Murray Priestley Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management


Well I read a couple of threads on this site re Lifestyle Trader

and I have also read the profile on LinkedIn of the CEO Murray Priestley.

Murray Priestley - Australia | LinkedIn
Of course, as you would expect, the relevant bits are not available to the public but I have my sources... but it states..
Lifestyle Asset Management
March 2009 – November 2011 (2 years 9 months)

Diverse Financial Services company that included a commodities, forex and derivatives introducing brokerage and trading software. Two core divisions were sold in DEC 2011 & FEB 2012.

I cannot believe we are talking the same guy...

I mean he started with a well cashed up company in Lifestyle Trader in 2009.
In two and half years, he brought it to it’s knees
He started numerous other companies within the group of Lifestyle Asset Management, of which Lifestyle Trader became a subsidiary..
They all failed, yes you heard it right everyone failed....

He sold products to investors with guarantees which are now worthless, did these clients make money... well you guess right again – no they did not....

And so with him at the helm, Lifestyle Trader went down the tubes, yes you can blame Aussie Rob but he was away and had no day to day involvement.

So what happened as Lifestyle trader went down the tubes, well he hired more staff and did not curb the spending.... and the result, staff lost their jobs, clients and creditors are owed vast sums of money..

He was still selling in November at the 2011 Gold Coast Summit and some clients paid in advance for the 2012 Summit.. which he was aware of and knew full well this Summit was not going to happen.. Just ask him where have all the Summit videos have gone, I mean he was the face of the company but where is he now to answer to clients and creditors... I’ll get to this in a minute.

So what do I read on LinkedIn, 2 core divisions sold in Decemeber 2011 & February 2012.... Murray the company went to the dogs, you have a nerve to write this, so you create a great impression, you are a born idiot with lots of front...

And now we get to Murray Priestley - Business/Investing Thoughts & Ideas

In here he says he pulled the plug on Facebook because you wasted time there... Coincidentally this was when Deb Rein, a dedicated licensee that you put offside with Aussie Rob, fingered you on Facebook and did not want anything to do with you Aussie Rob, or Lifestyle Trader....

And so now, you are building Alpha Capital Management or Masterplus Captial Management or whatever other company you come up with... and it is a fund, so basically you are going to invest clients money to make them money... yeah right... to lose them money.

I mean if it is like any of your previous products that went out of the door, basically untested in terms of profitability... smacks of autotrading within Lifestyle Trader which had to be pulled because client were losing money, as it had not been tested.

Murray you need to take a good look at yourself.... you are all front with no substance, you cling on to this expert, that expert and you talk a good talk but you cannot walk the walk...

If you are reading this, feel free to do your own research on this guy but whatever you do get a second opinion from someone who knows and if you run across a company and this man has involvement my advice is one word.... RUN and if it has to do with investing your money, RUN FASTER!!!!!!
Re: Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management

Suggest you read this before casting too many assumptions.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 12-25AD ASIC suspends AFS licence of ‘Aussie Rob’s’ Lifestyle Investor Services

If you think that one incident or one person can bring any business down, then you are mis-guided.

Agree, there is always more than one person at fault, however, if you spruik yourself as a 'business expert', publish a book to teach 'good business' and sell on stage as a 'business expert' and your CV promotes you as someone who, rebuilds and improves businesses............. then what Murray Priestley has led the Lifestyle Group of companies as their 'business expert' CEO - proves he is not able to put into practise what he tells everyone he can do.

When push comes to shove, the director is ALWAYS responsible to ensure the company is trading solvent. Aussie Rob Wilson was the director of these companies........... Murray Priestley is the CEO. Products were sold that were not tested - both these took clients money knowing full well the companies were about to fold.

The integrity of both is at such low levels............. all that can be done on these forums is to warn anyone who is considering any dealings with these people >> be ware and PLEASE protect your funds and check these people out. Only then can they be fully informed to make their investment decisions.

All the best to anyone who trusts these people >> many many have been burned. Do not add yourself to that list.
Re: Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management

Agree, there is always more than one person at fault, however, if you spruik yourself as a 'business expert', publish a book to teach 'good business' and sell on stage as a 'business expert' and your CV promotes you as someone who, rebuilds and improves businesses............. then what Murray Priestley has led the Lifestyle Group of companies as their 'business expert' CEO - proves he is not able to put into practise what he tells everyone he can do.

When push comes to shove, the director is ALWAYS responsible to ensure the company is trading solvent. Aussie Rob Wilson was the director of these companies........... Murray Priestley is the CEO. Products were sold that were not tested - both these took clients money knowing full well the companies were about to fold.

The integrity of both is at such low levels............. all that can be done on these forums is to warn anyone who is considering any dealings with these people >> be ware and PLEASE protect your funds and check these people out. Only then can they be fully informed to make their investment decisions.

All the best to anyone who trusts these people >> many many have been burned. Do not add yourself to that list.

>>>>>> I just read the ASIC link quoted here....... it tells the reasons why ASIC removed the License from Lifestyle Investor Services - that does not have anything to do with Lifestyle Trader folding as a business owing several million dollars to investors, clients, staff, coaches, and other creditors. 👎
Well I read a couple of threads on this site re Lifestyle Trader

and I have also read the profile on LinkedIn of the CEO Murray Priestley.

Murray Priestley - Australia | LinkedIn
Of course, as you would expect, the relevant bits are not available to the public but I have my sources... but it states..
Lifestyle Asset Management
March 2009 – November 2011 (2 years 9 months)

Diverse Financial Services company that included a commodities, forex and derivatives introducing brokerage and trading software. Two core divisions were sold in DEC 2011 & FEB 2012.

I cannot believe we are talking the same guy...

I mean he started with a well cashed up company in Lifestyle Trader in 2009.
In two and half years, he brought it to it’s knees
He started numerous other companies within the group of Lifestyle Asset Management, of which Lifestyle Trader became a subsidiary..
They all failed, yes you heard it right everyone failed....

He sold products to investors with guarantees which are now worthless, did these clients make money... well you guess right again – no they did not....

And so with him at the helm, Lifestyle Trader went down the tubes, yes you can blame Aussie Rob but he was away and had no day to day involvement.

So what happened as Lifestyle trader went down the tubes, well he hired more staff and did not curb the spending.... and the result, staff lost their jobs, clients and creditors are owed vast sums of money..

He was still selling in November at the 2011 Gold Coast Summit and some clients paid in advance for the 2012 Summit.. which he was aware of and knew full well this Summit was not going to happen.. Just ask him where have all the Summit videos have gone, I mean he was the face of the company but where is he now to answer to clients and creditors... I’ll get to this in a minute.

So what do I read on LinkedIn, 2 core divisions sold in Decemeber 2011 & February 2012.... Murray the company went to the dogs, you have a nerve to write this, so you create a great impression, you are a born idiot with lots of front...

And now we get to Murray Priestley - Business/Investing Thoughts & Ideas

In here he says he pulled the plug on Facebook because you wasted time there... Coincidentally this was when Deb Rein, a dedicated licensee that you put offside with Aussie Rob, fingered you on Facebook and did not want anything to do with you Aussie Rob, or Lifestyle Trader....

And so now, you are building Alpha Capital Management or Masterplus Captial Management or whatever other company you come up with... and it is a fund, so basically you are going to invest clients money to make them money... yeah right... to lose them money.

I mean if it is like any of your previous products that went out of the door, basically untested in terms of profitability... smacks of autotrading within Lifestyle Trader which had to be pulled because client were losing money, as it had not been tested.

Murray you need to take a good look at yourself.... you are all front with no substance, you cling on to this expert, that expert and you talk a good talk but you cannot walk the walk...

If you are reading this, feel free to do your own research on this guy but whatever you do get a second opinion from someone who knows and if you run across a company and this man has involvement my advice is one word.... RUN and if it has to do with investing your money, RUN FASTER!!!!!!

Well rulethetruth, I wet my pants on what you posted!!
Great stuff. I am still gobsmacked that this clown Priestley can post on LINKEDIN that "Two core divisions were sold in DEC 11 & FEB 2012". Is this man serious??
It is like the captain of the Titanic saying he sank the largest ship afloat at the time. Or the captain of the Costa Concordia stating he manouvered the ship onto its side. This is beyond belief and I only hope LINKEDIN get onto this garbage.
Seriously the assets were illegally stripped out of Lifestyle Trader and put into ICS, a company that no doubt Priestley and Aussie Robber are behind. This defrauded staff and creditors.
You are also correct in that everything he touched failed. Its like Priestley has the midas touch in turning cash into a black hole.
As regards selling the 2012 Summit in November 2011- words fail me. Priesley knew the company was on the brink and he did this. This I am sure ASIC will look into when they catch up with these fraudsters.
Alpha Capital Management needs to be renamed Shonky Capital Mismanagement.
Blind Freddy would surely not invest with Priestley.
Finally, I assume "hzqt1k" is the genius himself. One person can bring down an entire business. Priestley is living truth of this. Priestley, as CEO had full control of the business and was an abysmal failure.
For all the thousands of dollars Priestley spent on management books and courses, he did not learn much. In fact he never understood the basic management principal that YOU CANNOT DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITY.
Re: Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management

I have just read these threads and I must say that "hzqt1k" this sounds like you Murray Priestley!

YES, ONCE AGAIN YOU are showing your true colours, blaming Aussie Rob or whoever you can. In my opinion both of you are to blame. Yes Rob is the Director but YOU were put in as the CEO to run Rob's business which before you started was running at a profit...within months the companies began to slide. Rob cannot say he was away or unaware as YOU two had regular weekly meetings and monthly catch ups. I suppose now knowing what type of person you truly are, you would NOT have reported the truth to ROB.

You promote yourself when Lifestyle Group (Lifestyle Asset Management, Lifestyle Trader,Lifestyle Investor Services) is doing well or when you release a new product you tell everyone IT WAS YOU that came up with the idea and then when it all goes down hill YOU blame everyone else. YOU made the decision of LIS, yes Scott was the director but YOU had the last say. Also YOU know what YOU did to Scott and so do I. Which I am sure the public would be very very interested in hearing

Be a MAN and face your failures. YOU are fantastic at talking but YOU are a weak form of a human being. I truly do NOT know how your wife could be married to YOU. I don't know how you could take mum & dad's hard earned savings and invest in investments that were disasters from the start.

People are NOT stupid...YOU and only YOU were the CEO of the Lifestyle Group. You and only YOU were behind the investments for investors and YOU documented and produced audios that YOU had carried out your due diligence on these investments but YOU know as well as I know YOU did not. Actually isn't it TRUE that the only way you can get investments is you have your friends involved so YOU can get payments on the side?

I am writing this as Murray CANNOT be trusted! He was the CEO of Lifestyle Trader & Lifestyle Asset Management and now these companies have been closed, NOT sold as a profit, instead the assets were ripped out of these companies and Murray Priestley just walks away from the debt and wipes his hands AGAIN, leaving poor mums & dads loosing their savings. Then Murray Priestley starts opening yet another company called Alpha Capital Investments registering it in Sydney, yes it is in Sydney as this is where he came from...that didn't work so he came to the GC to rip more people off. He is a true GC business rip off man...saying how wonderful he is and what HE can do for you.....he will shake your hand and he may even cry (as he has done this many times to suck people in) but his idea of a handshake is "Ah I got another sucker".. The only thing Murray Priestley can do for you is take your hard earned cash and loose it. He will then blame EVERYONE and EVERYTHING except for HIMSELF. Murray Priestley then just opens up yet another company lying again and again about how the companies he was in charge of have all been profitable.

PLEASE if you are considering any dealings with Murray Priestley PLEASE contact your accountant, lawyer and ask Murray Priestley what were the investments that he invested in... then have your accountant research them....they will find that MURRAY PRIESTLEY HAS NEVER EVER INVESTED CLIENTS MONEY AND MADE THEM ONE CENT, INSTEAD IT COSTS THE CLIENTS MORE AND MORE MONEY AS HE SPINS HIS WEB OF LIES!

Murray Priestley Karma is coming ............ let me tell you there will be a very long line of clients, staff, coaches, investors, companies queuing up on that GREAT day.

Murray be a man and stop trying to pretend that this post that I am replying to is NOT YOU. We are all well aware of what you are upto...we are not as silly as YOU think WE are
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Re: Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management

OH the book of Murray Priestley...I have one of them signed by him, who does he think he is....if anyone has read it you will see that it is ABSOLUTELY CRAP!


That must be why they gave them away at the Summit, as they could NOT sell this RUBBISH.

I will be using this book to light the celebration fire when Murray Priestley and Rob Wilson go to JAIL with not "a get out of jail card"

OMG, Gold Coast what is it here...all the crooks come to GC to rip off more people after they have ripped off their home states and probably their mothers.

Just look at the car Murray Priestley drives...its a bomb...where is all his wealth??? It is his he hides behind her...wonder if he will cry when he gets sent to jail!
Re: Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management

You state " many many have been burned"

You have it wrong - EVERYONE was burnt - EVERY SINGLE INVESTOR!

MAJORITY OF THE STAFF, 99% of the clients - unless they were smart enough to get out before they closed the doors, just weeks before xmas...nice xmas present for the poor dedicated staff!

Except - of course Murray Priestley, Michael Fullick and Rob Wilson (who writes in the GC Bulletin he feels for the staff having to retrench them at xmas, obviously he wasn't too upset, he has just been to Thailand holidaying! why didn't he use this money to pay the staff entitlements...he is another one you cannot call human

AND the staff STILL have NOT been paid their entitlements nor the clients that were offered Barter Card he just feeds the media lies and promises and NEVER full fills his promises.
Re: Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management

OH the book of Murray Priestley...I have one of them signed by him, who does he think he is....if anyone has read it you will see that it is ABSOLUTELY CRAP!


That must be why they gave them away at the Summit, as they could NOT sell this RUBBISH.

I will be using this book to light the celebration fire when Murray Priestley and Rob Wilson go to JAIL with not "a get out of jail card"

OMG, Gold Coast what is it here...all the crooks come to GC to rip off more people after they have ripped off their home states and probably their mothers.

Just look at the car Murray Priestley drives...its a bomb...where is all his wealth??? It is his he hides behind her...wonder if he will cry when he gets sent to jail!

Is the book called "101 ways to sink a business" ?
Because he is an expert at this. Otherwise when it comes to business management he is an absolute NOPERT.
I know that the majority of clients, staff, coaches, investors and licensees know me very well and know that I am an honest and compassionate and well-respected person. I have always tried to do my very best each and every day for my clients and peers and always have a very good reason for everything I do.

I am writing this as I was sent the link last night.

I am not sure who the other people are on this forum but what you say is indeed correct. After reading these I have decided to come forward. I have nothing to hide and I have sat quietly enough for a very long time as I did not want to get involved but my heart and my conscious could not ignore it any longer as I am worried as to what has been happening to people or what may happen to any future investors.

If you are even thinking of speaking or doing business with any of these three, Murray Priestley, Michael Fullick (who are BEST friends) and that Aussie Rob or now called Rob Wilson, I urge you to obtain legal advise immediately and like someone said in this forum…RUN. If you don’t you will be here like us in 6 months time saying “I wish I listened” and writing new information about how they ripped you off and how much money you have lost. I will guarantee it.

I believe in freedom of speech, that is why our ANZAC’s fought for us. I believe in trying not to become a person of success but rather trying to become a person of value. I care and I always believe that you treat people the way that you would like to be treated.

Of course I am not allowed to reveal certain information but I would like to share with you what I can, as if this only helps one potential investor than it was worth for me to come forward.

In February 2010 I was told that certain staff were going to be dismissed, as the company was not doing very well. In late March early April of 2010 staff were dismissed and morale was low. Even to the point they dismissed a lady with cancer and then at the end of last year begged her to come back as they could not find staff, offering her so many promises, this lady was dismissed again when they got what they wanted and yet AGAIN she did not get paid her entitlements. They also dismissed another lady that only had a few weeks until her wedding…nice wedding present…just like xmas for so many staff. The staff that remained were told that there was nothing to worry about, that now the company will become profitable, not sure how when Aussie Rob was never at HO and Murray Priestley was still the CEO and would still run the companies. Murray backstabbed some key executives and blamed them as to why the company was in debt and Rob Wilson believed him. We were promised many things if we stayed and supported the company but these promises never eventuated.

I worked with Murray Priestley and the more time I spent with him the more I realized that Murray Priestley was not the person that I once thought he was. I always remember a very special person saying to me “You can easily judge the character of a person by how they treat those who can do nothing for them”. This is EXACTLY how Murray Priestley is. Murray Priestley believes and has said this many many times " If you associated with the poor than you will be poor, you need to only socialise with the RICH if you want to excel in this world". Clients and coaches have called him worrying about their refund/payments and he just says “Sorry I have nothing to do with Lifestyle Group (even though he is to blame for this mess), I am now running my own business Alpha Capital Management, you will have to call accounts”. Nice one Murray.

If Murray and Michael wanted staff to leave they would plot and scheme how to put pressure on the staff, to the extent they would ask if they liked their job and if they said no they would then say “Oh we don’t have anything else so you will have to leave” this way they didn’t have to pay redundancy or they just made it very difficult for some people so that they just left.

One several occasions both Murray Priestley and Michael Fullick wanted certain staff to quit (ones that would not be apart of their corruption), they told certain staff that they will be loading staff up with that much work as they could and to keep the pressure up with unrealistic deadlines, so the staff would buckle under the pressure and leave. Great CEO and COO heh?? Who wants to work with Murray Priestley👎

Clients would regularly ask why are so many staff were so young but it all made sense, they did not have to pay them much, they could make them work around the clock, get them to do their dirty work for them, as some of the staff were just too inexperienced in business and did not realise what Management were asking of them. The staff were very dedicated and the majority of them loved the clients and wanted to be apart of that so called “Lifestyle Family”.

I can honestly say hand on heart that Murray Priestley instructed me to carry out tasks that was just not in my nature and did not sit morally correct with my standard of professionalism. My number #1 golden rule is “Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right”.

I am glad in a way that Murray destroyed Lifestyle Trader and Lifestyle Asset Management and Lifestyle Investor Services as now the clients and staff cannot be ripped off any further. I feel for so many of the clients, staff, coaches and Licensees as many of them have lost so much money. Some of the clients were like a second mum or dad to some of the staff. Lifestyle always played their triumph card “ become apart of the Lifestyle FAMILY”. Everyone knew that the staff had NO life, they had them working very long hours and weekend work and they were on the lowest wages ever. Staff never were paid overtime but were ALWAYS promised other benefits, like “we will give you shares, we will trade $5,000 per staff member, we will give you a pay rise as soon as we make some money”, these promises never eventuated and they were never going to as Murray and Michael knew this. If only the public could really know what went on behind closed doors which I am sure is not that far away. I know that the public would be horrified that a CEO, COO and Directors of a company would act like this.

Some staff were the lucky ones that made the correct decisions to leave, they knew if they stayed it meant that they approved and supported Murray Priestley’s decisions and actions. Some resigned without even having another position to go to but working with Murray Priestley as the CEO and the Lifestyle Group was affecting what they always believed in - trust and integrity. Employees at Lifestyle gave so much up for Management to the extent that their wires, husbands, children, families, friends and health ALL suffered while working at the Lifestyle group of companies.

I am writing this, as I feel so very sad for what has happened to EVERYONE. I have lied awake at night thinking about IT and just cannot believe that people could do what they have done to staff and coaches that were so dedicated and the clients that believed in them so much and trusted them.

As you are aware I cannot say any more but I look forward to the day that all of this is out in the open, as I cannot wait to put my hand on the bible and tell the truth

Well said. Somebody who speaks the truth!!. Lets make sure that when the Guru Priestley gets his neutral (loss making shonky) hedge fund off the ground, we alert ASIC in no uncertain way. It doesn't seem that long ago that Priestley was telling all the staff that the business had been sold to GFNN(USA) and that all staff would receive share options and be set for life!!. Set for life actually meant being sacked without entitlements all the result of Priestley's useless and incompetent non existent business acumen. Of course who can forget Michael Fullick's stirring speech when he gave his mate Priestley the accolades for sealing the GFNN deal. Followed by Priestley's crocodile tears after Michael had worshipped him. What a load of crap!!!. You lick my bum and I will lick yours- how pitiful!!. :cheesy:
Well said. Somebody who speaks the truth!!. Lets make sure that when the Guru Priestley gets his neutral (loss making shonky) hedge fund off the ground, we alert ASIC in no uncertain way.

I applaud all who have contributed to this forum. The TRUTH is now being spoken - and I too worked very closely with staff and so called "management" at the Lifestyle Group - so I can say that what has been written here IS definitely the truth.

I personally have written proof of Murray Priestley's lies (and ASIC has that now) As for Michael Fullick - I still ask how the hell did this person get to be a Chief Operations Officer of the Lifestyle Group??? The only qualification I can find that he holds, is that he is a close friend of Murray Priestley. Why Aussie Rob Wilson would have anything to do with these 2 snakes is beyond me - the only conclusion I can come to is that he is made of the same disgusting stuff as Murray Priestley and Michael Fullick.

As a point of interest, I see that hzqt1k has removed his comment and if you click on that writers 'name' you can read 'all posts' by that writer - and you will see that hzqt1k is indeed Murray Priestley - as he signs off his only one other post as the CEO of Lifestyle Trader.

I had replied to his comments, so they are saved in my quote on the first page of this thread. What does he say? It wasn't just me, read ASIC's report, he wants to blame one of the most caring people that was in the company - Scott Goold. Shame on you Murray Priestley!

Even ASIC's decision was made as the results of lies that were told to ASIC by Murray Priestley and Rob Wilson............ and I believe ASIC is aware of this. Really what else could ASIC do? They had to remove Priestley and Wilson from the company!

As one of the writers in this thread have aptly named themselves......... ASIC IS Coming to get you Murray Priestley and Rob Wilson (and Micheal Fullick - do not smile yet!)

I do wonder though - Aussie Rob Wilson told so many how he did not like Murray Priestley at all, he used quite 'flavoured' words to describe him in a very negative way - I wonder what Priestley would think if he found out the truth about how little Wilson really thought of him........ and then Wilson 'sleeps' with him.👎
I agree with UBIS, these forums are about highlighting awareness to people and situations.
If you feel impending doom then best to let everybody know....

Just to give you the heads up here... staff at Lifestyle were fed a story for months... about how great things were going to be, how the deal was ALMOST there. How the deal would help us all financially, how the deal was ALMOST, ALMOST there. Then we were given yet another brief as to how the deal was ALMOST, ALMOST, ALMOST, there... you get the picture. And then as someone above said Murray’s Mate said how great it was that Murray was doing the deal for us all.... well you see from above it did not happen. And this was after suffering months and months of pure and utter brain-washing.

To add salt into the wounds, we were given a handshake and wished a very merry Christmas only, to find that 2 days later, that’s it, just TWO days later we were out the door.. just TWO weeks before Christmas. Nice one Guys.. Since then numerous staff have struggled with bills, mortgages... since entitlements were not paid and staff have spent 3 months chasing them. Yes Thanks Murray a very merry Christmas we all had. It did not affect you much though, since well before Lifestyle was breaking up on the rocks, you were creating another business to ensure your survival, so when LT went down will all hands, you were the Italian captain first off the ship and away.

Now this has had an impact on numerous people, right down to the cleaner, yes apparently the cleaner, even he is owed thousands and still has to pay his staff...

All I will say to you, if you are moving forward with these guys get something in writing, some results of what they offer. If you don’t get anything, that is a red light to me. Whatever you do, don’t believe words, these guys are salesmen through and through. They will say things like we don’t have that to hand, it is confidential... you know the routine.. This means the system is not ready but we will still release it and you the clients are the guinea pigs; believe me we have seen it all before at Lifestyle. You hear me , GET SOME PERFORMANCE STATS IN WRITING.

However, if you still feel the urge move forward with these guys take note of the following.

If and when the bus hits you, don’t pick yourself up off the sidewalk and say I did not see it coming.... You have had enough advanced warning not to be out in the street in the first place...
I agree with UBIS, these forums are about highlighting awareness to people and situations.
If you feel impending doom then best to let everybody know....

Just to give you the heads up here... staff at Lifestyle were fed a story for months... about how great things were going to be, how the deal was ALMOST there. How the deal would help us all financially, how the deal was ALMOST, ALMOST there. Then we were given yet another brief as to how the deal was ALMOST, ALMOST, ALMOST, there... you get the picture. And then as someone above said Murray’s Mate said how great it was that Murray was doing the deal for us all.... well you see from above it did not happen. And this was after suffering months and months of pure and utter brain-washing.

To add salt into the wounds, we were given a handshake and wished a very merry Christmas only, to find that 2 days later, that’s it, just TWO days later we were out the door.. just TWO weeks before Christmas. Nice one Guys.. Since then numerous staff have struggled with bills, mortgages... since entitlements were not paid and staff have spent 3 months chasing them. Yes Thanks Murray a very merry Christmas we all had. It did not affect you much though, since well before Lifestyle was breaking up on the rocks, you were creating another business to ensure your survival, so when LT went down will all hands, you were the Italian captain first off the ship and away.

Now this has had an impact on numerous people, right down to the cleaner, yes apparently the cleaner, even he is owed thousands and still has to pay his staff...

All I will say to you, if you are moving forward with these guys get something in writing, some results of what they offer. If you don’t get anything, that is a red light to me. Whatever you do, don’t believe words, these guys are salesmen through and through. They will say things like we don’t have that to hand, it is confidential... you know the routine.. This means the system is not ready but we will still release it and you the clients are the guinea pigs; believe me we have seen it all before at Lifestyle. You hear me , GET SOME PERFORMANCE STATS IN WRITING.

However, if you still feel the urge move forward with these guys take note of the following.

If and when the bus hits you, don’t pick yourself up off the sidewalk and say I did not see it coming.... You have had enough advanced warning not to be out in the street in the first place...

The investors in Storm Financial, City Pacific, Westpoint (to name but a few fund failures) did not see the double decker bus coming!!. You have all been warned. Invest with these people at your own peril. Check that their AFSL licence is valid with ASIC. Even go so far as phoning ASIC to question how they got a licence in the first place!!.
Well said to those that have the guts to come forth. Murray Priestley & Rob Wilson have actually threatened staff not to talk to ASIC. Ask yourself "Why would this be"? Only people with something to hide act like this.

Yes I got the tears from Murray Priestley too. I was told many times by Murray Priestley that the DEAL WAS SIGNED, SEALED AND MONEY WAS BEING DEPOSITED. This went on for many weeks into months. I was told by Michael Fullick that Murray had called him from the states in tears saying " I have finally done it. Its all in the bag". Michael Fullick told me Murray Priestley had actually cried.

I think Murray is in the wrong career, he should be in acting.

Also Yes I can confirm that Murray Priestley is actually "hzqt1" - good pickup. So if Murray Priestley has nothing to hide or has been as honest as he preaches on his web pages, why disguise himself?

Why blame poor Scott Goold. All he did was to try and put the clients best interest at heart. These people are evil. I have a lot of information and I too have given it all to ASIC.

Keep watching not long now I would say.

I have a lot that I will post here in the next few days about the three dodgy Amigoes

Rob Wilson, Murray Priestley and Michael Fullick.

Wait till I tell you about Michael Fullick.
Re: Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management

What was the deal with Scott Goold and what happened there?

Hi shewolf,

I saw this post and thought I would reply to your question.

The answer is What didn't they do to Scott Goold. Murray Priestley and Michael Fullick despised Scott and wanted to get rid of him for a very long time so they could have full control over the companies, but they knew it would be hard as Scott had the license. Don't forget Murray and Michael are best mates, so good friends they even live together at Royal Pines. Why do you think Murray Priestley made a man a COO when he has no qualifications except for he was in Real Estate (well doesn't that say it ALL)

They had to come up with a plan to convince Rob Wilson (Aussie Rob back then lol) to get Scott out. Also they were worried as they knew how the staff felt about Scott so they removed as many as they could and also like someone else stated they made it very difficult for certain staff, so they would then resign.

Rob Wilson's biggest mistake was to remove Scott and this is why LIS went under.

Scott Goold actually resigned due to all the lies and deceitful ways of the 3 men, Rob, Murray & Michael.

There is a lot more that Murray & Michael did to Scott and as soon as I have time I will update this post.
Re: Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management

Hi shewolf,

I saw this post and thought I would reply to your question.

The answer is What didn't they do to Scott Goold. Murray Priestley and Michael Fullick despised Scott and wanted to get rid of him for a very long time so they could have full control over the companies, but they knew it would be hard as Scott had the license. Don't forget Murray and Michael are best mates, so good friends they even live together at Royal Pines. Why do you think Murray Priestley made a man a COO when he has no qualifications except for he was in Real Estate (well doesn't that say it ALL)

They had to come up with a plan to convince Rob Wilson (Aussie Rob back then lol) to get Scott out. Also they were worried as they knew how the staff felt about Scott so they removed as many as they could and also like someone else stated they made it very difficult for certain staff, so they would then resign.

Rob Wilson's biggest mistake was to remove Scott and this is why LIS went under.

Scott Goold actually resigned due to all the lies and deceitful ways of the 3 men, Rob, Murray & Michael.

There is a lot more that Murray & Michael did to Scott and as soon as I have time I will update this post.

It would be the understatement of the year to say that Murray Priestley has more enemies than friends!!. At least we know he has one, his loyal mate Michael Fullick. We await with abated breath to discover the name of their hedge fund. Or could it be it has got its AFSL licence under an alias name???. But do not worry, there are many people on this forum who are waiting like leopards to pounce on this information and inform ASIC.:clap:
I have a lot that I will post here in the next few days about the three dodgy Amigoes

Rob Wilson, Murray Priestley and Michael Fullick.

Wait till I tell you about Michael Fullick.

We are all keen to know much more.
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Mangement issues and internal bickering asside... the product was a scam. It was massively expensive and it didnt work. The whole Lifestyle Trader was based upon scamming clients into buying dud product. Now its rebranded as Investment Capital Systems. Good Luck.
The whole Lifestyle Trader was based upon scamming clients into buying dud product. Now its rebranded as Investment Capital Systems. Good Luck.

Well latest I have heard is that Investment Capital Systems is 'challenged' and is happy if staff get another job........just in case.
All very sad news for clients. What happens to them I ask?

What disgusts me more, is that this Aussie Rob Wilson is already putting together his next scam - some groupon type system and he is boasting about it on his facebook wall! Really, if you owed so many people so much money, would you really go putting on social media, hey it is ok. I can make heaps more money from this new scam!
Now this man has such limited knowledge about the internet - tell me how is he going to put an internet based business together???? He has done it before.

Be warned and RUN. Have nothing to do with this man or his schemes!