As usual I'm late
Dear All,
As usual I arrive as the party is ending.
But what I have learnt from carefully reading every post on this tread has made it well worth it and I would still like to make some observations:
Firstly I would like to say that I agree with The Bramble when he says:
TheBramble said:
Although the effort involved in working through these issues on a personal basis will provide the greatest benefit, there is also much to be gained IMHO by sharing those findings with interested others. Much like a Scientific Symposium.
To this end, rather than watch this thread slowly run down, I believe it would be very much in the spirit of its original inception to continue to use for discussion of issues raised and unresolved.
I think that this thread has further to go and that there are still unanswered questions that others can answer or further observations that people like me would like to make.
Socrates is the first person I've met who thinks like I do (or maybe that should be the other way round). Usually, when I start talking about my theory that "The most basic instinct of animals (including humans) is to survive and therefore all human behaviour can be attributed to survival. This can be survival of the individual or survival of the group." people think I'm mad - I must be moving in the "wrong" circles. :cheesy:
A few people seem to think that developing a TP is a waste of time because they are getting on quite well without it. But I say to them you are wrong, very wrong. HP sees everything in terms of survival and it treats trading no differently. It does this because it sees financial security as being linked to survival and I can understand why. Every day, in my day-job a see people who have been pushed right to the edge because they have no financial security. So having a house, not worrying about how to pay the next bill or being able to provide for their children are all seen as successfully surviving. And because trading is tied up so completely by the HP, emotions are enhanced. When a trade goes right there is elation and personal back clapping, praising yourself and further enhancing the ego. When things go badly depression sets in, panic and fear that they will not be able survive or provide for their group. Also, the buz a person gets from trading can become very addictive. However, all of this is stifling the intuition. So yes, you may be doing quite well without having a TP, but if you were able to free your intuition and open the channel to the huge amount of information stored in your subconscious you would do immeasurably better.
But what if you are like me and don't have a huge amount of trading information stored? Socrates said the following:
Also a very comprehensive understanding of how markets work has to be in place as well to which a methodology is applied within the framework of the TP. It is taken for granted that these two foundations are already in place.
Some people are probably saying, "I'll build up my comprehensive understanding and then concentrate on creating the TP." I know because I thought this but immediately rejecting the idea. Many comparisons within this tread have been made between a soldier's training and the TP. A Soldier's Persona (I think this was referred to as the War Persona) is built up over time so that they can act effectively on the battlefield. The armed forces don't train civilians how to shoot and then build up their WP, they don't build up their WP and then train them how to shoot. They do both at the same time and we should do the same. There are also advantages to doing both. As a person's TP progresses so will their speed and understanding of trading increase.
I've found the best place to concentrate on the first steps was lying on my bed. I was then able to relax but even doing something as "simple" as studying myself studying a television meant I had to concentrate as the HP subtly tries to divert the attention away. I started by imagining watching myself playing on the Playstation, as I incorrectly understood that the process was to analyse the emotions produced (I picked the Playstation because it quite easily elicits emotions like excitement, aggression, anger and pompousness). This actually produced some interesting results that lead to me asking myself why XX produced YY emotion. But I now understand that what we are actually looking for is something that does not elicit any emotion. Can someone tell me if I am right in this?
I’d also like to comment on Socrates’ discussion about time. The way I see how it could work is by altering time by altering the speed of thought. The tick tock time is constant. But by altering the speed that a person thinks, time would actually change. I’m sure everyone reading this has at one time or another had thoughts or ideas occur to them instantly. But this is largely involuntary – imagine if you could control how fast you processed information from your subconscious. Also, if the theory of time travel is correct, it might be possible for a person to think fast enough that they could actually think ahead of time. Could this be futurology?
But what does everyone else think?