

Has anyone got any practical experience of using TrendSignal`s / Market-Tutor`s trading system? If so can you comment on its effectiveness & how long you`ve been using it ?
Yes. I did their original candlesticks course and it paid for itself. The results were OK but not spectacular (I did though made money as a beginner). Then about middle of October they asked me if I wanted to test a new product. I have been using trendsignal for the last ten weeks for end of day and intra-day trading. I am much more profitable that I was. I am making money on the vast majority of my trades. I like it - and when I last travelled up to their offices they were happily showing people using it (and trading real money). They seem to be totally happy to let you come up and look at the product and the people I met there were not being given any hard sell by the trendsignal people. There are six people in their office, 4 of who are full time traders, and they all use the product. I don't know if they make money, but I am and so I'm happy!!
dsjoseph - It`s .

markjpwill - Thanks for your posting. Can I ask if the intraday system is suitable for spreadbetting - i.e. does it score enough points to cover the spread/slippage and losing trades? On average how many points (on say the Dow ) might be expected per trade & how many signals per day are given per instrument? Are the entry & exit points as clear as they appear on the website? Are the lines shown on the charts some form of sigma lines/standard deviations? Sorry for all the questions, but they do charge a lot for the system, and an independent view of its merits would be much appreciated.
TrendSignal results

Sorry for the delay. Busy trading. Yes its fine for spread betting. Friday for example I had 9 points on S&P. Today I had 8 points on S&P and 24 on FTSE. I'll try posting a graph with this. I am well happy. Go and see them. Why not - its a lot of money. If the graph doesn't work email me and I'll send it to you


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Thanks for that. Do I take it from the chart that you wait for the price to cross one of the standard deviation/sigma band lines (acting as support/resistance), then look for a candlestick reversal pattern, and enter a trade accordingly provided the momentum oscillator is in agreement?

sort of - the money management thing is about moving your trade about. go and see them is my advice though - I feel uncomfortable explaning it too much because I only trade it not design it. like i said to someone else go and see it and ask them whatever you want. the only thing they seem to get techy about is the exact mechanism of how they calculate things - but i suppose thats part of the product. fyi i got told today they are stopping selling the real time it at end of feb, and renting it only because they are fed up with wasting time on demonstrating the system to non-professionals. some bloke from somewhere in the city was there today when i went there and i think they have decided they only want to rent it to futures traders.
The Trading Acadamy ;tradesignal

Anyone have any recent info on this company. Just perused their website. Usual HARDSELL tactics with very impressive daily point count profit. But is it all hype. The only thing l find fairly unusual is that they invite you to their offices to examine the method. This and this alone has made me curious as to whether it is indeed a plausable outfit? Any feedback from someone who actually purchased this system is worth all the sales speil in the world.

I've visited

I pointed out I had been to their offices. Just go and visit them.

There is no hardsell, from what I can see they couldn't care less if you buy it or not. They are scathing of bulletin boards though - I emailed them to ask why they won't come on here to defend themselves as it were:

"We can't win - if we sell something we are slagged off. If we show what we do we are slagged off. If we invite people to the offices, we are accused of being hardsell like timeshare or something. We don't need to defend oursleves, we have offices in the Uk and shortly Australia. We know it works, and if people don't want to buy it so what?"

I was there again to pick up the latest upgrade yesterday (stop management on screen and the ability to alter colours - the colours is a bit strange to me but I suppose some people must want to change them).

As far as results go well my copy has paid for itself a few times over, but it did take me a while to get used to it and I would have been creamed if I had gone in heavy from the word go.

The latest trades I got as clear signals were long S&P friday @ 49s, cut and reverse to short at 61's, flat at 55's. Didn't have anything at all yesterday until 5pm when it gave a sell signal at 1157. Its still got me short now.
Hi Mark which indices do you trade, and how many points can can you expect to make with trendsignal each week on average.


Only had it a few weeks - but in the last 2 days I have personally taken:

230 Dow points
200 Swiss
100 FTSE
120 Dax

On an average week I'm doing about 200 points profit (after losses).

So to say I'm bloody happy and amazed is just an understatement. I was in their office today (they just done an upgrade). I saw with my own eyes the P&L of their trading team. It was over £100k. I have never seen that much money ever. It was live, and it was PROFIT (not loss). I nearly fell off the chair. Simon (the head trader bloke) just didn't give a damn. These people are well, i think its best to say, odd. But they can trade for sure.
Thanks for that Mark. Is that 200 points per index as above or 200 points in total usually. If it is the former then 200 points per week for 4 indices is not good but brilliant.

I would be interested to know the names of the people you met. Some of these people pop up again and again.
People & points

Their names were Willem (Dutch) Simon (English) Jerry (English) Jason (English) Herman (Dutch). Also met a few other ex-LIFFE floor traders whilst there. Seems kosher and as I'm making good money I don't personally give a damn how cynical people here are.

The 200 points a week (no idea why but these LIFFE lads call them "ticks" - is there a difference?) for me is per contract. Of course it depends on how far the contract moves so with FTSE recently I've been getting under 100 net per week but considering I was an unemployed coomputer programmer a few months ago and now I can make seemingly a living from this I'm happy.

Personally all I can say is it has worked for me so far - I lost mone before and now I seem to be making it. Happy days. I guess for other people other things work.

Have there been any previous/current negative experiences/comments made by members of this board with regards to this software?
Just wanna get one thing right. I'm a complete newbie and so don't know a lot about anything.

The stuff you trade, is that stocks and shares or futures and options?

Looking at sample charts on their site and the stuff they send in the post, it seems their whole system is geared to automatic support & resistance using a 15 min candlestick chart for daytrading. They calll it volatility measurement and they say it's not based on Bollinger Bands! It looks similar though.

Now my question is this. Does anyone know what technical indicators are available to give the same automatic support and resistance?

Their sample charts look too good to be true. Maybe they just pick out the best charts. But £3500 is very steep for a relatively unknown product which has only been used by one member in these forums.

I would be grateful for any feedback on this.


Looking at sample charts on their site and the stuff they send in the post, it seems their whole system is geared to automatic support & resistance using a 15 min candlestick chart for daytrading. They calll it volatility measurement and they say it's not based on Bollinger Bands! It looks similar though.

Now my question is this. Does anyone know what technical indicators are available to give the same automatic support and resistance?

Their sample charts look too good to be true. Maybe they just pick out the best charts! But £3500 inc VAT is very steep for a relatively unknown product which has only been used by one member in these forums as far as I am aware.

I would be grateful for any feedback on this.

Hi Cashtrader, I have had trendsignal for a couple of months.
I bought it at a time when I was going through a rough patch in January.

The main things it has made me realise is the value of a predetermined stop loss. I have been looking at it on and off and have realised that as with all things it isn't the holy grail, basically it is support and resistance lines.

I am not using at the moment for trading the dow as I am becoming more familiar and confident using Chartman's technique.
I don't regret buying it as it has re-emphasised important issues to me personally.

However I plan on looking at it sometime in the near future for trading the ftse/dax/smi.


TrendSignal`s main bands appear to be Keltner channels (which are based on volatility). See for calculation & interpretation. TrendSignal`s intermediate bands seem to be set halfway inbetween the central moving average & outer channels.

The TrendSignal trendline, in the separate box below the main chart, appears to be a momentum oscillator.

The horizontal support & resistance lines seem to be drawn from (the centre of?) recent candlestick reversal points.

Their recent addition of stop loss lines are parabolic SAR lines.