Good Tuesday 2 you
Monday Monday
Day 165 = Huge Down
A New Day
Total +53.03%
Big Gainers
+4.42% - DIS
+2.25% - MA
+1.80% - ALL
+1.77% - BAC
+1.75% - V
+1.64% - DTE
+0.94% - JPM
+0.83% - MRK
Awful day for renewables.
You can dig all you want for coal.
You can drill all you want for oil.
Eventually you will run dry.
Both coal & oil are unsustainable and extremely harmful to our planet. They soon will be the way of the past.
Renewable energy will win out.
It's only a matter of time before we all transition for the better.
What an exciting time to invest in a win + win!
The movement has begun & already we have experienced some great success.
We are only getting started. Coal & Oil will be gradually phased out. Thank Goodness!
Get ready! New clean reliable energy, good for the people & planet earth. Its here now! The Win + Win will win out.
Awesome Time to buy low.
Everyone is so hyped about bitcoin & crypto.
We can pick up plug power for like $40 right now. We can 5x are investment with a $200 # on PLUG. Pretty Awesome.
Bitcoin would have to rise up to 1/4 million for us to 5x. Not very likely.
Anyways, in my opinion, renewables will start to soar. They have been producing some great results already. Lets all embrace the change.
Great day for Disney, love to see them have Success.
I'm excited for our future.
Everyone take care.
Stay Strong.
Stay Safe.
Be Well.