100k to 200m in 10 years

With a bit of patience in 20 years you would end up with close to 400b.👍

And in 25 years with 17,894 billions you may decide to do something else.

Play golf perhaps?:whistling

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year🙂
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Nobody is saying its impossible but return is surely a function of risk.

Agreed but you don't need to risk silly amounts... I mean, a $1000 account at 5x leverage = $0.50 per pip. 60 pip stop = 3% risk. So, in this example, to make 20% per month you need to make somewhere in the region of 400 pips? 2x leverage and $0.20 per pip swing trading - Make 500 pips per month for 10%. This is do-able. Might be difficult if you elect to risk only 1% per trade and you have large stops in your method but with a small account this would be a long road to nowhere anyway.
Walking on the moon is possible, I mean it's been done before. Does that mean you can do it? Probably not. Can a guy who hasn't done it and can't do it teach you to do it, probably not.
Walking on the moon is possible, I mean it's been done before. Does that mean you can do it? Probably not. Can a guy who hasn't done it and can't do it teach you to do it, probably not.

Walking on the moon's a bit more difficult than trading though don't you think...
Walking on the moon's a bit more difficult than trading though don't you think...

It's just as easy as turning 100k into 200 million. In other words you will most likely do neither, despite what your 10% a month spreadsheet tells you.
It's just as easy as turning 100k into 200 million. In other words you will most likely do neither, despite what your 10% a month spreadsheet tells you.

Well, although that's how the thread started I'm not really referring to that specifically... 100k to 200m is just a tad far fetched but if you scale down and say 10k @ 100% per year over 10 yrs = 10m - Is that unrealistic? Assuming no profit ever taken out?

Let's not get carried away though, this is just numbers and everyone has different goals - If I ever get to 100k I'd be leaving work, risking 1% per trade swinging a few pairs for a living so I would never give myself the option of getting to silly money but those who are that way inclined - 100% per year with leverage is possible until the size being traded starts running into liquidity issues. This just can't be disputed, there are tonnes of strats out there that would make this possible.
If that's the case why are you not doing it? This is all very well in theory, just trade one of those 'tons of strategies' and see how you get on.
I agree but there are quite a few so called experienced & respected traders on here who will come along and say this is completely impossible, anything more than 30% per year even with leverage is a fairy tale. I'm sick to death of hearing it tbh but meh no doubt the 'if I can't do it then nobody can' brigade will be along soon to put us all straight.


You don't need them to come along - just ask yourself a few questions. Like:

There are thousands of actual traders who have posted on T2W. Some of them have pointed to stellar returns that they have made over short periods of time, but none have shown (or even even boasted about) making such returns year in year out. Odd that, don't you think?

Happy Christmas

If that's the case why are you not doing it? This is all very well in theory, just trade one of those 'tons of strategies' and see how you get on.

I'm trying 🙂 At this moment I am just short of 60% up after 3 months. Let's see where I am in 3 years after some bad runs. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying that provided you as a trader can stick to a strategy then there are plenty out there that will give the required returns.

You don't need them to come along - just ask yourself a few questions. Like:

There are thousands of actual traders who have posted on T2W. Some of them have pointed to stellar returns that they have made over short periods of time, but none have shown (or even even boasted about) making such returns year in year out. Odd that, don't you think?

Happy Christmas


I'm not getting into the arguments again but I figure the traders who make such returns have better things to do than post on T2W and those who shout about short term profits are usually selling something. The thousands of actual traders who post in T2W...come one, 'actual traders' are you kidding me? Most are dreamers, outright losers or break even boys. I don't yet have a track record to prove I will be long term profitable so I could turn out to be one of these and that's absolutely fine... We'll see in a few years.

It's just, a lot of things I have read about potential returns being limited to this or that, I have seen proven wrong with my own eyes by several members of this board. Granted, not over a massive sample yet but large enough for me to know that certain members aren't talking sh1t about what they do.
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Actually I don't think even 'he who cannot be mentioned' made that specific claim, it was Abdel his helper who was going on about it.
I make around £80 - £100 per day profit from trading stocks, that's with a £5K pot trading on a leveraged account.

I'm still learning Forex, made a silly mistake and blew my first £1k account, now I'm back on demo and earning about £40 - £50 per day using a £1k demo.

The reason people fail is greed / breaking their trading rules, set yourself a good strategy and build it up slowly.
Liam, I totally agree with that, if you can't on average make say ten or twenty plus percent / month / off of a smallish to medium sized accounts you really are better off looking for a different occupation.

True but not everyone hits the floor running. Some people take years to improve skills to a point that profit becomes consistent. I thought I would throw that in so that folks are not mislead into giving up after a years experience.
I make around £80 - £100 per day profit from trading stocks, that's with a £5K pot trading on a leveraged account.

I'm still learning Forex, made a silly mistake and blew my first £1k account, now I'm back on demo and earning about £40 - £50 per day using a £1k demo.

The reason people fail is greed / breaking their trading rules, set yourself a good strategy and build it up slowly.

If you’re making the 48% to 60% a month profit you say on your £5k account, then it would be interesting to see your risk management? And what timescale you’ve consistently made this for? As if it’s only a month then you should wait a while before boasting as it’s easier to make good gains with little or no risk management when the market is trending higher like it has lately.
I love these threads... I made 140% on my small account this year, that means i'm going to be a multi-millionaire in 10 years apparently... yipeeeee!!
wht made you choose £100k, £200m 10 years ainstead of say £10k 6 years and £1million?

An alleged claim from one of the trainers.

In your case you would need to outperform him a bit - 115.45% per year instead of 113.84%.

There you go - simple. Just compound the interest for 6 years and 10k becomes a bit more than 1m. Or if you like monthly figure you go for 6.61% every month and don't take any money out for six years.

If you prefer to be a billionaire instead, you need to be patient - it takes 15 years.

PS There are some T2W members who make 10% or more every month consistently. But then again they are among the best traders in the world.
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