new_trader said:
The wider issue is the hypocrites who think they have the right to judge whether or not a thread is worthwhile. Instead of staying away from a "pointless" thread they feel they have a right to deface it with graffiti and images of scantly clad women....go figure 🙄
Nobody forces anyone to read a thread so if you think it is pointless, don't read or post in it. Simple! If everyone did this the quality of this site would improve dramatically.
While I accept your point regarding *judgement of quality* I think you have missed the context somewhat.
Had the issue simply been one of my qualitative judgement based on the value of the topic, then you as I said have a point.
This however was not the issue. Content had become personalised. Abuse was being handed out left right and centre.
Whats good for the goose, is good for the gander.
If you hand out abuse, be prepared to take abuse.
Socrates & CYOF are simply schoolyard bullies, and when they get it back, start crying.
This particular thread was a continuation of a number of threads off of the Options forum.
As such they received, exactly as they were handing out.
Is this good for the forum as a whole?
Absolutely not.
It is degenerate, pathetic, immature, and any other adjectives you wish to add.
However, the result is that possibly, management might move to clean shop.
If that is the case, then it has provided a positive outcome.
As regards factual, verifiable, referenced, mathematical, statistical, content, you will find that CYOF & Socrates provide close to approaching zero.
Members of this board in opposition to them generally provided a plethora of evidence from all previously listed sources.
jog on