good lord. I certainly admire your persistence then - I fear it may take you an awfully long while to achieve the rivetting, but I certainly wish you well in attempting it. Persistence - I've certainly not been at it as long in years as yourself, but I'm definitely putting in the hours <g>
I'm in agreement with #275, as I am with much of your comment on what I think of as what people want, and how little the majority are prepared to invest (no pun intended) to attain it. You are preaching to the largely converted, I only differ in one major point that I can discern - I don't think you will convert many more if the last 5 months or so hasn't already done the trick.... reading the prior threads is quite a task, those willing to put the effort in will have done it, they will then either be up to speed or not. You seem to believe otherwise, and as you are delivering this not I it would be somewhat rude of me to continue to argue the point, so I will stop.
You are (of course) perfectly entitled to set the pace to your own satisfaction, enjoy your evening!
good lord. I certainly admire your persistence then - I fear it may take you an awfully long while to achieve the rivetting, but I certainly wish you well in attempting it. Persistence - I've certainly not been at it as long in years as yourself, but I'm definitely putting in the hours <g>
I'm in agreement with #275, as I am with much of your comment on what I think of as what people want, and how little the majority are prepared to invest (no pun intended) to attain it. You are preaching to the largely converted, I only differ in one major point that I can discern - I don't think you will convert many more if the last 5 months or so hasn't already done the trick.... reading the prior threads is quite a task, those willing to put the effort in will have done it, they will then either be up to speed or not. You seem to believe otherwise, and as you are delivering this not I it would be somewhat rude of me to continue to argue the point, so I will stop.
You are (of course) perfectly entitled to set the pace to your own satisfaction, enjoy your evening!