There is a bug in the T2W programme that is stopping one scroll down in the FXCM and weekly competition threads. Or is it something I can fix this end ?
I've noticed something similar pat on other threads, does the advert on the right jump as you try to scroll down but the page stays at the top??
if so I think it's the advert causing the issue, if you are using a browser that includes an ad blocker, maybe switch that on and see if you can scroll ok, I don't know what the issue is but it may help and be a quick fix so you can view the whole page now rather than wait for the techies to fix.
Hi Pat,Yep it does just that
Hi Pat,
That bug's been around for quite a while now. Any very long thread is impossible to view more than 6 or 7 pages back. Take FoMo's thread for example, as of now, I can read page 3386 to the current page (post #33910 on P3391) - but nothing further back. The page numbers 'collide' with the skyscraper ad' on the right hand side.
I've mentioned the issue to Sharky on various occasions, but no one has been able to come up with a fix. The problem appears to be especially bad with IE - which is what I use - and the standard advice I receive is to switch browser to Chrome or Firefox. I assume most members don't use IE - as you're the first member to complain about this (that I'm aware of). I will flag it up with Paul again the next time I chat to him and see if he can move it up the 2015 'to do' list!
To get round it on long threads ( mine in particular ) I just reduce page size down to under 90 or 75% and then I get scroll both ways with ease .
Also a problem on tablets and have to do a similar trick to get to a particular page - if I am requoting from earlier on in session
Im using add block plus, ( on chrome ) Up to now has been very stable with no conflicts, That will cure any problems scrolling due to banner adverts.
One of the things I really dislike about working for T2W is that family, friends and acquaintances tend to assume I'm poop hot at anything technological. As my little mishap just before Christmas demonstrated, nothing could be further from the truth. To wit, LM please explain what you mean by 'immersive browser'? I'm afraid I haven't the foggiest!. . . so if anyone has ie 11 and gets stuck in a thread not able to scroll down a page, just switch it out on the fly to the immersive browser and you are good to go
One of the things I really dislike about working for T2W is that family, friends and acquaintances tend to assume I'm poop hot at anything technological. As my little mishap just before Christmas demonstrated, nothing could be further from the truth. To wit, LM please explain what you mean by 'immersive browser'? I'm afraid I haven't the foggiest!
If someone posts a video within a thread (as opposed to an external link), then all subsequent text is linked - to a page which is not available.