just as sad as most others. But, I'm not sad anymore over this!

When I now look at PSAR, I see one continuous flowing range of dots. A never ending series of parabolic price levels that go on for as long as "price" goes on. So, while you see a PSAR on top and a PSAR on bottom, I see PSAR Infinite - a never ending parabola with periodic shifts in direction. If "price" starts moving opposite the "active" PSAR, does the screen paint the opposing PSAR values immediately? No, of course not. But, does this mean that the new PSAR does not exist? No, of course not.

Now, connect the dots on the bottom and on the top and then ask yourself some fundamental questions: What is a Parabola anyway? What is the true nature of the parabolic form? Is it not: Y-squared ~ 2PX. If you need to brush up on your basic math skills, then now would be good time to do it. What happens when you form that particular parabola onto itself? Does it not complete a full circle? Now, split the full circle in half, one top side and one bottom side.


[flip this image until the parabola has both ends pointing up - replicate the image and then invert that image to produce the same image on top - then phase shift the image on bottom to match the description I give in this thread]

Now, shift their phase, so that their end-points are dissimilar - or where the left end point of the lower touches the right end point of the upper. Now, what do you have? Don't you have the basic volatility pattern (signature) found in all financially traded markets with a mean volatility located directly at the center or between both curved planes? Of course, you do. If price is not following one plane, it must be following the other. Now, all you have to do is figure out the vertical magnitude of the market, to determine the full length of the parabola in charge. But, I'm not going to hand you that clincher on a silver platter. Especially, not after being insulted on this board by a bunch of intellectual midgets.

Trendi, they are just going to have to use the imagination that they were born with to figure out the rest!

Naysayers are such funny, people. 🙂 I actually like them in many respects, they keep me motivated.

It is sitting right there in front of them and they still don't interpret it for what it is. I bet Welles knew it but decided to keep it to himself. I don't blame him. He most likely ran into a bunch of Naysaying Jelly Fish, too.

We are having a light-bulb moment here, I take it.... :idea:
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The problem with Traders in this regard, is that they are too busy looking at price in two dimensions and are unable to use their imagination to discover and then view data in the third dimension.

The third dimension is there, but people have to train their brain to be able to see it. Once you do, seeing price move in a circle becomes second nature. But, you have to learn how to teach your brain to see the third axis, before that can happen. This can be done by knowing how to observe raw data in the form: OHLC.

When you learn how to see price this way:


Then you will be able to see price as it truly exists in the market. It is called (as you all know) the Double Helix. And, it is at the core of everything I do in the markets.

Now, do you see the parabola? LOL! Connect the dots.

How important is the number 1 over Phi? (1/1.6180)
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If I were to teach a trading course, I would teach it exactly like this. In fact, my opening five minutes, would be exactly as you see here, covering precisely the same information about the Golden Rectangle/Section.

Fortunately, for me, I will never be teaching such a trading course, LOL! However, still, what he has to say here, applies not only to art, but to trading as well - just as equally.

Impressive sounding stuff.... would love to listen to you more..

Now coming to the thing that really matters in trading - show me the money 🙂
Impressive sounding stuff.... would love to listen to you more..

Now coming to the thing that really matters in trading - show me the money 🙂

Been there:


Done that:


No need to go back.

I was here only to inspire the Newbie to higher heights in their thinking about trading - not to prove to anyone that I can trade most forum warm-body's into the ground. I do this all week, every week. But, if I post the results here, I get called "arrogant" by people suffering from mental regression - even after those same clowns demand that I post trade set-ups. Not only is that line of thinking mental regression - it is flat-out irrational.

Call somebody out and then tell them they are arrogant for posting their results? That's dumb. Won't happen again.
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Hi TN7,

I say keep posting the trade profiles, maybe one or two more. I think it, at the least, gives the newer traders something to think about. I didn't see your post with the profile at the time, wish I would have.

It feels good not to be the newbie trader anymore, I have almost five years under my hat now. I built a fully automated system in C# to try and scalp with the delta concepts. I concluded that there's too much noise at that level and have gone back to day trading, which so far I'm doing OK.

I did want to ask, though, if you were to scale down to the smaller time frames (15 minute), what would you emphasize as far as support indicators? The basic deltas do break down and sometimes make no sense at all a this level. I built my indicator package around a time frame in 2008 where it would have made a killing, but I think I overfit a little bit and it gets killed in the current market. I'm trying to modify it to work in present day and possibly make it self-adjustable, but can't seem to find the right formula.

I've also thought about going fully automated with the day trading, but that's a lot of coding work and would require a serious multi-threaded program. I do enjoy semi-discretionary trading, but I really do like the idea of having a 'bot' make all the decisions for me.

Anyway, good trading and keep posting.
Hi TN7,

I say keep posting the trade profiles, maybe one or two more. I think it, at the least, gives the newer traders something to think about. I didn't see your post with the profile at the time, wish I would have.

It feels good not to be the newbie trader anymore, I have almost five years under my hat now. I built a fully automated system in C# to try and scalp with the delta concepts. I concluded that there's too much noise at that level and have gone back to day trading, which so far I'm doing OK.

I did want to ask, though, if you were to scale down to the smaller time frames (15 minute), what would you emphasize as far as support indicators? The basic deltas do break down and sometimes make no sense at all a this level. I built my indicator package around a time frame in 2008 where it would have made a killing, but I think I overfit a little bit and it gets killed in the current market. I'm trying to modify it to work in present day and possibly make it self-adjustable, but can't seem to find the right formula.

I've also thought about going fully automated with the day trading, but that's a lot of coding work and would require a serious multi-threaded program. I do enjoy semi-discretionary trading, but I really do like the idea of having a 'bot' make all the decisions for me.

Anyway, good trading and keep posting.

Good to see you Brabed.

I won't be doing any trade profiles because I have to continually update them. I could post the screen pic of the Panel, but I don't want to show that either anymore. Besides, Newbies need ideas not trades. Remember, feed a man and he's good to go for that day. Teach the man how to go get his own food and you've fed him for a lifetime. Inspiration and ideas/clues are what the Newbie needs. In the beginning, even the Newbie does not truly know what they need and it can take a very long time to figure it out. I wish I had someone with years of experience and new insights to offer me help when I was a struggling Nube.

As far as your system is concerned. Recall, that I've only exposed my system/technology up to the 4G level. I'm trading 7G right now and my last words to you guys was to start looking for other Deltas beyond 4G. I briefly went over the first 5G indicators, Alpha-4 and Alpha-5 as concepts, which are really just advanced versions of Distinct Vega. I can't go beyond 4G public exposure but like I said, I am at the 7th Generation of code now. I'm not in Kansas anymore and Toto has turned into a Thoroughbred Race Horse!

About Support and Resistance. Leave that up to conventional Traders.

I don't worry about Support and Resistance because I trade underneath it and in between it. Support and Resistance simply emerges in the rear-view mirror, after a series of trades are concluded. When they are done, then I can look back on a chart and say something like: Aha! So, there is support and resistance. A Delta Trader does not go out looking for support and resistance, because it can show up until after the fact - just like the so-called "trend." As a Delta Trader, I am concerned with probabilities - not "trends." Both support and resistance are trend indicators but most people don't understand that.

Most conventional wisdom associates a "trend" with vertical movement alone. This is a classic mistake it is one of the primary reasons why so many get sucked into support, only to be blasted out the bottom, or pulled into resistance, only to be launched through the roof and into the stratosphere. If you are Delta Trading correctly, then Support and Resistance will emerge on-time, right before your eyes and on cue - just like it is supposed to. Heck, a Delta Trader should be able to see Double Tops coming, before they arrive on scene! Hunt for the Probability and Risk Mitigate with good money management - that is where the real money resides.

Now. How?

Well, remember, I've only given 4G - so I cannot tell you exactly how I do it. However, you have insight that others won't, so telling you that you need to find weak TCDs that coalesce around a weak mean should spark some imagination in you. Because, that is when the LocBind trade works the best. In fact, LocBind is a virtual guarantee, as long as the weaker TCD continues to wrap around its own weak mean. It is all about HOW you look at the data and HOW you interpret it. Remember, you are dealing with Meta data, not Market data, so you can't think the same way the market does. Your interpretation, by definition, has to be one step ahead of the market, at all times. If you are interpreting with the market, then by definition, you can't be Delta Trading. You have to be where the market must go a high-probability of the time, before the market gets there and get out, before the market leaves. Stealth.

Remember, the TCDs have mean lines, too! This is what RT-TCD can help you understand immediately. This is what TAC-TCD helps you understand in the short-term and this is what SAC-TCD helps you understand over the long-term. It is all about HOW you read and interpret the data. I suggested that you guys create not just new Deltas but new Indicators based upon the TCDs themselves. How many people actually took that to heart. One of the primary reasons why LocBind escapes you, is that you have not yet created a simple mean "trend line" of each TCD itself. Once you have the individual TCD mean lines plotted, then you can see with the naked eye which TCD is coalescing around its mean. That's one of the biggest secrets to unlocking more potential out of the LocBind type trade. Since you are now using OOP, you should be able to get better clarity and definition of this inter-relationship between the TCD and its Mean, down to the lower time-frames and that alone should boost LocBind performance dramatically.

Once you go outside the box, there is no turning back. Stay out side the box and that is what conceiving and creating the TCD Mean Line represents. It is totally outside the box thinking. Who knew? Doing so, means that you are creating a Child Indicator using its Parent Indicator to derive a third Indicator, the TCD Mean Oscillator. Something I've never shared before, because I wanted you guys to develop this creative thought process on your own.

Ok, so now you know - now go build it. All you are doing is building a "trend" indicator of the TCD itself - that is it. Then you can start getting more creative by blending BOTH TCD Mean Oscillators together to explore the kind of price action that occurs with such a view of the market. When you do this, you will note that whenever either TCD (Long or Short) is coalescing around its own mean like the DNA Double Helix above, LocBind is also present and accounted for.

Now, take it a step further.

Now that you know bout the TCD Mean Oscillator, build one for the Long TCD and the Short TCD - then blend the two together to create a singular Global TCD Magnitude Indicator. I affectionately call it the Global Hawk inside my system, but you can call it what you want. Global Hawk is the master mean derivative of all TCD magnitude. Do not confuse this with a Directional Indicator - it is not. In this regard, you can think of it in the same way you would think of ADX, only this one has a much better pulse of the market because it uses TCD values for its input.

Scale Global Hawk to output its data in the same data format that your TCDs use and when you see one TCD coalescing around Global Hawk, then bingo - you should see very reliable LocBind signature within that same time-frame. The closer Global Hawk is to either TCD in-terms of distance or their respective magnitude values, the higher the LocBind probability. And, THAT is what a Delta Trader is looking for, high delta probabilities. Not support and resistance.

When neither TCD is coalescing or cycling around Global Hawk, that is when you know the Dominant Trajectory (trend) is taking over and the shift from LocBind trade types to pure TCD trade types on good subordinate side Fills, are at play. To the outsider, it will simply look like you've transitioned to simply trading the "trend." That is of course, until one of the TCDs starts cycling and coalescing around Global Hawk again. At which point you shift back from TCD type trades on good subordinate side Fills, into LocBind positions. In this way, you can roll back and forth between most market conditions with relative confidence.

This should get you to the mid point of 5G. :idea:

Hope that helps and happy trading!

Thanks as always for the information to digest. I think you misunderstood a part of my post, when I said 'support' indicators, I was referring to other indicators that you use that might 'support' what I'm seeing in the TCD's. I should have said 'secondary' indicators in it's place. No, I don't typically use support / resistance. If I were to go conventional I would use CCI coupled with the Fisher Transform, but that's not even that conventional, or possibly Semafore. I like some of TRO's stuff and the Semafore is one that he uses.

But, like you say, no going back now and things are starting to make sense with TCD's, more accurately I should say, using TCD's along with hours at staring at charts to correlate the TCD's with the chart price action is starting to make some sense. I caught the moderate move down in EURUSD today because I saw it happening ahead of time, these are the kind of TCD set-ups I can work with, but the everyday stuff I have a harder time with.

I am going it alone at present, the otbfxrg group has pretty much broken up. We still all communicate from time to time, but I know of only one other (I think) who is currently working on TCD based stuff. The others have put it on the back burner for now. I think overall, we gave it a good go, but it lost steam over time. They are all a great bunch of smart guys and I hope to stay in touch with them as our trading careers progress.

Take care.

Thanks as always for the information to digest. I think you misunderstood a part of my post, when I said 'support' indicators, I was referring to other indicators that you use that might 'support' what I'm seeing in the TCD's.

Two words: Global Hawk! 😎

Take care.

...of Global Hawk! 👍

You have to push the technology forward, or it it will find the back burner and lose steam over time. Build and plot Global Hawk (excel or OOP) then look for proximity and coalescence around its Mean. Where you find TCD coalescence around Global Hawk, you can't help but find LocBind signature all over the place.

All Global Hawk does is measure the Magnitude of the Dominant Trajectory (much the same way the ADX measures the Magnitude of the "Trend"). Global Hawk takes both TCDs and calculates the Dominant Trajectory's Magnitude - not direction. It is scaled to output the same data format as both TCDs, so you can see either TCD as it interacts with Global Hawk. So, if Daily TCDs are running: Dominant 125 pips and Subordinate 67 pips, then Global Hawk should be running at about 96 (depending on how you want to play with the weighting for your own creative reasons).

If Global Hawk is running at 96 and either: a) Subordinate TCD is seen periodically cycling above 96 and then back down below 96, or b) Dominant is seen cycling below 96 and then back above 96, then you know full well that in order for any of that to happen, LocBind (within the same time-interval) must be dancing like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers on a Broadway stage. If one TCD takes off in the same direction as Global Hawk, then LocBind is done - back to TCD trades on good Subordinate Fills - the Dominant Trajectory has taken over.

You have to create the tools to be able to see inside the data. This won't jump right off the page or directly out of the charts and present itself. Remember, this is going inside the so-called "Trend" or Dominant Trajectory. Therefore, trying to see what's going on at that level, without eyes on the inside is pointless. Global Hawk is that next line of defense that gets you inside and behind enemy lines for a glimpse at what the "Trend" is really doing and why it is doing it. Without it, you are flying blind. Since you have transitioned over to OOP, creating this should be fairly simple. You would set the Period on Global Hawk the same as you would for Omega or any of the other TCDs values. I use 24 periods in mine to cover a full month on the Daily Bar, but you can experiment with yours in OOP to get down to the smaller intervals, like the 1 hour - which should prove to be very interesting to watch.

4G has its limitations and this is one of them. But, that's as far as my public discussions go on the system. I don't discuss things beyond 5G. However, Global Hawk single handily pulls you into 5G, all by itself because it exposes more available LocBind probabilities that are more inline with the high accuracy model that I use at 7G. So, you get a higher availability of successful LocBind with Global Hawk than without. Without it, you would have to read between the Tea Leaves, in order to get fix on precisely when you can go with LocBind and when the probabilities are not in your favor for a good LocBind outcome.

Again, this is all outside the box - nobody else is doing this. So, it does take some pushing and refining to break through to the next level on your own, without my help. You get there by looking for patterns among patterns, within the fundamental Delta based framework. And, that can only happen when new tools are developed that take you inside the Delta patterns themselves. Global Hawk is a textbook example of how to do exactly that. It is the bridge (nexus) between 4G Delta based trading and 5G Delta based trading. So, you either have to produce Global Hawk, or something very similar - which is ok, too. There are no rules on creativity here, other than the ides must be consistently profitable.

You don't have to select my exact path. In fat, that's what the entire exercise was about. For other people to take my work and expand upon it in their own unique ways. Not necessarily to repeat precisely what I've done already.


I'm taking Welles Parabolic SAR; improving it, changing it, drastically altering it and then making something that did not exist before. When I am done, Welles himself might vaguely recognize it, but I doubt it. Embedded in my PSAR Event Horizon is my D-Trending Indicator which has a variant of the Global Hawk built-into it. This is the kind of continual mental progression and creative overlap that I constantly refer to as thinking outside the box and it is the very thing that has made me a successful Trader.

Continue to evolve the system. That's what makes it unique and consistent.

Hope this helps.
you have insight that others won't, so telling you that you need to find weak TCDs that coalesce around a weak mean should spark some imagination in you. Because, that is when the LocBind trade works the best. In fact, LocBind is a virtual guarantee,
That sounds to me like one should only place LocBind trade from weak/suborinate tcd to
the dominant one with this condition.

Remember, the TCDs have mean lines, too! This is what RT-TCD can help you understand immediately. This is what TAC-TCD helps you understand in the short-term and this is what SAC-TCD helps you understand over the long-term. It is all about HOW you read and interpret the data. I suggested that you guys create not just new Deltas but new Indicators based upon the TCDs themselves. How many people actually took that to heart. One of the primary reasons why LocBind escapes you, is that you have not yet created a simple mean "trend line" of each TCD itself. Once you have the individual TCD mean lines plotted, then you can see with the naked eye which TCD is coalescing around its mean. That's one of the biggest secrets to unlocking more potential out of the LocBind type trade. Since you are now using OOP, you should be able to get better clarity and definition of this inter-relationship between the TCD and its Mean, down to the lower time-frames and that alone should boost LocBind performance dramatically.

In my case, the mean lines have been created long ago, two for each TCD mentioned
above, one for long and one for short. However, I have never looked at it graphically
to observe the parent indicator behaviour around the mean lines. So they end up as
just a bunch of numbers to me, sitting away in a corner.

Once you go outside the box, there is no turning back. Stay out side the box and that is what conceiving and creating the TCD Mean Line represents. It is totally outside the box thinking. Who knew? Doing so, means that you are creating a Child Indicator using its Parent Indicator to derive a third Indicator, the TCD Mean Oscillator. Something I've never shared before, because I wanted you guys to develop this creative thought process on your own.

Ok, so now you know - now go build it. All you are doing is building a "trend" indicator of the TCD itself - that is it. Then you can start getting more creative by blending BOTH TCD Mean Oscillators together to explore the kind of price action that occurs with such a view of the market. When you do this, you will note that whenever either TCD (Long or Short) is coalescing around its own mean like the DNA Double Helix above, LocBind is also present and accounted for.

Now, take it a step further.

Now that you know bout the TCD Mean Oscillator, build one for the Long TCD and the Short TCD - then blend the two together to create a singular Global TCD Magnitude Indicator. I affectionately call it the Global Hawk inside my system, but you can call it what you want. Global Hawk is the master mean derivative of all TCD magnitude. Do not confuse this with a Directional Indicator - it is not. In this regard, you can think of it in the same way you would think of ADX, only this one has a much better pulse of the market because it uses TCD values for its input.

Doesn't the RT-TCD have directional implication already, it could be +ve or -ve or 0 ?
If so, the mean line which is derived from the RT-TCD will also carries that directional
characteristic, doesn't it ?

Scale Global Hawk to output its data in the same data format that your TCDs use and when you see one TCD coalescing around Global Hawk, then bingo - you should see very reliable LocBind signature within that same time-frame. The closer Global Hawk is to either TCD in-terms of distance or their respective magnitude values, the higher the LocBind probability. And, THAT is what a Delta Trader is looking for, high delta probabilities. Not support and resistance.

Which TCD are you talking about here again ? For a day trader like yourself, I suspect
u look at the RT and no slower than TAC?
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In my case, the mean lines have been created long ago, two for each TCD mentioned above, one for long and one for short. However, I have never looked at it graphically to observe the parent indicator behaviour around the mean lines. So they end up as just a bunch of numbers to me, sitting away in a corner.

I do quite well with the little numbers myself, but that's me.

Now, take it a step further.

Now that you know bout the TCD Mean Oscillator, build one for the Long TCD and the Short TCD - then blend the two together to create a singular Global TCD Magnitude Indicator. I affectionately call it the Global Hawk inside my system, but you can call it what you want. Global Hawk is the master mean derivative of all TCD magnitude. Do not confuse this with a Directional Indicator - it is not. In this regard, you can think of it in the same way you would think of ADX, only this one has a much better pulse of the market because it uses TCD values for its input.

Scale Global Hawk to output its data in the same data format that your TCDs use and when you see one TCD coalescing around Global Hawk, then bingo - you should see very reliable LocBind signature within that same time-frame. The closer Global Hawk is to either TCD in-terms of distance or their respective magnitude values, the higher the LocBind probability. And, THAT is what a Delta Trader is looking for, high delta probabilities. Not support and resistance.

When neither TCD is coalescing or cycling around Global Hawk, that is when you know the Dominant Trajectory (trend) is taking over and the shift from LocBind trade types to pure TCD trade types on good subordinate side Fills, are at play. To the outsider, it will simply look like you've transitioned to simply trading the "trend." That is of course, until one of the TCDs starts cycling and coalescing around Global Hawk again. At which point you shift back from TCD type trades on good subordinate side Fills, into LocBind positions. In this way, you can roll back and forth between most market conditions with relative confidence.

This should get you to the mid point of 5G. :idea:

This is certainly not for everyone, Soccer. However, for those with the baseline StealthIndicators that have developed an understanding of their behavior and what they reveal about the nature of price behavior, adding to their ranks something like Global Hawk, can only enhance the trade. Or, look for other Delta Patterns on your own.

Since the creation of the original StealthIndicators, I've discovered a total 33 additional Delta Patterns over the past 5 years and I've only had time to integrate 17 of the 33 new discoveries over the 7 years total. So, I've got patterns that I still have not fully vetted, but don't to as my trading has long since gelled into a complete whole unit of consistent production.

So, what I would say is either use the information given to extend your own thinking on the subject, or like you say, put them on the corner and move on to something else that works for you.

One does not arrive at 7G on 4G patterns alone. But, one can use the 3G and 4G experience to expand their own mind and thus their own creativity, such that new ideas surface within the same vein as that which inspired it. And, it will be those expanded ideas that optimize the trade.

If someone handed me SAC/TAC/RT, DV and Locbind on a silver platter when I first started out, I'd be light years ahead of where I am today - which is pretty far down the planned path already.

Break-outs come from discovery and discovery comes from the harder work and the ability to see beyond the traditional horizon. I can help by offering up to 4G. Everything else beyond that has to be earned the old fashion way - the way I did it and the way that all truly successful Traders do it. I can't (unfortunately) help with the ability to see beyond the horizon. Either one has that ability, or they don't. There's no teaching that.

Global Hawk, pretty much turns the corner for you and makes the transition easier, but any more than that and I'd be giving the store away. Not something that I plan to do. The foundation is there (stealthindicators). Build upon it, or build another foundation that works better, so that success can be achieved. After all, that's what this whole thing is about - success as opposed to perpetual failure. Too many Traders know the tune all too well.

All good stuff. I saw the opportunity for the roll back into dominant this morning and jumped in @ 3490. Rode it up to a respectable 63+ gain. Thing is, this is not a trade I would normally take because the Long side was already filled up to 115%, but I was recently re-reading some of your older posts on dominance and saw it happening before it happened.👍

Take care and good trading.

All good stuff. I saw the opportunity for the roll back into dominant this morning and jumped in @ 3490. Rode it up to a respectable 63+ gain. Thing is, this is not a trade I would normally take because the Long side was already filled up to 115%, but I was recently re-reading some of your older posts on dominance and saw it happening before it happened.👍

Take care and good trading.

No problem and good trade. 🙂

I already in Long from 3526 at 0000 GMT on 4/1/2010 for a 20 pip TAC-Long continuation from 3/31/2010. I had Entry Orders set at 3547 for the initiation of the 4/1/2010 TAC-Short for a less than 100% Fill. And, then an Entry Order back into Dominance to "clean-up" whatever else was leftover for the session. So, this was a three-leg set-up for me today. Ironically, the third-leg (TAC-Long) was the biggest and it was the leg that continued the Weekly Omega expansion to the upside. So, you can see how I use all my time-frames and keep all my time-frames under control - in terms of knowing what their Trajectories are doing at any given time.

Take a look at the Weekly Omega compression just before 4/1/2010 session began at 0000 GMT. Weekly Omega was 163 pips by then - so the probability for Weekly expansion was still fairly high. So, knowing Dominance, helps to understand where Weekly Omega needs to go and that information helps you better understand WHY the Daily price action behaves the way it does.

The NFP is coming out tomorrow and therefore, I'm out. This will skew the Trajectories one way or another, regardless of what the direction of the news looks like tomorrow. If you had Global Hawk up and running, you'd be able to better see this stuff coming down the pipe-line.

Global Hawk adds enormously to the StealthIndicator package and it really does help to see Dominance much better.

In terms of your bounce back into Dominance is concerned. Go plot several Fibonacci lines:

1) 3/30 to 3/31 TAC-Long
2) 3/31 Omega
3) 3/31 H-Scale
4) 3/31 Distinct Vega T-Long (low:close)

You will note that your entry at 3490 into the Long, was above the 38.2 fib retrace of aggregate of each of the four lines. Many ran down into the 50% retrace level, before the Dominant side took over again.

I don't use Fibs for the purpose of setting levels, but I do use it to see how the market behaves around my TCD values, both Absolute values and Fill values.

Yours was a good trade, but the thought process is what I found most impressive of all. Anybody can guess their way to 63 pips, but you thought your way their when many in the market had to stop and recover from the Short mistake - which by the way (LOL) only helped to fuel your weak roll into Dominance!

That's StealthTrading and the key (of course) is to nail that level of proficiency (logical extrapolation and trade decision protocol) at optimum levels on every trade. That's always the goal and that's what keeps the StealthTrader at least one step ahead of most. Not a bad place to be. 😉
i've sometime speculated anyone with a real 95% system foolish enough to announce it might have a short life expectancy given there are people who own billions who might wish to own it then silence the author?
i've sometime speculated anyone with a real 95% system foolish enough to announce it might have a short life expectancy given there are people who own billions who might wish to own it then silence the author?

If you knew who the creator of the system was, then you would know why such thinking is foolishness, number one.

Number two, who do you think is making all the money in the currency markets anyway - the little guy? A good trading system (the best in the world) don't run counter to what the so-called "Big Boys" are doing. A good trading system is constantly taking money from the clueless. And, the clueless are not the "Big Boys."

"Liquidity Providers," come in all sizes shapes and colors. Who do you think provided the liquidity for this 63+ pip TCD Reversal Trade?

Liquidity, is where you find it. 😉 Your trading system, if it is worth it's own weight in salt, had better find a smooth way to ride with the Big Boys and not against them. All good trading systems do that.

So, if you are moving in virtually the same direction, entering before they do and exiting before they do AND your cost basis is significantly smaller than their, then you are effectively under the radar, for the most part.

Yet another reason to trade on a platform that offers you Anonymous polling of your positions, including Hidden Limits, Stops and one of my favorites, Icebergs. Of course, using a platform that enables Time Allocated entries and exists is, well, just icing on the proverbial cake.

Real Traders understand that Risk Mitigation means more than just protecting the Stop and they deploy proper security measures as warranted and as needed in more ways than meets the eye.

Consider me G.I. Joe Trader, from now on around these parts.

LOL! I love this place... I really do.... 😀
what is this global hawk and stealth indicator?

You mentioned you are offering upto 4G. Where?

You'll have to do your research, he has done a lot of posts on various forums and you can pick up bits and pieces and put it all together. He's not 'offering' anything per se, but he's referring to the bits of info he's given over the years.

It's just a different way to think about trading, all numerical based. I'm too lazy to post a link, but search for 7thSignalTrader and find the Advanced Structured Forex Trading forum. I like a lot of the concepts. You'll either love it or hate it.
How do I become a Delta trader? Where can I learn how to use math to trade? Also what platform can I use that lets me keep my trades private?