Competition Bugs/Issues


I'd like regular players to post any bugs or issues they currently have with the dow/share competitions. To start the ball rolling, I've identified the following:

Dow Competition

  • Competition results on Friday need to be calculated AFTER 9:00pm BST (4:00pm EST) because of delay with the price feed.

Share Competition

  • Limit of 5 shares in your portfolio can be circumvented by placing more than your limit at the same time (or at least before the limit gets actioned).
  • Price feed is sometime erratic, prices aren't updated as they should be.
  • Dividend Dates aren't compensated for.
Share Competition

1. Execution of order:

I placed an order one or two days ago but not executed.

2. No minimum portfolio of shares:

This would make the contest be less a test of stock picking instead of contest smarts.

If a competitor puts all his money in one particular company's shares each month, out of 12 months he is likely to get one right, even if the other 11 months he suffers losses.
Known bug / feature.
Contestants can purchase shares without then being displayed onto the main competition screen.

Then at the end of the competition, they can suddenly appear as if from nowhere.

This should be outlawed as it's far too much fun 😀
Thanks for the feedback guys - keep it coming...

Lucky Luke, how do you do that?
Better send me a pm instead, we don't want people exploiting it before it's fixed 😈
LOL - sent you a PM Paul.

If anyone else is interested, used notes, brown envelope, usual deal 🙂