Sharescope has a facility by which you can chart the performance of an instrument in terms of annualised % gain. I was curious to use it to look at this question. The only period investing directly in the FTSE100 index would have produced an 18yr annual return of 10%pa would have demanded entry between Feb 87 and May 89: entry before or after this window would have failed.
On the Dow, the last such window for entry would have been much longer - March 76 to March 89. But still, those days are long gone: in the 18yr period to date, the Dow has only managed +3%pa.
On the Dow, the last such window for entry would have been much longer - March 76 to March 89. But still, those days are long gone: in the 18yr period to date, the Dow has only managed +3%pa.