9/11 - The Third Tower

I recall this day quite well. After the two towers where hit, a bimbo BBC journalist was reporting live from NY. She was stood in the street, with this particular building in the background.

She announced that she'd just recieved reports that building 5 had collapsed (despite the fact that this particular building was clearly still standing perfectly well and undamaged in the background).

Exactly one hour later the building did indeed collapse. The questions that need to be asked is who told her a building had just collapsed an hour before it actually did. Interestingly, the BBC now claims to have lost a great deal of the footage that it took on that day. Rather careless dont you think ?

In the old war films, people always synchronsied watches before nipping off to blow something up. Thats why did it, to avoid emberrassment.

Third tower was an intelligence agency building once upon a time and also used for held large gold reserves. Just another inexplicable coincidence...

The crack in the middle of the building before it tumbled down and also the fact that in one of BBCs so called conspiracy documentaries they referred to taking the buildindg "down" was all glossed over.

I didn't know building 7 wasn't even in the commissions report because it could not be explained? Oh well let's just not mention it then... :cheesy:

What kind of a commission report has no written or recorded evidence of the evidence obtained re:Bush and Cheney's explanations? Behind closed doors too. 😱

Funny how Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Condoleeza are all pretty silent in these 9/11 commemorations... One would imagine as these people were key players heros leading our nations out of the difficult attacks they'd be explaining events and accounting for their actions and taking some credit and applause... Hmmm maybe not... :whistling
The Price of 9/11

NEW YORK – The September 11, 2001, terror attacks by Al Qaeda were meant to harm the United States, and they did, but in ways that Osama bin Laden probably never imagined. President George W. Bush’s response to the attacks compromised America’s basic principles, undermined its economy, and weakened its security.

The attack on Afghanistan that followed the 9/11 attacks was understandable, but the subsequent invasion of Iraq was entirely unconnected to Al Qaeda – as much as Bush tried to establish a link. That war of choice quickly became very expensive – orders of magnitude beyond the $60 billion claimed at the beginning – as colossal incompetence met dishonest misrepresentation.
The Price of 9/11

NEW YORK – The September 11, 2001, terror attacks by Al Qaeda were meant to harm the United States, and they did, but in ways that Osama bin Laden probably never imagined. President George W. Bush’s response to the attacks compromised America’s basic principles, undermined its economy, and weakened its security.

The attack on Afghanistan that followed the 9/11 attacks was understandable, but the subsequent invasion of Iraq was entirely unconnected to Al Qaeda – as much as Bush tried to establish a link. That war of choice quickly became very expensive – orders of magnitude beyond the $60 billion claimed at the beginning – as colossal incompetence met dishonest misrepresentation.

I see no incompetence, but much more of the nastiest kind of greed. All these wars are instruments for siphoning money from the american populace into the hands of a few. So long as the sheep are willing to pay through the nose, these will continue.
9/11 - The Third Tower

This third skyscraper was never hit by an aeroplane. There is little photographic evidence of extensive damage. Yet seven hours after the Twin Towers collapsed, this 47-storey building collapsed in a few seconds.

Afterwards the thousands of tonnes of steel from the building were taken away to be melted down in the Far East. The official explanation is that this third huge tower at the World Trade Center collapsed because of ordinary fires - but that makes this the first and only skyscraper in the world to have collapsed because of fire. Nearly seven years on the final official report on the building has still not been published. The report is now promised this month.

I agree. did you see this on loose change?
The likes of Milosevic and Serbian military personnel were sent to The Hague to be tried for genocide yet, Bush and Blair are just as culpable in causing the death of thousands of innocent civilians in Iraq. When will they be appearing before the International Court of Justice? I know the answer to my own question but, millions of people would love to see it happen, including me.

The war was illegal under International law and just an excuse to gain control of the vast reserves of Iraqi oil. The, then, chairman of the Fed, Alan Greenspan, hints at this in his autobiography. There was no threat from Saddam and, it's a known fact that he hated Al Qaeda as much as the West.

I was a regular visitor to Baghdad, under Saddam's regime. It was a thousand times safer than it is now. This illegal war brought chaos to the Iraqi people and, I fear, it will be many years before there is stability once more in Iraq.
I agree. did you see this on loose change?

Yep also on the Zeitgeist videos.

As I didn't know building 7 wasn't even in the commissions report because it could not be explained? Report on building 7 - the third tower was never produced... Period.


Moreover, Bush and Cheney's evidence behind closed doors and not recorded or witnessed.

I reckon they just had a drink with their mates and a good laugh. Contempt such people have to be accountable for their actions. They must think they are Gods on Earth with power over life and death. Indeed it must have been so probably 4m people or more have suffered as a consequence.

Sadly $3.7 trillion (probably more like 4.7 eventually) dollars later I'm sure they must seem like devils on earth to 350+ million US citizens laden with debt - with 10,000+ missing limbs not just dosh.

Yet somehow, I'm sure, they are lying on their backs having artery widening surgery so they can live full fat lives - passed their hundred years of fabulous existence...
I don't remember the name of it now but there was a documentary which proposed all sorts of stuff along the lines that a passenger aircraft did not fly into the towers, but that it was military craft, of similar appearance to a Boeing and laden with bombs and fuel.

Extremely far fetched but very interesting viewing after a few beers and a more open mind😀
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I don't remember the name of it now but there was a documentary which proposed all sorts of stuff along the lines that a passenger aircraft did not fly into the towers, but that it was military craft, of similar appearance to a Boeing and laden with bombs and fuel.

Extremely far fetched but very interesting watching after a few beers and a more open mind😀

Yes but that's the kind of disinformation broadcast to smother the real questions such that people end up dismissing it as a conspiracy.

Program on now about capturing killing Osama BL. I'm sure it's everything they would like you to think and believe it is.

To reinforce the idea he was bad - they were good. They got him in the end and burried him in the sea. Ofcourse they did. 😉
I don't remember the name of it now but there was a documentary which proposed all sorts of stuff along the lines that a passenger aircraft did not fly into the towers, but that it was military craft, of similar appearance to a Boeing and laden with bombs and fuel.

Extremely far fetched but very interesting viewing after a few beers and a more open mind😀

probably made in the editing room at DARPA
Yes but that's the kind of disinformation broadcast to smother the real questions such that people end up dismissing it as a conspiracy.

Program on now about capturing killing Osama BL. I'm sure it's everything they would like you to think and believe it is.

To reinforce the idea he was bad - they were good. They got him in the end and burried him in the sea. Ofcourse they did. 😉

It's just come to me, its called 'In plane sight'.

I'm watching that Bin Laden doc now. The only conclusion I can draw from the whole charade is that he must be dead. Either because they killed him when they said they did or he had already died previously and Obama wanted some Kudos. They wouldn't risk lying and then hey presto Osama pops up somewhere in the future.

There are some ' Silver extremists' as I call them in the pm community that believe they faked the Bin Laden killing to knock down Gold and Silver, coinciding as it did with the highs for both at the time. Nutters.
...or he had already died previously and Obama wanted some Kudos. They wouldn't risk lying and then hey presto Osama pops up somewhere in the future.

I think if that were the case they might have 'faked it' in Afghanistan rather than causing all that fuss with the Pakistanis, though I'm sure Atilla may have a totally logical explanation.
It's just come to me, its called 'In plane sight'.

I'm watching that Bin Laden doc now. The only conclusion I can draw from the whole charade is that he must be dead. Either because they killed him when they said they did or he had already died previously and Obama wanted some Kudos. They wouldn't risk lying and then hey presto Osama pops up somewhere in the future.

There are some ' Silver extremists' as I call them in the pm community that believe they faked the Bin Laden killing to knock down Gold and Silver, coinciding as it did with the highs for both at the time. Nutters.

What if he was CIA and just wanted to be removed having served his purpose?

Wind down and sign-off. Mission accomplished.

The point I would make is when ever there is a policy change or something is out of character you have to ask the question why?

What is different this time?

Killing terrorists is Kudos no? Why hide his body or image? Not even a photo...

What a shame? Why would US pass such glowing recognition that they got him. Missed opportunity or something else? Who knows?

So out of character. 🙄
I think if that were the case they might have 'faked it' in Afghanistan rather than causing all that fuss with the Pakistanis, though I'm sure Atilla may have a totally logical explanation.

Here you go Mr clueless... Perhaps wrong thread but you'll catch my drift...
Governor of Iraq

Bremer arrived in Iraq as the U.S. Presidential Envoy on May 2003, and on May 11 replaced lieutenant general Jay Garner as Director of the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance. In June, the Office was transformed into the Coalition Provisional Authority, and Bremer, as U.S. Administrator of Iraq, became the chief executive authority in the country.[8][9]

As the top civil administrator of the former Coalition Provisional Authority, Bremer was tasked with the challenging job of overseeing the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq until the country was deemed to be in a state in which it could be self-governed. He was empowered to issue decrees to modify Iraq's infrastructure, including such notable decrees as removing all restrictions on freedom of assembly, suspending the use of the death penalty, upholding Saddam Hussein's union laws, establishing a Central Criminal Court of Iraq and disbanding the Iraqi army.[10]
Bremer signs over limited sovereignty to Iraq's interim government, June 28, 2004

On July 13, 2003, Bremer approved the creation of an Iraqi Interim Governing Council as a way of "ensuring that the Iraqi people's interests are represented." The council members were chosen from prominent political, ethnic, and religious leaders who had opposed Saddam Hussein. Bremer retained veto power over the council's proposals. The council was authorized to select a limited number of delegates to key Coalition Provisional Authority committees, like the Program Review Board.

The other major milestone was the development and approval of an interim constitution. On March 1, 2004, after several hours of negotiations, with Bremer acting as mediator, the Iraqi Interim Governing Council resolved the disagreements the council members had with clauses in the interim constitution. A formal signing ceremony was scheduled for March 5, 2004. As the guests waited and the orchestra played, the signing was canceled due to objections by certain Shia members in the council, most notably by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, a prominent religious leader in Iraq. The official signing finally took place on March 8, 2004.

On June 28, 2004 at 10:26 AM local time, the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority formally transferred limited sovereignty of Iraqi territory to the Iraqi Interim Government, two days ahead of schedule. Bremer departed from the country on the same day. In his farewell speech broadcast on Iraqi television, he said, "I leave Iraq gladdened by what has been accomplished and confident that your future is full of hope. A piece of my heart will always remain here in the beautiful land between the two rivers, with its fertile valleys, its majestic mountains and its wonderful people..."

Here are some extracts.

The contract to rebuild Iraqi's basic infrastructure including hospitals, ports airports and schools is expected to be awarded by USAID shortly.

Halliburton - one of five companies bidding for the contract - is the second-largest oilfield services firm in the world and has close ties with the US military.

Contract questions

"There has been no final decision made on who will be awarded the capital construction contract," the spokeswoman said.

The other companies bidding - which was restricted to US firms - include Bechtel, Fluor, Parsons and Louis Berger.

Halliburton's subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR) was last week awarded a US government contract, without a competitive tender, to put out oil well fires in Iraq.

Mr Cheney ran Halliburton for five years until 2000.

Foreign lockout

The US policy of awarding contracts only to US companies has drawn sharp criticism from overseas governments and companies.

Differences have even emerged between the British and US allies over who should rebuild the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr.

You well clued up now Mr smart PBoyles? 😉
Iraq, which had been defeated in a war was under occupation until June 2004. Thats what happens when you lose a war. Sovereignty was handed back when Bremer left, from then on Iraq was a sovereign, though failed, state.

The US handed out contracts to whoever they wanted, most of the money was theirs so it could be argued it was their prerogative. USAID were one agency responsible for distributing funds, they hired mostly Iraqi companies to carry out reconstruction work which explains why nothing ever got done.

Anyhow how long did you spend there?

Here you go Mr clueless... Perhaps wrong thread but you'll catch my drift...
Governor of Iraq

Bremer arrived in Iraq as the U.S. Presidential Envoy on May 2003, and on May 11 replaced lieutenant general Jay Garner as Director of the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance. In June, the Office was transformed into the Coalition Provisional Authority, and Bremer, as U.S. Administrator of Iraq, became the chief executive authority in the country.[8][9]

As the top civil administrator of the former Coalition Provisional Authority, Bremer was tasked with the challenging job of overseeing the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq until the country was deemed to be in a state in which it could be self-governed. He was empowered to issue decrees to modify Iraq's infrastructure, including such notable decrees as removing all restrictions on freedom of assembly, suspending the use of the death penalty, upholding Saddam Hussein's union laws, establishing a Central Criminal Court of Iraq and disbanding the Iraqi army.[10]
Bremer signs over limited sovereignty to Iraq's interim government, June 28, 2004

On July 13, 2003, Bremer approved the creation of an Iraqi Interim Governing Council as a way of "ensuring that the Iraqi people's interests are represented." The council members were chosen from prominent political, ethnic, and religious leaders who had opposed Saddam Hussein. Bremer retained veto power over the council's proposals. The council was authorized to select a limited number of delegates to key Coalition Provisional Authority committees, like the Program Review Board.

The other major milestone was the development and approval of an interim constitution. On March 1, 2004, after several hours of negotiations, with Bremer acting as mediator, the Iraqi Interim Governing Council resolved the disagreements the council members had with clauses in the interim constitution. A formal signing ceremony was scheduled for March 5, 2004. As the guests waited and the orchestra played, the signing was canceled due to objections by certain Shia members in the council, most notably by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, a prominent religious leader in Iraq. The official signing finally took place on March 8, 2004.

On June 28, 2004 at 10:26 AM local time, the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority formally transferred limited sovereignty of Iraqi territory to the Iraqi Interim Government, two days ahead of schedule. Bremer departed from the country on the same day. In his farewell speech broadcast on Iraqi television, he said, "I leave Iraq gladdened by what has been accomplished and confident that your future is full of hope. A piece of my heart will always remain here in the beautiful land between the two rivers, with its fertile valleys, its majestic mountains and its wonderful people..."

Here are some extracts.

The contract to rebuild Iraqi's basic infrastructure including hospitals, ports airports and schools is expected to be awarded by USAID shortly.

Halliburton - one of five companies bidding for the contract - is the second-largest oilfield services firm in the world and has close ties with the US military.

Contract questions

"There has been no final decision made on who will be awarded the capital construction contract," the spokeswoman said.

The other companies bidding - which was restricted to US firms - include Bechtel, Fluor, Parsons and Louis Berger.

Halliburton's subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR) was last week awarded a US government contract, without a competitive tender, to put out oil well fires in Iraq.

Mr Cheney ran Halliburton for five years until 2000.

Foreign lockout

The US policy of awarding contracts only to US companies has drawn sharp criticism from overseas governments and companies.

Differences have even emerged between the British and US allies over who should rebuild the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr.

You well clued up now Mr smart PBoyles? 😉
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Iraq, which had been defeated in a war was under occupation until June 2004. Thats what happens when you lose a war. Sovereignty was handed back when Bremer left, from then on Iraq was a sovereign, though failed, state.

The US handed out contracts to whoever they wanted, most of the money was theirs so it could be argued it was their prerogative. USAID were one agency responsible for distributing funds, they hired mostly Iraqi companies to carry out reconstruction work which explains why nothing ever got done.

Anyhow how long did you spend there?

You changing your tune now aren't you.

You telling me all the marines who were in Iraq were clued up about everything that was going on around them??? What's your point Mr cluefull?

I would argue precisely to the contrary that people like Bush and Cheney who were on the golf course knew what was going on.

This was againts British advice not to disarm and disband the army - who laid down their arms to facilitate the over throw of Saddam.

However, precisely because they got greedy and wanted no resistance they messed up the diplomacy of carving up Iraq. Keeping everyone out didn't help either.

One might think despite the gratituously violant way the Bush administration conducted the whole war on terror affair you may have seen through some of the BS. We live in hope one day you may become enlightened to all the clues around you instead of casting daft remarks like how long have you spent there?

Go on englighten us with your wisdom...
You changing your tune now aren't you.

You telling me all the marines who were in Iraq were clued up about everything that was going on around them??? What's your point Mr cluefull?

I would argue precisely to the contrary that people like Bush and Cheney who were on the golf course knew what was going on.

This was againts British advice not to disarm and disband the army - who laid down their arms to facilitate the over throw of Saddam.

However, precisely because they got greedy and wanted no resistance they messed up the diplomacy of carving up Iraq. Keeping everyone out didn't help either.

One might think despite the gratituously violant way the Bush administration conducted the whole war on terror affair you may have seen through some of the BS. We live in hope one day you may become enlightened to all the clues around you instead of casting daft remarks like how long have you spent there?

Go on englighten us with your wisdom...

No no, very simple question, were you ever there, even once?
No no, very simple question, were you ever there, even once?

US Vetoed contracts in Iraq and established puppet regime... Yes No?

See the similarity with Tussle for contracts in Libya. Yes No?

WTF where I've been got to do with it. Have I ever been there? Even once?

Your powers of intellect and deduction are so good you should hook up with George Tenet and shoot some slam dunks into a basket case...