A New Day

I would like to address a very unpleasant topic tonight. I overheard someone I wont mention talk about domestic terrorism yesterday.

To terrorize, torture or torment another animal is seriously wrong. There are mentally demented human beings who believe in torturing & then killing innocent people. It is a sad reality of today.

Heros save people. They protect people & bring people to safety.

Terrorists terrorize people.

Serial Killers kill people.


Terrorists do exist in the world today who are sick in the head.

Along with serial killers who must be mentally deranged, brainwashed or senseless.

People who terrorize others & who commit murder belong behind bars so society is safe.

I'm shocked to hear some of the individuals who cry wolf.


My goal is to make the world a better place. My mission is to stay positive through a negative whirlwind of chaos & madness. Our government in America is a mess. I'm only trying to improve things in America so we can all live longer, healthier, happier lives. So we can help other less fortunate people live out their lives more fully.

Bring about some much needed peace & love to this world. Life is precious. A beautiful gift for all of us to cherish.

My dream to correct our climate, restore healthcare/provide a sustainable solution & end wars over foreign oil is a good one. There are some people who dont care about our planet or for the people who live on it.

I do care.

I care a great deal.

Throughout 12 years of voices, I've only grown stronger. I have much love, respect & appreciation for our planet & people who have made it home. I am driven to achieve Success & fail to quit on my friends, family, country or world.

Life is a gift.

Love life.

Embrace life.

Help others.

Enjoy Life.

Lets all live our lives to the fullest.
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Good Morning

Day 191 = A Decent Day

Day 192 = Great Success

A New Day
Total +46.93%

Big Gainers
+10.52% - MRNA
+7.68% - ENPH
+6.80% - BLDP
+6.12% - SPWR
+6.00% - SEDG
+5.29% - PLUG
+5.08% - TSLA
+4.42% - RUN
+3.70% - NVDA
+2.13% - ADBE
+1.88% - AAPL
+1.69% - MSFT
+1.61% - NFLX
+1.53% - EBAY
+1.27% - AMZN

Gratitude List
Renewables & Using less coal

Less Coal Ash Spills - Less carbon emissions from burning coal - Less poisonous & toxic fumes sent off at our coal energy transfer plants - Less miners with black lung disease - Less contamination to our communities around open pit coal mines (right now they use coal contamination buckets to measure the sought spill off)

Let's all do our part & try to help clean coal up. It is filthy & people are dying to collect & burn it. There is no such thing as clean coal!

Bring on the Renewables!

Very exciting & awesome time to be alive.

2021 ‐ Time to embrace the Clean & Green movement!

Take Care
Happy Easter everyone

Very Sad day in our Capitol yesterday.

2 Dead in a senseless act.

2 lives were lost & never to come back.

Really makes you appreciate being alive to celebrate Easter today.

Wish we could put an end to all the killing.

In my opinion we need peace to prevail.

Hard enough to handle the loss of life with covid.

My sister messaged me some pics of my nieces which I will try to share a photo with you all.

I was able to visit with my parents & family dog Chloe which was nice.

We had a great meal here as well. Spiral Honey Ham, Scallop potatoes, veggies & a pineapple pound cake.

Everyone take good care.

Stay Safe.
Happy Easter to all the folks who make Trade 2 Win great. My family had a really cool Easter. Glad to be able to share it with everyone.


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My Niece Margot is the oldest at 5. Sylvia is going to be 3 very soon, April 8th. Edith is turning 1 on April 7th. My Nephew Maxwell turns 1 on April 9th. Crazy Birthday parties for them in April with the 7th, 8th & 9th. Very happy & proud to be their Uncle.
Maxwell & Chloe dog n I.

My Dad just picked up a new 4 door Z71 Chevy Colorado. Pretty Sweet ride I do believe. Love Chevy. Built like a rock.


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Good Morning!

Friday results are in...

Day 193 = Small Gain

A New Day
Total +47.57%

Big Gainers
+3.69% - REGI
+3.47% - NVDA
+3.40% - NFLX
+3.34% - GOOG
+3.05% - EBAY
+2.79% - MSFT
+2.73% - ATVI
+2.72% - GLPG
+2.42% - V
+2.41% - DIS
+2.16% - AMZN
+2.07% - BAC
+2.04% - MA
+1.88% - ADBE
+1.88% - TMUS
+1.52% - SHW
+1.28% - DLTR
+1.22% - MRNA
+0.98% - ALL
+0.97% - JPM
+0.86% - INTC
+0.82% - HD

Hope we all had a nice Easter.

Back 2 the Bull.

Stay Safe & Be Well.
Morning Folks!

Day 194 = Small Down

A New Day

Big Gainers
+4.43% - TSLA
+4.11% - GOOG
+3.08% - INTC
+2.94% - TMUS
+2.87% - DLTR
+2.81% - WMT
+2.77% - MSFT
+2.57% - BLDP
+2.49% - HD
+2.46% - SHW
+2.44% - ATVI
+2.36% - AAPL
+2.17% - KR
+2.08% - AMZN
+1.98% - XEL
+1.95% - NKE
+1.71% - ADBE
+1.66% - COST
+1.38% - MA
+1.34% - GLPG
+1.27% - NVDA
+1.26% - LOW
+1.26% - ALL
+1.04% - DTE
+1.01% - V
+0.98% - VZ
+0.92% - EBAY

Shame most renewables went down, but we did end up with quite a few green graphs.

It's our good friend Dianne's bday here today. We have Edith, Sylvia & Maxwell all celebrating this week too.

Gratitude List

Cards - Cake - Ice Cream - Cool Pics - Gifts - Birthday Wish - Love & Happiness

Let's keep doing are part to support green energy. Lots of good people out there who can get in while the price is low. Renewable energy is the way of the future. I truly believe stocks will soar once the movement takes off. Great time to buy in low.

Everyone have a great day & let's make it an awesome week!

Take Care
Good Afternoon!

Day 195 = Decent Gain

A New Day
Total +47.69%

Big Gainers
+5.69% - ENPH
+3.68% - PLUG
+3.08% - SEDG
+3.06% - REGI
+2.79% - MRNA
+1.92% - RUN
+1.51% - NKE
+1.19% - SHW

Decent Day on the bull.

Nice to see some renewables perform well.

Gratitude List
Childhood memories

1st Christmas - 1st Birthday - 1st Tooth - 1st Bike - 1st day of school - 1st Halloween - 1st Easter

Neat to have some little ones to relive some cool memories. Lots of 1sts with the little guys.

Anyways you guys take care.

Talk to you all tomorrow
Good Afternoon Folks!

Day 196 = Big Down

A New Day
Total +45.45%

Big Gainers
+2.03% - NVDA
+1.72% - AMZN
+1.57% - JPM
+1.34% - AAPL
+1.12% - GOOG
+1.05% - INTC
+0.91% - BAC
+0.82% - MSFT

Gratitude List
Favorite Sports

Football - Soccer - Basketball - Baseball - Hockey - Golf - Chess - Poker - Pickle Ball - Corn Hole - Fishing - Kayaking - Cycling - Rollerblading - Euchre - Spades - Wakeboarding - Skiing - Hiking

Love to stay active!

Hope we can bring back the green graphs.

Everyone take care.

Tomorrow is Friday!
Happy Friday Folks!

Day 197 = Decent Gain

A New Day
Total +46.22%

Big Gainers
+3.46% - BLDP
+3.00% - REGI
+2.23% - AZN
+2.08% - ENPH
+2.07% - PLUG
+1.92% - AAPL
+1.92% - MA
+1.91% - TSLA
+1.83% - MRNA
+1.39% - NFLX
+1.34% - MSFT
+1.30% - ADBE
+1.23% - NVDA
+1.21% - GLPG
+1.21% - INTC

Gratitude List for today
My Neice Edith who is 1 yesterday - Neice Sylvia who is 3 today - Nephew Maxwell who turns 1 tomorrow - Neice Margot who is 5 - Cheers to Family tonight

Take good care
Good Afternoon!

Day 198 = Tiny up

Day 199 = Down Day

Day 200 = Small Gain

A New Day
Total +45.41%

Big Gainers from Tuesday
+8.60% - TSLA
+7.40% - MRNA
+3.09% - NVDA
+2.43% - AAPL
+2.37% - SEDG
+1.88% - EBAY
+1.74% - ADBE
+1.47% - DTE
+1.46% - ATVI
+1.24% - SPWR
+1.18% - GLPG
+1.01% - MSFT

Been busy at the optometrist & dentist the past few days.

Tuesday brought us a huge day for Moderna & Tesla. Nvidia posted a big solid gain again as well.

Gratitude List
Our vision - 20/20 eye sight with corrective lenses - A new pair of specs - Being able to see again - Folks in healthcare working hard for the people - Thank You!

Everyone have a great week.

Take good care
Good Morning!

Day 201 = Small Down

A New Day
Total +44.81%

Big Gainers
+6.89% - MRNA
+3.83% - REGI
+2.78% - GLPG
+1.42% - BAC
+1.32% - AZN
+1.06% - DIS
+1.03% - ALL
+0.90% - LOW

Gratitude List
To be in good health - Covid free - Supporting the Vaccinations - Wearing Masks - Social Distancing

The Covid is still very real. People are passing away when they could have taken the vaccines. Very frustrating time for us all. We should all spread the word to get vaccinated. 25% vaccination percent in Michigan is just way to low. I was shocked to hear such a low number.

If you haven't been vaccinated yet, what are you waiting for? Please sign up & get yourself in to be treated. It can save your life. Also save the life of many others who are at risk.

We have all these great companies who have developed safe medicine for us to take. Now it's our part as people to take the medicine so we dont get sick & so we dont pass the virus around. Please help spread the word to people to get in to take the vaccine.

Very depressing to hear such low numbers of people coming in for vaccinations when covid cases are coming in at a startling rate again.

Let's try to help each other through this crisis.

That's it for me.

Stay Safe

Take good care
Hey Folks.

Really sad day yesterday. Hard to say goodbye to Prince Philip. Married for 73 years I do believe. Quite remarkable life he lived. He will be missed dearly by many.

When my grandparents passed it was a really difficult time to go through. I now try to live my life how they would of wanted me to. Remember all the great memories of them & cherish the time I did get to spend with them.

Let's all take a moment to appreciate life, friends & family. Show great thanks for everything we do have. Life is a gift. We could all reflect on just how precious people truly are.

I choose to celebrate my loved ones lives. Living life to the fullest is awesome. That's how I believe our grandparents would want us all to live.

Each day is a gift. Every day an opportunity to enjoy life here on planet earth. As hard as it may be to let go & say goodbye, we will all say goodbye at the end of are journey. We should make the most out of the time we do spend here on planet earth.

Well still a very sad day.

May we all hope to live long, happy, healthy & full lives like the Great Prince Philip.
Good Afternoon

Got to catch up a bit.

Last Thursday

Day 202 = Down Day

A New Day
Total +43.60%

Big Gainers
+5.63% - NVDA
+2.50% - EBAY
+2.47% - ADBE
+2.16% - MA
+1.99% - AZN
+1.94% - V
+1.87% - AAPL
+1.86% - XEL
+1.85% - DLTR
+1.85% - GOOG
+1.70% - NFLX
+1.55% - COST
+1.53% - MSFT
+1.51% - LOW
+1.38% - AMZN
+1.29% - INTC
+1.21% - TMUS
+1.16% - PFE
+1.13% - ATVI
+1.07% - NKE
+0.97% - ALL

Bad day for our renewables.

Most other stocks performed well tho.

Fridays results were much better.

Day 203 = Big Gain

A New Day
Total +45.36%

We have hope.

Hope to get back to our great Success posts.

Gratitude List

Loving the little things.

Family BBQs - Dog walks in the park - A Sunday afternoon cruise - Saturday morning golf outing - Enjoying a game of euchre with some close friends

That's it for me.

Everyone be well & stay safe.

Take Care
Day 205 = Small Down

A New Day
Total +42.32%

Big Gainers
+4.15% - ENPH
+2.33% - JNJ
+1.50% - XEL
+1.41% - DTE
+1.24% - AZN
+1.17% - MRK
+1.05% - GLPG
+0.88% - KR

Bit of a difficult day on the market.

Here in Michigan it feels like the beginning of winter with all this snow.

Gratitude List

Spring Theme
Flowers - Green Grass - Warm walks - Enjoying an afternoon on the porch - Feeling Alive once again

Let's hope for a few good days on the bull.

All these down days aren't good for us.

Stay Safe & Be Well

Take Care
Hey Trent!

Thanks for posting.

Pandemic really is a difficult & different time for all of us. I was hopeful things would improve a little more quickly after the vaccines became available.

You are right about the pandemic. We all need to be careful. By all means take the vaccine so you are safe. It takes like 5 minutes to receive & is pretty painless procedure which can save your life.

Masks, Hand sanitizer & social distancing still need to be part of a healthy & safe routine. Couldn't be more for the vaccinations. They really do save lives.

Anyways, let's all try to pitch in & do our part to keep everyone safe, happy & healthy.

Thanks again for posting.

Everyone take care