10k to 20k in 1 month.

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Im not sure what your question is? I literally called that one wrong on the break out...

Sometimes the trend line can break straight away (with the red line) or a temporary pullback (black) and further down with the red line?

So literally if i reverse those lines on EURUSD it`ll look like this...? Just simply the wrong call. If price went where i wanted it to i would have traded then, so in effect a failed trade...?

I was asking how you decide when to trade based on your previous charts. (I'm not watching the market so didnt know you called it wrong when I posted.)

So would you only trade the breakout (if it transpires)? I think the black arrow confused me, I thought you were looking to trade the breakout, but failing the breakout you wanted to trade the bounce. :cheesy:
I was asking how you decide when to trade based on your previous charts. (I'm not watching the market so didnt know you called it wrong when I posted.)

So would you only trade the breakout (if it transpires)? I think the black arrow confused me, I thought you were looking to trade the breakout, but failing the breakout you wanted to trade the bounce. :cheesy:

Ok sorry! Good question. Technically speaking i`ll never know if i got it wrong... because i never put myself under the risk of the trade as i only trade the sides of the triangle! NOTHING in between... So when i upload my expectations everything within the width of the triangle is simply NOISE... so i never open a position "mid move"

Basically i determine what direction i`d like to trade based upon when it reaches the side of the triangle and whats happened before... we`ve all heard reading charts right to left and thats precisely what i do. I strongly recommended learning elliott wave theory as it helps me determine price movement... anyone here can think im sounding contradictive and "of course you would say that now" but i had a feeling it MAY not have made it to where i forecasted and instead break higher because of the action i`d seen before... i.e. on eurousd couldnt break MA` and hold the downside instead it slowly broke back above it.... Thats an indicator along with EW stuff.... I dont want to ramble on about it just yet but i am hoping to illustrate what i mean once the EUR has played out as expected... i expect it to "pullback" which is what i called a 4th wave and then push higher or a potentially truncated 5th to complete the move... right around where the R1 pivot point is :)

I`ll then upload and label what it is im really on about as im not amazing at explaining things but im trying :)

thanks for good question though!
Ok so here` a little insight on what I SEE ... this is NOT what i draw on every chart... If you dont know anything of EW... (and by the way just reading it doesnt mean you understand it you have to watch markets play out!) then the EW element will be a little confusing...

My stops are a little confusing and hard to explain so i`ll draw examples (as triangles can be flats, irregular, ascending, descending, expanding)

Im nearly certain i`ve missed some rules off of that diagram as i drew it quickly!

Any questions welcome :)!


  • details of triangle and a bit on EW.png
    details of triangle and a bit on EW.png
    129.8 KB · Views: 139
Gold has pushed down every so slightly as indices bolt up... but i think that could be a load of throf on the bolt up here and leverage may be dumped back into Gold.... but this is what i see when i look at gold for time being!


  • gold 5m.png
    gold 5m.png
    108.9 KB · Views: 122
Im off to play golf in a minute but im going to take a risk with a gauranteed stop of shorting there! (price ive re-assessed i`d expect to move higher than where R2 is @ 1861.2 area to short with stop around 1865.8! Target is 1837.7

Risk: 46 points
Reward: 235 points!
This is a continual fallacy on t2w. It's just not possible to continue compounding ad infinitum. You'd get your @ss handed to you no matter what market you trade when you try to trade volume that is simply not available at some high $$$ level. The OP doesn't say he could turn $1 million into $2 million in a month.

Besides, most traders would remove money anyway. That's why they trade...to make money and use it!

No offence intended. :)


Hi Pete.

No offence taken.:)

FX market daily transactions come to more than 4 trillion - so there is a bit of space to increase the stake if one feels like it without moving the market - ($10 million wouldn't move it that much). So if one can turn 10K into more than 20M in a year - why not compound.

Anyway that's beside the point - I haven't heard of anybody increasing their account 100% per month consistently. I would need to see it (some proof) to believe it - that's all.

DG doesn't feel like that and I respect his decision.
You have a point... but i wouldn't compound it... i lower my stakes as the account gets bigger... gives me a sense of security with lower risk and stability of decent income....

My strategy and something im comfortable and sure about is not being greedy.

I dont plan on becoming a millionaire from trading... im not under the illusion that because im doing well at the moment then im set the drive a ferrari and bang a playboy bunny.... I enjoy what i do and hope to maintain the profits whilst mitigating the risk... :)

I guess it's good to apply greed control DG, but one shouldn't overdo it.

I'm not thinking about going wild - simply by risking same percentage of the account all the time you probably wouldn't notice till the day you start moving the market. And if you are consistently successful - why not?

PS Of course all this depends on personal circumstances.
is it really that difficult to double the account every month consistently?

like from £20 to £40 and to 80 not realistic?
Actually if you go back to that, it was a statement for 20 winners in a row. In fact it was 30 winners in a row. But I thought showing 20 was adequate to prove 10 winners in a row was feasible.

But I no longer use the same strategy and 1 minute time frame scalping took an amount of concentration that could not be sustained for more than a week at a time. I am now developing a strategy for the H1 time frame that would be more leisurely to work with.

I like that BJ - more leisurely.

Sounds promising.
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is it really that difficult to double the account every month consistently? like from £20 to £40 and to 80 not realistic?

Its totally unrealistic, and only a fool would even try. Thankfully the worlds full of dunces with unrealistic expectations :LOL:
Thanks for the thread domgilberto1989.
How are you going towards your target?

Btw, I don't get the haters om his thread, why do you need they act like this?
Btw, I don't get the haters om his thread, why do you need they act like this?[/QUOTE]

I agree! Minus all the banter this thread is full of great calls by domgilberto!
Im off to play golf in a minute but im going to take a risk with a gauranteed stop of shorting there! (price ive re-assessed i`d expect to move higher than where R2 is @ 1861.2 area to short with stop around 1865.8! Target is 1837.7

Risk: 46 points
Reward: 235 points!

Last post over this weekend (until monday!) Gold order never filled and has been cancelled (end of day expiry)

Thanks for all the posts... good and bad... all welcome to your opinions! Sorry about the slow down in posts and live calls i`ve been a bit busy!

I`ll try my best to be on for Monday with forecast`, charts and how i trade it!

If you like the thread rate it as you deem fit :) (not entirely sure why i deserve 2 star just because of a "over hyped", already been done before thread that wasnt seen through in the past.... where as this one will be!)

Have a good weekend all! :D
If you like the thread rate it as you deem fit :) (not entirely sure why i deserve 2 star just because of a "over hyped", already been done before thread that wasnt seen through in the past.... where as this one will be!)

Please tell me your not looking for some X factor style rate me! rate me! thing.
I can understand if you wish to post trades and reasons/followups I can even understand ego but to be fair the only thing going for this thread so far is length there have been a couple of good calls and some ambiguous ones and even if you double your money there is very little to get excited about unless you are posting in advance of a trade and that others can follow easily.
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