Extreme Futures Daytrading


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Hello there!

I was cruising the internet, and I thought why not start a journal like this, never done this before but maybe I can prove myself or those doubting their trading that it is possible to be profitable consistently.
I am only trading now the E-mini Russell, (TF) will try to post every day or when i trade, never been good at stuff like this, keeping a routine for a long time.
Russell was always the favourite, its like a good old friend now.
i started with FX in 2006, switched to ER2 in 2007 December. In 2008 from January to July I had incredible results, one that nobody would believe. Way better percentage than Larry Williams' winning 1000% a year. Unfortunately I started with a small amount of money. I was trading on spreadbetting accounts, been struggling to become profitable again, for reasons I might only be able to detail in a longer book. Some private matters, family losses, and psychological changes that is almost impossible to reverse. Money changes you, more money ... a sh*tload of money does it even more efficiently. So because of that for 5 years I have been struggling, but now I have come to a point where I believe I got it again. To say it in a Mark Douglas way: I am in the zone 🙂
My trades are between 1-2 minutes to even 1-2 hour long, usually shorter time period. I trade very aggressively, but i believe the risk is not that high due to the fact my system seems to be working efficiently.
There is another reason: I am looking for an investor as well, not right now, only after I have proven myself. I see a small chance only that anyone would be so crazy to take this high risk but you never know, got to try. For me, and for my son.
So I will post screenshot of what I made on days, if i don't post i did not trade,.
I will also translate that information as if it was traded in the real market how much would that be, cause I am only trading now a £0.10/tick.

There is a 3 tick spread, so all the trades would be +2 tick in real markets, I will include this info too.This is how I translate the information to myself.
And forgive my English it is not my mother language.

charts: yellow dot entry - blue line exit

Update requested by OP on August 24th 2014
I have started this thread in March, Tried and failed many times since, but it seems so far that I may have found the right track. The latest attempt at "robbing" the markets starts at post #52
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There is always a first 😛

First day:
12 positions
49 tick profit

with normal spread it would be 24 more
73 tick
on real market 730 dollars
minus 12 x $5 round turn commission $670
on a 10k account it would be 6.70%

missed a lot of movements, but..not bad 🙂


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So, this day did not start well, i had connection problems, so i missed a huge short in the beginning of the day. That always frustrated me in the past and it made me overetrade the market and losing big time. Try not to follow my long estabilished behavioral pattern. Better break it now.
So first trade trend continuation short, good trade, exited at my exit signalDid not enter long there cause i was too focused on todays movement, but if i would have noticed that this low 14:03 gmt was actually a higher low from the previous day which might be a signal for trend reversal I would have entered.
Still focused on the short I enerted with 2k into short, soon i figured out my wrong ways, and went long at 14:26 again trend continuation Good trade, matched my rules, exited early, but it was a 3 point trade, 30 ticks.
Could have made more but there will be other trades
Could have entered long again, but price was hesitating no clear re - entry. Exit came 2 point later

yellow dot entry blue line exit


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beautiful entry, but late by my standards, made me itchy, so exited so very soon just before they gave it up, and let it run
another lesson 🙂


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so first trade already mentioned
second, a failed and risky long
third a short stopped out
fourth perfect trade retracement based on today's price stamina
exited at previous low

enough for today need to manage my greed as well and got a bit of a headache

11 round turn positions
41 tick profit

with normal spread it would be 22 more
63 tick
on real market 630 dollars
minus 11 x $5 round turn commission $575
on a 10k account it would be 5.75%
cumulative theoretical profit : $1245 (12.45%)


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Today was interesting. Just as usual, I missed the open, just by a couple of minutes, but missed a few good scalp trades. Market was weird , and choppy I guess it is because of the upcoming contract change and mixed signals, never seen highs and a possible trend reversal or just a big break from climbing the hill to absolute overboughtness 🙂
I traded horrible today, overtraded the market, had a few good moves, and on that did not turn out well need explaining:
a short, left 1 "contract" to run if it will, stopped out around 13:53
cost me 15 tick but i am not sorry, trying to go for the big moves if possible.
the other one that did not turn out very well is the long at 14:56, expected a bigger move, unfortunately I only have entered with one contract so exited at the signal, would have left the other one run just as i tried with the short mentioned before..this one would have survived 🙂
And if you see my statement yes, I am increasing the size, if losing more than I want
I just don't believe in losing days and this is my way avoiding it.
Got 2 be careful of course there is a limit but my theoretical 10k account would allow me to enter with a maximum of 20 contracts.
Trading was not the best, idiotic at times results are still good

43 round turn positions
17 trades (Win/Lose: 7/10)
39 tick profit with 3 tick spread
with normal (1) spread it would be 86 more
125 tick
on real market 1250 dollars
minus 43 x $5 round turn commission $1035
on a 10k account it would be 10.35%
cumulative theoretical profit : $2280 (22.80%)
number of days traded : 3 (win/lose: 3/0)
total round turns from beggining: 66
total number of winning trades: 19
total number of losing trades: 18

RULES explained:
I am trading now on a spreadbetting account same as CFD just different on paper, tax etc.
My basic size is £0.1/1 market move a.k.a "tick" and that equals 1 normal contract in real markets, which is in case of the E-Mini Russell 2000 is 10$/tick, 100$ per point. I am calculating my profits wins losses from my spreadbet account but also, working out how much the profits would be in real market conditions where the trading size is 10$ instead of 0.1£, and the spread is most of the time 1 instead of 3. Trying to mark my trades on the chart as accurately as I can, but on days like this when I had a trade-rampage, not that easy. Max contract size for open position:20
If I enter a into a trade with for example 3 contracts and exit 3 different time, that is still one trade. If one partial exit is a loser the net outcome will decide if that trade was win or lose.


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Hi, today was not bad last short broke my heart had to exit on my exit signal again only in with 1 contract It was perfect entry, good trend line break on bigger charts (1200 tick) broke through previous days opening high...
I had all the reasons to ignore my exit, but even with chaotic trading like mine you have to have some rules. Market was worse before, now 2 contract is running, and the new one(June14) is leeching off volume from this one not much though yet

Will post the charts later

28 round turn positions
15 trades (Win/Lose: 7/8)
45 tick profit with 3 tick spread
with normal (1) spread it would be 56 more
101 tick
on real market 1010 dollars
minus 28 x $5 round turn commission $870
on a $10000- account it would be 8.70%
cumulative theoretical profit : $3150 (31.50%)
number of days traded : 4 (win/lose: 4/0)
total round turns from beggining: 94
total number of winning trades: 26
total number of losing trades: 26


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top new contract bottom old contract


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overtraded a little bit again not so bad as yesterday

deliberately did not trade around 2pm waited for the news impact to settle, nothing too serious
Business inventories
Fed Gov nomination hearings.
Tomorrow we'll have the PPI unfortunately an hour before market open but will try to trade it if it looks good.
Just saw where my last short went..ouch
that'd have been about a thousand dollars on real market with one contract...10 point trade entry was good, based on some tech analysis, and it worked out well hopefully for others 😀
until tomorrow
have a nice evening


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OFF: sorry have to share:
you can track live the intl space station, space junk, Hubble and many more
one day it would be great to do a space walk on ISS need some more work
costs about 35M $ I think
maybe next year 🙂
Results: Great
Drawdown Great (although that comes with the size increasing)
note to myself:
Do not use cr*ppy cheap wireless mouse. The long shown with the arrow on the chart cost me 2 days profits, because my mouse was not responding.
At the same time, no connection with these my baby son starts shouting. Just to be perfect the wife starts talking angry as well. Kept my calm, as much as I could but I admit, I lost it, done some idiotic trades also got so caught up in them that I traded at the news event at 13:55. Not good.
So: Do not trade when angry or frustrated. Do not throw your mouse at the wall it might come back to life to give you a chance to save yourself. I did not throw it, and in the end everything turned out to be great, but, not satisfied with the trades at all.This whole thing started from a rebound from the previous days low as u can see on the chart, I missed that trade unfortunately. The one that made some sense 🙂
Finished for today, price action still shows signs of the effect of the contract change. Oh scalped the news pre market, that one, I was happy with.

todays results

73 round turn positions
13 trades (Win/Lose: 5/8)
94 tick profit with 3 tick spread
with normal (1) spread it would be 146 more
240 tick
on real market 2400 dollars
minus 73 x $5 round turn commission $2035
on a $10000- account it would be 20.35%
cumulative theoretical profit : $5185 (51.85%)
number of days traded : 5 (win/lose: 5/0)
total round turns from beggining: 167
total number of winning trades: 31
total number of losing trades: 34


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Thanks 🙂
I don't mind
I opened an account with them cause the spread on YM and DAX is just 1 point, but I like Russel, unfortunately. There may come a time though when I will enter into a trade or two with YM.
I like about them that there are no requotes (yet 😛 )
I may start seeing those if I am still winning and working with higher stakes, but by that time, I'll switch to real markets probably
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ok, ok I cheated.
This thread does not have to do anything with DAX in theory, because the title says E mini russel trading. I can not change that, but in the morning you don't trade the russel, it is way pre-market. If you have the urge to trade 12 hours a day or, like me have an afternoon commitment, and want to (try to) make some money today as well, you have a couple of options...Well a lot of options to trade everything on forex, or, in this case, FDAX (de30). Many people like eurusd, and it is not bad just too slow for me. To be honest DAX have taken a lot of money of mine in the past, but now that I seem to be getting back in shape, and because I will have to eat in an all-u-can-eat chinese by the time the american markets would wake up(poor me 😀 ), I did trade.
Enough for today though. Happy with the results, happier with the execution and thoughtfulness(not sure its the right word here) 😀
Results will follow soon
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Now, because the smallest stake with fdax at gft is £1 per point that'll be the base unit. same time spread is almost as on real market so no extra ticks added to theoretical account. FDAX 1 point value is 25euros..... lets say dollars, easier for me it is about 35 dollars but doesnt matter I'll calculate with 25, no one can say I am lying to myself 🙂
1 point is 2 ticks (Spreadbet £0.5 value real market €12.5)

Today's results:

5 round turn positions
5 trades (Win/Lose: 3/2)
108 tick profit with 2 tick spread
on real market it would have been 1325 dollars
minus 5 x $5 round turn commission $1300
on a $10000- account it would be 13.00%
cumulative theoretical profit : $6485 (64.85%)


number of days traded : 6 (win/lose: 6/0)
total "round turns" from beggining: 172
total number of winning trades: 34
total number of losing trades: 36

Starting spreadbet balance £170.90
Current spreadbet balance £252.00
Current spreadbet profit: £81.10 (47.45%)


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as you can see i only took short trades in the main direction, except the 2 long trades, first one on divergence good for short scalp, second one based on failed short continuation
also FDAX and Russell and couple other main futures moving sortof simultaneously, and Russell was kicking away from the daily pivot towards the skies.That is why I stayed in the trade disregarding the micro-short signals
after a huge move like that there is a higher chance for choppyness, better leave it alone.
That's all for today
Have a nice day 🙂
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I have succesfully turned a winning day, the best winning day into a losing one.
- Trading outside after the first couple of hours of open
Long time ago I saw fantastic closings old habits die hard
- Trading when you KNOW that next 2 days will be brilliant - fundamental wise
- Trading when market is not even ranging anymore its flat
Another old habit, expecting a never before seen breakout.
In the end short worked out, but pullback was too extreme had to exit
- Overtrading - easy to do when it is flat every tick may look like it is a breakout
- FOMC is due in 2 days. I have seen horrible markets before that many times...although beginning of the day was great

Today's results: updated only Russell

136 round turn positions
13 trades (Win/Lose: 3/10)
-668 tick loss with 3 tick spread
with normal spread it would be +272 more
-396 tick
on real market it would have been -3960 dollars
minus 136 x $5 round turn commission -$4640
on a $10000- account it would be -46.40%
cumulative theoretical profit : $1845 (18.45%)


number of days traded : 6 (win/lose: 5/1)
total "round turns" from beginning: 308
total number of winning trades: 37
total number of losing trades: 46

Starting spreadbet balance £170.90
Current spreadbet balance £185.20
Current spreadbet profit: £14.3 (8.36%)


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