A New Day

Thought I would post up another song.

This one goes out to...

Clean Coal - John McCain

Affordable Care Act - Barack Obama

Make America Great Again - Donald Trump

Coal is Filthy, a charred piece of wood.

Health Care is the most unaffordable it's ever been.

Releasing Kwame Kilpatrick back into society is a sad & sorry misuse of American Politics.

In my opinion, they should all be ashamed of themselves.
Think About it


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War on Terror - George Bush

I did not have sexual relations with that woman - Bill Clinton

We were supposed to remove weapons of mass destruction from the middle east. There were no weapons of mass destruction in the middle east. We were the ones with the weapons of mass destruction. Was it a war on terror? Who had the WMD's? What do they have quite a bit of in the middle east? Foriegn oil.

Our Leaders have been proven to be 2 faced liars.

Yes you did have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. Your lies couldn't pass as the truth because you got caught.

It's time we all made a change. We can start to formulate our own views & stop believing everything we are told.

Our world needs some good honest folks to take office. American Politics are a mess right now. Let's all try our best to do the right thing. We need more good people to stand up & help turn our country around. Let's all come together & help right the ship. We can all contribute towards getting things back on track.

We should focus on our future. Remember the past so we can learn from our mistakes. We have a lot of good people who want to help. Help make a positive difference. We should all be ok.

Let's keep up our good work on the market. Believe in renewables. Help the poor. Try to reduce the cost of health care insurance premiums. Transition from coal & oil to clean & renewable.

Our good citizens need to come together.

Our everyday folks need to believe in each other.

In my opinion the people who are supposed to be serving & protecting us are obsessed over making profit. Most of the time they are making their profit off of the ones they are actually supposed to be protecting. Very concerning. We should all become aware of the facts so we can help resolve the problems.

We will all make it through these dark days. Let's try & come together to strengthen our communities & help better the planet.

We only have 1 planet earth. Let's try to protect it. Let's try to focus on a sustainable future. That way many generations to come can all enjoy life on planet earth.

1 Earth & 1 Love for all people.

Have a nice weekend.

My apologies if I offended anyone.

My only intentions are to try & help.

Why are we allowing medical Bill's & health care insurance premiums to rise at an unsustainable rate? Affordable Care Act does nothing to correct this terrible situation.

Good people are dying while hospitals rake in the gross profits. Its absolutely disgusting to take advantage of people in their most desperate time of need. Hospitals & Health Care are supposed to be there to treat the ill & save the sick. It is despicable. Before it gets even worse, It's time we all attempted to make a big change in health care. We need to find a sustainable solution.

We need to raise our voices. It's just not right to allow the problem to grow any more out of control. We should not allow this to be happening. If you are in a position of power why dont you use it for good? We should be reducing the cost of health care insurance so more people can be treated & saved. We need some good folks to step up & get involved.

Why dont we go right to the source?

President Biden what are you doing to make health care more affordable? Are you aware of just how out of control the problem has become?

In the last 15 years health care insurance premiums have tripled! How is that possible when you put into place an affordable care act??

Didnt you & former President Obama put into place this affordable care act? Do you think it's working? Could you please do something to make a correction to it so less people die? It's not right to let the poor folks who cant afford the cost of insurance die when they could be saved.

Now that you are in power why dont you use it to help all of our country? We need to act on this problem before it spirals any more out of control.

Just think about it


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Think about it


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We need to end the killing.

Try to love all folks unconditionally.


Stand up & fight for what is right.

We have some serious issues which we need to work through.

It's ok to have peaceful protesters.

Instead of killing & dying we could be treating & saving folks.

Show each other some love.

We could spend our time finding cures for illnesses.

Instead of another death a life could be saved.

We have an opportunity to achieve greatness.

Why waste it over guns, drugs, money & oil.

For those who hold guns maybe it's time to place them down.

Maybe we could build rather than destroy.

My Dream....

Encourage good folks to become aware of the issues & involved in changing for the better. Fight for what's right. A peaceful war to correct world wide hunger, poverty, climate change & health care. Help clean up coal. Free ourselves from foreign oil. Not only has oil created conflicts in the middle east it has contributed to rising carbon emissions. The same carbon emissions most believe to be killing our planet.

Set down your guns & put up some solar panels. Wind turbines work too. Maybe even help feed the folks starving to death. Provide the folks without a meal something nutritious to eat.

We can all make a difference.

1 World

1 Love
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Good Monday Morning

Day 160 = Breaking Even

A New Day
Total +64.37%

Big Gainers
+3.73% - ENPH
+3.19% - AZN
+1.90% - INTC
+1.80% - RUN
+1.65% - KR
+1.49% - BAC
+1.42% - JPM
+1.12% - EBAY
+0.84% - PFE
+0.81% - LOW

Good day for Enphase & AstraZeneca. Decent day for Intel as well.

Hope we can all find some joy in today.

The world isn't all that bad.

We just have a few problems we need to work through.

Everyone have a nice day.

Stay Safe.

Be Well.
Good Thursday Morning

Day 161 = A Big Down

Day 162 = Another Down

A New Day

Big Gainers
+5.24% - VZ
+2.11% - KR
+2.01% - HD
+1.98% - SHW
+1.76% - LOW
+1.74% - MRK
+1.61% - NKE
+1.60% - ALL
+1.21% - AMZN
+1.14% - COST
+1.10% - AZN
+1.06% - WMT
+1.04% - SEDG

We all got our 2nd Vaccine here on Monday. I was surprised with the flu like symptoms some experienced. All is ok now. Feel much better & back to 100%. Thank Goodness.

Looks like we have some work to do on the market. It's not always going to be a nice easy smooth progression. Everything will be ok.

My congratulations go out to bitcoin for busting through the 50k barrier. Very nice for them & for investing in general.

I believe many people want to invest now. New faces are a great thing for our community. More & more people are becoming involved. It really is a great way to boost your savings & help better our future. Win + Win for sure.

Everyone have a great day.

Stay Strong.

Stay Safe.

Be Well.
Its Friday Folks!

Day 163 = A Setback

A New Day
Total +55.50%

Big Gainers
+2.30% - XEL
+1.43% - TMUS

Only 2 big gains for Thursday.

Awful week for us. We have had so many good weeks, one off week won't ruin our positive results. We can still hold our spirits high.

Things will get back to normal. The green graphs will return. Let's all appreciate over +50% gain.

Enjoy the weekend.

Stay Strong.

Stay Safe.

Be Well.

BTW I would be really careful if you decide to buy in to ride bitcoin now. Its peaking. Not saying it's going to plummet, just saying to be extra cautious.

Good Sunday 2 Everyone.

I got some new tunes!

Hope we can rebound this coming week.

Stay Strong.

Stay Safe.

Be Well.