I take your points (especially about trading "with" the market)
but, there are so many individual strategies, and time-frames, and risk/reward-profiles, its difficult to see who is actually "better" than anyone else.
some people simply have modest 20 pips a day requirements and leave the moment the target is hit, and others trade for as much as they can get.
Some use statistical techniques to formulate plans, such as hans123, some utilise pro-behaviour like the Big-Ben. or NFP. or esoterics, like Gann, and moon-phases.
If they make pips, its a valid strategy.
I have the utmost respect for your posts, as your previous posts show a depth of understanding that is quite incredible, but most of us play the statistics game, to make up for a lack of deeper knowledge.
The question whether the deeper knowledge is even necessary to trade is a moot point.
I dont need an understanding of latent heat capacity of water to make a cup of tea.
EDIT: 😱 Oh my god (T2W does not endorse any divine beings, and other dieties are available) I am dragging this off-topic. I shall take the kicking from mr.marcus, and accept it with good grace.