9/11 - The Third Tower

The problems with all this conspiracy stuff run deeper than just the trashy nature of some of the web sites peddling them. There IS a political agenda, and it is both crude and undesirable.

From my (admittedly cursory, as that is all I could put up with) reading of some of this stuff, 9/11 is attributed to a concerted, organized and secret agenda - by the illuminati perhaps - for a New World Order: NWO (TM) implementing a single world government. Apparently these people are immensely wealthy, powerfull and without qualms.

It seems this conspiracy runs deep and has many aspects. Some that I have come across include:

* The great global warming swindle. Surely a step towards a single world government as it requires collective action ie intergovermental action which is an anathema to these nuts.

* Feminism which is attributed to CIA ops in the 60s and 70s (guided no doubt by the hidden hand) designed to break down the family and pave the way for a single world government. I must admit that I nearly spilled my coffee when I read about this one.

* Communism and socialism

* Social welfare

savethemales.ca - Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society
thisisby.us - The Feminist Movement was a CIA project of social programming, by Cary
YouTube - Aaron Russo Alex Jones NWO Womens Liberation Conspiracy

Does it not occur to you that Marxism was quite influential in the femimist movement of the 60s and 70s and this was that reason for CIA interest ? I know it post dates the McCarthyist period, but the thinking was very much the same. During this period western "intellegence" agencies were all over anything and anybody that was left of Atilla the Hun. You really have no idea.
Maybe, but that shouldn't be the focus. Discredit the sources (if possible), not the messenger. Challenge Truthers on the facts.

There's no point. They'll find a way around any reasonable objection.

I prefer to PALATR 😆
Does it not occur to you that Marxism was quite influential in the femimist movement of the 60s and 70s and this was that reason for CIA interest ? I know it post dates the McCarthyist period, but the thinking was very much the same. During this period western "intellegence" agencies were all over anything and anybody that was left of Atilla the Hun. You really have no idea.

I'm no expert. Neither are you i suspect.
Therefore, the least we can do is be open-minded to alternative explanations for events, movements, etc. hence the posting of links to what i consider to be interesting sources etc.
But then, some people will not even look at something unless it comes with an "official" stamp of approval.

was 9/11 an attack using Scalar Weapons?

Now, a while ago, there were a few youtubes about scientists believing that scalar weapons were used to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks. they seem to have disappeared.

NB: I am interested in Zero-Point-Enegy, and exotic technologies, and new energy sources, so I tend to google for "over unity devices", etc. Tom Bearden, etc, believe these (simple) technologies are available, but are being suppressed. however, if it was simple, anybody should be able to replicate and copy, no?
Now, the problem is, these scalar weapons, apparently have also been used by theose damn Ruskies to blow up the Space Shuttle Challenger, and affect the weather over the US.

Do you see how a simple idea, sometimes misunderstood, gets blown in to some world-wide conspiracy, involving secret organisations and hidden agendas?

3 towers falling into their own footprints is pretty weird, I concede. Why havent ALL skyscrapers in NY been condemned as fire risks? Have their insurance premiums gone up because it can be shown that steel structures will not survive fire damage? If not, why not?

But still the conspiracies! Its this bit that undermines a genuine case to study 9/11 scientifically.

Has there EVER been a world event that happened by accident?
Or is everything pre-ordained by super-powerful elites?

Do you believe the planes were genuinely hijacked? or drones flown remotely into the buildings?
there are some who actually believe they were not real airplanes!
mentions also of "black helicopters" flying around. (normally associated with alien abductions and cattle mutilations.)

so, could the towers have been brought down using scalar weapons?
Just hovered over the marker, and it shows i have 107 posts in this thread out of 368!
Thats enough for now i think, I've addressed most of the relevent issues i am aware of, i think.

So will probably take a back seat, and just observe how this discussion develops. Back seat maybe, but definately wont be sitting on the fence. If something crops up that i have a strong opinion on, or know of a compelling reason why i should provide another source link i may offer it. Otherwise I'll keep out of the discussion.
Just hovered over the marker, and it shows i have 107 posts in this thread out of 368!
Thats enough for now i think, I've addressed most of the relevent issues i am aware of, i think.

So will probably take a back seat, and just observe how this discussion develops. Back seat maybe, but definately wont be sitting on the fence. If something crops up that i have a strong opinion on, i may offer it. Otherwise I'll keep out of the discussion.

why back off now?
there is sufficient "evidence" that scalar weapons provide a more definitive description of how many, many tons of steel and concrete was effectively vaporised.
even if you used thermite or thermate, you have to explain where all the steel and concrete went.
if you believe in scalar weapons, it explains why it was all pulverised.
after all, thermite was used to break the columns only, not obliterate them entirely into dust.
how can thermite at the column base explain why no large part of the columns survived from a 1,300+ ft high building? why, because of these super-secret scalar weapons, of course.
thermite cant reduce hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete to dust?

where did all the "mass" of the building go?
only exotic super-secret scalar weapons can explain it.

Morgan Reynolds - No More Games • Net

dont ask why the buildings fell, ask why did the buildings "disintegrated"?

EDIT: my super secret organisation is better than your super secret orgranisation.
my facts are better than your facts.
I am off to brush up on my CIA-backed MK-ULTRA mind-control technology to win me the lottery.
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Do you believe the planes were genuinely hijacked? or drones flown remotely into the buildings?
there are some who actually believe they were not real airplanes!
mentions also of "black helicopters" flying around. (normally associated with alien abductions and cattle mutilations.)

so, could the towers have been brought down using scalar weapons?

made up calls from loved ones to families, made up families of the Muslim men who Hijacked the planes, made up families of the victims, fall guys for responsibility for planning the attacks - Many Muslims involved but presumably part of the NWO. How many people would that take - and that just covers the Hijacking. What about the ground attack / demolition?

How many people have to be part of mass murder, have to be silenced throghout their lives and on their death beds? Human nature just isn't that strong.

I rate this one at just below Father Christmas but pippng the tooth fairy on the believability meter.

As with Jtrader (who might turn fully insane and suggest the towers were Nuked- I'll move on🙂)

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why back off now?
there is sufficient "evidence" that scalar weapons provide a more definitive description of how many, many tons of steel and concrete was effectively vaporised.
even if you used thermite or thermate, you have to explain where all the steel and concrete went.
if you believe in scalar weapons, it explains why it was all pulverised.
after all, thermite was used to break the columns only, not obliterate them entirely into dust.
how can thermite at the column base explain why no large part of the columns survived from a 1,300+ ft high building? why, because of these super-secret scalar weapons, of course.
thermite cant reduce hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete to dust?

where did all the "mass" of the building go?
only exotic super-secret scalar weapons can explain it.

Morgan Reynolds - No More Games • Net

dont ask why the buildings fell, ask why did the buildings "disintegrated"?

I've clearly said all i need to in 107 posts. Others, have backed off, others have sat on the fence, others have clearly agreed with the Truth Movement but been clever enough to not put it in writing here, maybe for some kind of fear of been locked up in a terror camp?...others have defied logic and refused to open their mind. New people have joined the debate, lets see where they take it........

I know nothing about scalar weapons.
I have heard Steven Jones say the concrete, tables chairs, computers, telephones, monitors, filing cabinets etc. were reduced to dust by thermite/thermate.
I have also heard it mentioned by Alex Jones something about small Nuke type weapons possibly being used in the base of the towers to initiate the building demolitions, these might be the same thing as scalar weapons(?)
I have also heard it mentioned by Alex Jones something about small Nuke type weapons possibly being used in the base of the towers to initiate the building demolitions, these might be the same thing as scalar weapons(?)


sorry but

I've said all i need to in 107 posts. Others, have backed off, others have sat on the fence, others have defied logic and refused to open their mind. New people have joined the debate, lets see where they take it........

I know nothing about scalar weapons.
I have heard Steven Jones say the concrete, tables chairs, computers, telephones, monitors, filing cabinets etc. were reduced to dust by thermite/thermate.
I have also heard it mentioned by Alex Jones something about small Nuke type weapons possibly being used in the base of the towers to initiate the building demolitions, these might be the same thing as scalar weapons(?)

how much thermate would you need to reduce ALL the buildings chairs, desks, monitors, filing cabinets to dust?
how much thermate was found at ground zero?

a scalar beam weapon, with a beam-width of the towers would cover it ALL.
thermate wouldnt.
nuclear are not scalar weapons.

how many tons of steel and concrete were in the towers?
how many stories high of debris would that represent at ground zero?
how many stories high of rubble was actually found at ground zero?

where did the "mass" of the buildings go?

EDIT: you've probably guessed that I am taking Friday afternoon off from trading!

sorry but


You gotta laugh haven't you? Reminds me of the page private Eye used to run.
Great Bores of the Century.

A farcical debate led by somebody who keeps threatening to leave and then asks for a vote of no confidence.

Thermite, nuclear weapons, only a question of time before little green men with ray guns goes into the mix.

You gotta laugh haven't you? ...........only a question of time before little green men with ray guns goes into the mix.

what's funny about that?


PS - I've just spent 5 minutes on prison planet, BTW.
Nuclear, scalar, demolitions, little green men, whatever ect.

This is the point!

All the time the main questions go unanswered it allowes all types to come up with theories.

Personally I would more believe that father christmas brought down those 3 buildings than jet fuel and/or impact damage.

The question still remains:

Why did the buildings all fall into there own footprint even though they were impacted by different objects (2 were planes, 1 was debris) and at different supports.
Why did they not topple over or part crumble, why did they fall at free fall speed as though the structures where taken out before they where fell upon by the level above. (pancake collapse)

Whatever the crazy concepts keep coming up as to what it could have been but if we dont examine truely what happened and why it happened the way it did then the actual crazy concept is that we accept that fires bought these down when we are told that this is not possible.

So who do we believe, the same people that are telling us fires bought them down are the same people that tell us fires cannot bring down these buildings. Some go to claim (the designers and construction engineers of the said buildings) even go on to say that a boeing 747 could not bring it down.

How much circumstantial evidence do we need to ask questions?

For war and death should only be one bit.

But yet we still continue to bear arms against our own race with justification built on lies. So, why invade Iraq, 9/11?, weapons of mass destruction?, oil?. I'm just asking the questions. We know there wern't any justifyable reason linked to 9/11 to invade, bin ladens still on the loose (alledgedly) we definately know there were no weapons of mass destruction.

Dont war for peace, peace for peace. How many more have to die at the hands of a weapon. Bullets were made to shoot, bombs are made to explode. Stop making them and then there will be no more shootings and explosions.

So many questions, not enough answers.
PS - I've just spent 5 minutes on prison planet, BTW.
My deepest sympathies!

Did you find the sub-forum "Eugenics/Depleted Uranium/Pharmaceutical Fascism/War on Family/Future WMDs" containing such gem threads as "Evidence of the elite secretly sterilizing women through vaccines " 😆

Or the quality one in the main 911 forum ""The US Air Force Shot Down Flight 93" where the OP opens with the immortal line "The following comment was posted to my blog today (I do not know who the author is -- he posted semi-anonymously; so decide for yourself whether or not you believe him):" 😆

But hey, it's on prison planet so it must be the truth! 😆 😆
