Pursuit Of Women


Hi 😉

I ask as i'm pretty sure some of you guys probably are in/have been in a very similar situation....

I'm 30, single, & getting a bit bored of it.

I would like to meet a Miss Perfect!

I have pretty good cash generation prospects. To go with that, I am a pretty interesting person, physically fit, & people tell me i'm not bad looking.

I've been aware for some time, that for me, being single & trading alone from home are not a very good mix. Sure, there have been/are benefits, but it can be pretty lonely & uninspiring at times.

My opportunities for meeting birds are not great. All my previous/older friends are either married etc. & so i do not get many opportunities to meet birds on nights out etc. as was more the case a few years ago.

I go to a gym & do classes in the gym 3-4 times a week where there are girls who i get the opportunity to meet/talk to, but to be honest there aren't that many (at all 😕😱) that are my type. So the gym isn't proving to be/hasn't proved to be of any help in this aspect!!
Perhaps i need to stop going to that gym:!:

I've come to the conclusion i need to be more pro-active about this. If you want a job doing properly, you need to do it for yourself.
Relying on others to go on nights out with, introductions from friends, member of the same gym class, working in the same company etc etc. are not a way of grasping the bull by the horns & getting the job done for yourself IMO.

My work hours are pretty short & flexible & i have the authority to make an executive board room decision to have the odd day off - which doesnt hurt.

Anyway, i'm looking for ideas/feedback on what you would do/did - if you were in this situation. Perhaps you are, perhaps you were, perhaps you wish you were, perhaps you're glad you're not - in this situation.

I kind of am not adverse to BSD's suggestion from a previous thread about supermarkets, coffee shops & the street etc. as potential meeting places - given the right cirumstance & opportunity 😆. But its seems a bit random/awkward......

Anyway, (If in my shoes, or similar, perhaps you are/were??) how would you take advantage of this situation & make the most of it?

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plenty of cash generation? Find a good pro and empty your tins, free of emotional baggage.

Got to go, the missus is nagging me.😀


Cheers UTB

knew i could rely on you to get the ball rolling & set the thread on the right path 😆.
Cheers UTB

knew i could rely on you to get the ball rolling & set the thread on the right path 😆.

No problem. In return, if you do "get your balls rolling" and find a good pro, pm me.


PS - what's wrong with dating agencies?
Enrol at evening class:
Gardening/Garden Design

Just f****** do it! :clover:

I hope you have robust selection criteria, otherwise........................
Cheers UTB

knew i could rely on you to get the ball rolling & set the thread on the right path 😆.

Bingo! Gala Bingo,....loads of women there, all ages too.

Find a quiet boozer with some tasty barmaids, 😏, barmaids are great for chatting up.

Or as Fibs has suggested, get a hobby/interest where you will be amongst the fairer sex (or not so fair, when you have to divorce them).
No problem. In return, if you do "get your balls rolling" and find a good pro, pm me.


PS - what's wrong with dating agencies?

Nothing wrong with them i suppose, if you could find someone who is attractive & has similar interests & goals. TBH i didnt really know such agencies exiisted - i.e. as a walk in office type place. I've seen plenty of online dating website examples (such as faceparty 😉), but that looks a bit weak!

Surely meeting birds randomly isn't/shouldn't be too difficult.....all other animals manage quite easily.
For instance, on a saturday afternoon walking through town i might pass 3 birds who i think - oh yes! They might look in the other direction, but equally on other occasions you eyes will meet for a second or 2, a spark will ignite, and there you have a momentary opportunity. Likelihood is, one of you will feel awkward & look away, and the brief moment of possibility evaporates....
Enrol at evening class:
Gardening/Garden Design

Just f****** do it! :clover:

I hope you have robust selection criteria, otherwise........................

Ive done yoga, pilates & aerobics (at the gym) & not a sausage 🙄

An environment where it is just me, or a ltd number of blokes, and several/a group of young fit lassies would be fairly good though!
Bingo! Gala Bingo,....loads of women there, all ages too.


Find a quiet boozer with some tasty barmaids, 😏, barmaids are great for chatting up.

What - do you mean go drinking by myself? would/could/should that work?

Or as Fibs has suggested, get a hobby/interest where you will be amongst the fairer sex (or not so fair, when you have to divorce them).

Surely meeting birds randomly isn't/shouldn't be too difficult.....all other animals manage quite easily.

yep, but unlike animals who've already unleashed the beast, your beef bayonette is all tucked up.

Enrol at evening class:
Gardening/Garden Design

Snag is, if you do those things just to meet women but don't like them, it's not a good start. You're kinda lying from the outset.
Enrol at evening class:
Gardening/Garden Design

Just f****** do it! :clover:

I hope you have robust selection criteria, otherwise........................

Other possible snag is -

you go to the time/trouble/effort to go to/join such a class & like i have experienced (with yoga/pilates), there is no one there for you.
Has anyone tried the - approach random fit woman on the street method?

If so, how did it go?
not a sausage 🙄

that's the whole bloody point.

... well, JT if you don't have the confidence to go out for a drink on your own, how can you expect to have the confidence to walk up to a woman and introduce yourself?

The next step seems pretty obvious. Either strap on pair, hang about in a bookstore, make eye contact and smile - or - get a new social circle of blokes. If you can't do it on your own, go and join a sports club (I am Rugby biased), wait until you are all out for a few beers (this is why rugby is the sensible choice - while the front row are all doing the yard, you can slip away with a GnT). If it works you are in, if it doesnt you can join the rest of the pack and drink yourself silly.

Another thing... I would clean forget about Ms. Perfect - you'll reject all the "potentials" far too early: Find one you like the look of and take it from there, no hassle.
Yep. If you wait for the perfect set up, you'll miss out on some great trades. Or something.

You hesitate. You masturbate.

If you don't pull the trigger, you'll be sitting at the sidelines.

Too many cooks is better than a bird in the bush in time.
that's the whole bloody point.

... well, JT if you don't have the confidence to go out for a drink on your own, how can you expect to have the confidence to walk up to a woman and introduce yourself?

The next step seems pretty obvious. Either strap on pair, hang about in a bookstore, make eye contact and smile - or - get a new social circle of blokes. If you can't do it on your own, go and join a sports club (I am Rugby biased), wait until you are all out for a few beers (this is why rugby is the sensible choice - while the front row are all doing the yard, you can slip away with a GnT). If it works you are in, if it doesnt you can join the rest of the pack and drink yourself silly.

Another thing... I would clean forget about Ms. Perfect - you'll reject all the "potentials" far too early: Find one you like the look of and take it from there, no hassle.

Not sure its a confidence thing per-se, but going in a pub & sitting alone propping up the bar doesn't really seem something i would do - so far. Although if it was a very specific short term cunning plan that didn't involve drinking oneself under the table.....Nothing wrong with it, I'm not discounting the suggestion.....👍
Snag is, if you do those things just to meet women but don't like them, it's not a good start. You're kinda lying from the outset.

Let me explain.

In the light of the current economic conditions, I think it's good to learn how to become as self sufficient as possible. Therefore, cooking and gardening are particularly useful life skills in their own right.

Similarly, the other activities are good for de-stressing and relaxation in their own right.

It is of benefit for JT that women are interested in learning about these life skills and activities.
ask new_trader what he does, then do the complete opposite. Should have a 100% hit rate.
