Markets mastered

Hi guys been looking at latest strategies and have come across Markets from a guy called nick. This strategy allows you to trade for certain amount of pips in the evening between 7-9pm which is ideal if like me have a day job it seems well priced but not many reviews on it apart from a months trial from the chaps over at cash master blog, does anyone have any info or thoughts on this as it looks pretty interesting.
From what i've gleaned elsewhere seems based on candlestck divergence patterns and is not easy to learn.Would love to know anyone trading this successfully
Hi iv'e been using this system for about 5 months now and only manage breakeven.
Could just be me but i struggle to find consistency with this system
You can find the ebooks online for both systems.

They are difficult to learn, divergence in general is difficult to trade.

I signed up to Nick's list from the site, it annoys me that they email you every week with "testimonials" from so called traders making £500 a week.

Some of these traders have only been at it for a month and already making £500 a week (it's complete and utter trash) they are trading £10 a pip as well!! A complete newbie at trading would need a LARGE bank to trade a £10 a pip and would be a complete idiot to trade with such high stakes.

Also in the "testimonials" Nick sends out it shows the emails addresses of the people who have emailed him their "testimonials".

After a week of receiving the emails and after checking the email addresses were on a valid domain (some of them were dodgy) I went ahead and emailed every one of the people who had giving a "testimonial".

I didn't receive any replies THEN after 2 WEEKS they all replied on the same day!!!!! Magic! They must have been so busy trading, making BIG money (£10 a pip and all that) that they ALL decided to check email and reply on the same day. AMAZING!

While Markets Mastered system is not easy to learn it frustrates the hell out of me that Nick makes claims using testimonials from so called new traders! For those reasons above I searched the big G and found the courses.
Hi i agree 100% with stealth.
It all appears oh so easy when looking at previous charts (supposed trades are emailed most days) but in my, fairly limited experience, not easy at all, and i am loosing with this system and will stop using it.
BTW Stealth what courses are you mentioning in the last sentence ??
I don't think i would use this system.
Would be more impressed if calls sms/emailed in a live call enviroment
anyone cna backtest results.Piptastic does a good course and shows many methods.
good luck Michael
There is a lot of gossip on the web that Nick is ALSO Linda Forrester who sells a system called Perfect Forex Trading.

Could this be true??!!!
Having corresponded with Nick and Linda, I consider that unlikely, given the differences in writing styles...


There is a lot of gossip on the web that Nick is ALSO Linda Forrester who sells a system called Perfect Forex Trading.

Could this be true??!!!
Hi Panda

When you study any chart, you see the patterns Nick uses in his manuals appear time and again - it's pretty textbook stuff.

I'm a bit sceptical of Nick's use of profit targets though - IMHO, it's better to have a method that allows you to let your profits run than one which chooses an arbitrary target.


Hi iv'e been using this system for about 5 months now and only manage breakeven.
Could just be me but i struggle to find consistency with this system
Hi Panda

When you study any chart, you see the patterns Nick uses in his manuals appear time and again - it's pretty textbook stuff.

I'm a bit sceptical of Nick's use of profit targets though - IMHO, it's better to have a method that allows you to let your profits run than one which chooses an arbitrary target.


Has anyone purchased Nick`s latest system launched in the last couple of days??
It's also odd that the people in Nick's testimonials don't appear to have Facebook accounts. I'm not suggesting any dishonesty on Nick's part - merely that people might be less sceptical if these email addresses related to people with a FB photo and friends.

BTW, I've corresponded with Nick a bit over the past couple of years, and although I'm still undecided about whether his systems work, I get the impression that he's an honest bloke who's passionate about teaching people the technical and psychological skills needed to trade successfully.


Also in the "testimonials" Nick sends out it shows the emails addresses of the people who have emailed him their "testimonials".

After a week of receiving the emails and after checking the email addresses were on a valid domain (some of them were dodgy) I went ahead and emailed every one of the people who had giving a "testimonial".
I'll be interested in hearing from people who have.

Nick said that his new system is completely different from anything on the market. I'm sure it's something he developed himself, but I question whether Nick has come up with an original approach to trading, rather than one which employs well-known techniques...

I doubt anyone will ever find a completely unique way of extracting profits from the markets, that isn't just a varation on techniques employed by other people...


Has anyone purchased Nick`s latest system launched in the last couple of days??
I've purchased all 3 of Nicks systems some time ago believing them to be the answer to my trading goals but like some other contributors found it difficult to be profitable.From all the E mails with success stories sent to me you tend to think it's just you struggling .now i'm not so sure.

Nicks systems are based on candlestick patterns and divergence however not support/resistance which i consider the most important factor in forex trading.By using Fibs,support/resistance + pivot points in addition i turned my results around...which makes me question why such important factors aren't mentioned.... particularly support/resistance.

Reading Nicks daily blog makes trading sound so easy....bits of trading making massive profits in between sailing,racing cars + down the pub with mates.I keep an open mind whether i actually believe that or not.I certainly won't be buying his new system.....
Hi Robtaz

I get the impression that Nick's blog is genuine. However, dispite Nick's claim to rely purely on his precise entry and exit rules, I think that he uses his own judgement. For example, sometimes, when trading the S&P, he'll let his profits run rather than just taking his 20 pips' target profit. And that's a large part of why he's profitable IMHO - he opens his trades with a fairly tight stoploss and lets his profits run, which is one of the basic principles of effective trading.

I would say that Nick's systems do use pivot points and resistance, even though he doesn't make much reference to them explicitly, as the candlestick entries he uses indicate that the market has hit some support or resistance and might be about to resume its main trend following a pullback or change course.

I'm not sure about the effectiveness of fibs. I know lots of traders use it, but I don't see how the collective actions of thousands of market participants, each with their own agenda, can be predicted mathematically with any accuracy.

BTW, if you're interested in Nick's thoughts on various trading matters, he's NKruger in this forum.


I've purchased all 3 of Nicks systems some time ago believing them to be the answer to my trading goals but like some other contributors found it difficult to be profitable.From all the E mails with success stories sent to me you tend to think it's just you struggling .now i'm not so sure.

Nicks systems are based on candlestick patterns and divergence however not support/resistance which i consider the most important factor in forex trading.By using Fibs,support/resistance + pivot points in addition i turned my results around...which makes me question why such important factors aren't mentioned.... particularly support/resistance..
Hi Ferru,
We all have our own opinion and i respect your view point too.
I like to set up my charts with all relevant support/resistance lines as the market will obey them or break through and re test which tells you another story,to ignore them I.M.H.O is crazy.

time and time again i see the market react at pivot levels,as i write cable bounced exactly off it's main pivot at 1.30,likewise ignore at your peril a market approaching that 50 % / 61 % fib retracement area .Swissy at 1.15 hit a resistance line and 50 % fib guess what it's reversing...

This is something i've noted after watching the markets over time and it works for me and more importantly makes me money...if you can get away with just candlestick reversal patterns and divergence then good luck to you.The main thing is that it works for you personally.For me Nick's systems lacked that extra confirmation...again just my opinion.

Good luck whatever method you use
I am going to buy Nick's new system and report back here shortly.

I wonder what his 'never been seen before' approach is going to be?
Perhaps you'll be able to report to this forum that a genuine new discovery has been uncovered - a bold and exciting way of extracting money from the markets that no other trader had ever thought of!


Joking aside, I look forward to hearing about it. 🙂


I am going to buy Nick's new system and report back here shortly.

I wonder what his 'never been seen before' approach is going to be?