TV preview: Million Dollar Traders | Culture | The Observer
Looks interesting...............article is amusing anyway
Looks interesting...............article is amusing anyway
TV preview: Million Dollar Traders | Culture | The Observer
Looks interesting...............article is amusing anyway
Should be on BBC iplayer.
"The idea is to take some of the myths out of trading and show that, with a bit of training, anyone can learn. But it's much more difficult than proving yourself on The Apprentice, where you're selling fish. This is much tougher."
According to the link in the first post, episode 1 doesn't get aired till January 12th BBC2 at 9 pm.
It's still should be on iplayer. Be patient, young padwan.
Watched Season 1 of Wall Street Warriors last night, and the first half of Season 2. Really enjoyed it, epecially Season 2 as a) Brett and b) Laetitia is insanely attractive. Looking forward to this new show very much as well.