
Legendary member
I'm very unhappy with this site and only come on because it is a meeting place for others with similar interests. How is it that competition news isn't made known to everyone on the boards? The whole running of T2W is lamentable--I'm sure that there is no one there, only robotic software. That's why all those bugs appeared in previous comps and went for weeks with no one appearing to take any interest at all.

The competition is what gave me the clue that all is not well, here. If that is not regulated, then, what is?

I was unable to log on for 2 hours Tuesday
and same Wednesday
no explanation nothing
they say when the upgrade comes, it will solve all problems
when is this going to take place
because I am fed up with this site
as it is at the moment
wrong, a lot of scholars but only 3-5 profiteurs r available

95 percent loser r availble, as usual
pssonice said:
95 percent loser r availble, as usual

Yes, I've read your posts before and your opinions are reciprocated, I'm sure, but 95% of the posters, whose abilities you question, are not the point, right now. The point is T2W.


You have some valid points here which deserve a response. However, I'm a bit snowed under right now but either myself, Eamonn or Paul will reply shortly.
Hi Guys,

As Matt says all your points are very valid and fair.

There will soon be a new improved competition to replace the existing one. The current one is very temperamental and suffers from endless technical glitches, hence the decision to replace it. Hopefully the new one will be a lot better.

The site upgrade is also imminent. It will certainly be an improvement, and we are sorry for the delays, but there are many pieces to the jigsaw and it's a huge effort to get them to fit together, but it is getting very close - we promise. 😀

In terms of the site downtime on Tuesday - there was an outage with the servers (which are hosted in Dallas, Texas) which required a manual reboot. This doesn't happen often, but when it does we are well aware of the problems that it causes.

We are striving to make things better with the site behind the scenes and value all contributions and constructive criticism. In fact if you have any problems, suggestions, or just want to sound off about T2W then please call the office during business hours on 0207 183 0510 or drop us an e-mail at [email protected]. We will call you back if you wish and always answer e-mails within 24 hrs.

Hope this helps.

Spitlink: Sorry to hear you're unhappy with the way the site is currently being run. It's true that we've been so focussed on the relaunch that we've been slow to react to issues on the existing site. Preferring to allocate resource to getting the new site up and running. But I understand we can't allow the existing site to suffer. It's been unfortunate we've recently had so many probs with the comp. Unfortunately fixing these problems takes time and we're juggling with finite resources. Please bear with us, the new site will be a big step forward and demonstrate our commitment to being the best trading forum on the net. I think a lot of the problems have been due to the fact we haven't communicated what's been going on behind the scenes and therefore the perception is very different to the reality. I intend to post an update this weekend to keep everyone in the loop along with the actual launch date for the new site.

Hornblower: We did actually post a reponse regarding the downtime on Tues to the T2W Feedback forum - just to inform members the site was back up and running. The downtime on Weds was not connected - and was just unfortunate to occur so soon after Tues. When the new site relaunches the infrastructure will be a lot more stable and the site will run a lot faster too.
Sharky said:
I think a lot of the problems have been due to the fact we haven't communicated what's been going on behind the scenes and therefore the perception is very different to the reality. I intend to post an update this weekend to keep everyone in the loop along with the actual launch date for the new site.

I'm not, by nature, a moaner and I regret having done so yesterday. Nevertheless, a protest was called for in the case of the share competition, which is shameful. Even this latest one, which seems to be running ok, at present, was started without any advice that it was in operation. A friendly poster pm'd me, or I would not have known.

As for the part of the quote referred to above, I believe that you jumped the gun in telling everyone about it. Far better to get it ready, in secret, and spring a pleasant surprise on us.

Anyway, rant over.

Regards Split
Spitlink: Yeah, I'd agree about the competitions - the last couple of weeks have been a farce, what with the share comp starting and ending in a week, then the dow not allowing people to add their predicitons for a whole week. The thing is most of the operations for the competitons are automated. They should just work - without our intervention, but because the clocks went backwards recently, the automated scripts ran twice causing all sorts of problems. Then unfortunately to fix them it requires quite a bit of effort, and when you're juggling different priorities there's a risk they get sidelined - which is what happened. Although only a small fraction of the membership play the comps, there's really no excuse for not jumping on fixing these problems right away. And on behalf of T2W I'd like to apologise.

I'd agree regarding the re-launch, the release schedule has been badly handled. I have to take responsibility for that. In hindsight I'd have done things very differently. We will get there eventually and hopefully it will be worth the wait. Please bear with us in the interim. Out commitment to the site is a strong as ever, and we want 2007 to be our best year yet.
GammaJammer said:
To be fair - wasn't the point of that to solicit involement from the membership about what would make the site better? I personally think that Sharky and the team do a pretty good job of running the site, and I think as it's a free resource it's pretty good value ;-)

My $0.02 as usual


"My $0.02 as usual- "

Very valuable, though, and you have a point.

Sharky said:
Spitlink: Yeah, I'd agree about the competitions - the last couple of weeks have been a farce, what with the share comp starting and ending in a week, then the dow not allowing people to add their predicitons for a whole week. The thing is most of the operations for the competitons are automated. They should just work - without our intervention, but because the clocks went backwards recently, the automated scripts ran twice causing all sorts of problems. Then unfortunately to fix them it requires quite a bit of effort, and when you're juggling different priorities there's a risk they get sidelined - which is what happened. Although only a small fraction of the membership play the comps, there's really no excuse for not jumping on fixing these problems right away. And on behalf of T2W I'd like to apologise.

I'd agree regarding the re-launch, the release schedule has been badly handled. I have to take responsibility for that. In hindsight I'd have done things very differently. We will get there eventually and hopefully it will be worth the wait. Please bear with us in the interim. Out commitment to the site is a strong as ever, and we want 2007 to be our best year yet.

Ok, now you're making me feel lousy. 🙂 Just don't let anyone lose $3,000,000 like last time!

Regards Split
My only gripes are
1. The competition is becoming a farce at times
2. There are a few trolls (see below) on this site who hijack threads. I think you need a big button labelled "Bad Post".
3. Occasional difficulty in logging in eg Wednesday afternoon.

Otherwise, it's a great site.

NB: Trolls can be existing members of a community that rarely post and often contribute no useful information to the thread, but instead make argumentative posts in an attempt to discredit another person, more often than not based on what they thought was said rather than what was actually said by the other person, concentrating almost exclusively on facts irrelevant to the point of the conversation, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.
Well I thought the site was running quite fast lately.

fibonelli, yes there are still some trolls ( and there probably always will be ) but I think the troll situation is in over sold territory at the mo, don't you think ?

Thanks for the feedback. It's always welcome!

I'm glad to hear that there are some positives in the comments, and not *too many* negatives. There's always room for improvement, that's for sure. But action speak louder than words, so watch this space....