Should the Scotland vote worry anyone ?


Legendary member
Only days until the the Scottish referendum.
Should anyone be worried ? The dockyards holding nuclear subs will come south.
They seem stuck for a currency. Can't use the pound says Osborne. Can't use the euro says Brussells. Perhaps the haggis ? 1 haggis to the pound ?

Better together as it is proven and works well rather than all that nationalist cr*p ! imho
Alex on a good day ?


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I don't think the dockyards will be going anywhere, even if there was a "YES" vote.

The bookies seem to have formed a consensus of a fairly emphatic "NO".

I think most Scots realise that without the rest of the UK they'd enjoy a decade at best of improved GDP and living standards followed by a rapid and long-term decline into 3rd world poverty, at best.

Personally, I think we should lease Scotland to the Chinese for golf courses.
Salmond and Sturegeon are finished politically, but so dire is the quality of the Scottish politi-pool, they'll be a while in replacing them.
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Did you know (quite serious this) that if Scotland left the UK the UK's average longevity would increase by approximately 2 years.
I would like them to stay in the union. (y)

If they vote to leave then I shall be very upset and write a very very angry letter telling them how angry I am that they have left. :mad:
I was up in Aberdeen twice this week, lots of roadside banners on the way up saying vote " YES " .

Think its safe to assume this guy is in the " NO " camp, :LOL:

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Aging population that require increasing amounts to fund pensions.

Increasingly medically unfit/unwell population requiring increasing health care costs.

Decreasing work-age population and jobs reducing the taxable income available to the Scottish Government.

Decreasing natural resources (oil) to fund currently net positive export income.

If they vote YES (unlikely) they'll have a rather better decade than the average Englishman, but after that brief interlude they'll be desperate to cross the border into England where the real wealth lies. And they'll be about as welcome as a muslim returning from the middle-east.
Salmond and Sturegeon are finished politically, but so dire is the quality of the Scottish politi-pool, they'll be a while in replacing them.

Those 2 absolutely boil my P155. Quite possibly the 2 most dangerous individuals in the UK currently. Way ahead of terrorists !
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Those 2 absolutely boil my P155. Quite possibly the 2 most dangerous individuals in the UK currently. Way ahead of terrorists !
That's interesting. I see them as essentially pointless, harmless non-entities who are being quietly groomed for the back door of obscurity. Seriously, what's the worst they can do? If HM Gov hadn't seen a opportunity, however improbable, to divest itself of the equivalent of a failed 'too big to fail' bank, the referendum would never had got this far.

Cameron & Co would clap their hands with glee to massively improve - what remained of the UK - at a stroke on every economic level imaginable. I'm sure they're realists and know this won't happen, unfortunately, but it does serve the purpose of throwing into relief just how pointless these little regional assemblies are.

I genuinely cringe whenever I see Salmond or Sturgeon - I place them at about the same level as breakaway splinter group fomenting a coup - at your local parish council. Amateurs.
It seems to me that the Scots have got everything like devolved Govt, tax raising etc. that they could reasonably want by voting NO. The very costly defense etc. can be left up to those clots in Westminster.

It is a condemnation of Westminster if they do vote yes. They haven't kept up with the wishes of others. Heads in their own bubbles syndrome imho

The nationalist " fish " haven't got around to mentioning the likely pograms against non Scots. 100% Nationalism stinks and they should know it.
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I read somewhere that the thrust of the yes vote is selling a "Singapore" economy scenario to voters........................good luck with that one

personally I don't give 2 hoots what they do........plenty of potiticians earning salarys (paid for by british taxpayers) chest beating and exclaiming rhetoric of independence......

that use to be called treason by the way ?

If I was a Scot, I'd vote no. Things may not be perfect in the Union but I cannot see the English worse off without Scotland. They will be better off, in fact, and the the Scots will know it after the shine of independence has worn off.

Would they be allowed back, again, afterwards? If they wanted to come back it would be because they are worse off. The English and Welsh would have to think about rejoining with a country that was better off, before, but is worse off, later.

Am I talking English arrogance, or realism?
If I was a Scot, I'd vote no. Things may not be perfect in the Union but I cannot see the English worse off without Scotland. They will be better off, in fact, and the the Scots will know it after the shine of independence has worn off.

Would they be allowed back, again, afterwards? If they wanted to come back it would be because they are worse off. The English and Welsh would have to think about rejoining with a country that was better off, before, but is worse off, later.

Am I talking English arrogance, or realism?
If I was a Scot, I'd vote no. Things may not be perfect in the Union but I cannot see the English worse off without Scotland. They will be better off, in fact, and the the Scots will know it after the shine of independence has worn off.

Would they be allowed back, again, afterwards? If they wanted to come back it would be because they are worse off. The English and Welsh would have to think about rejoining with a country that was better off, before, but is worse off, later.

Am I talking English arrogance, or realism?

Realism imo. However, always good to consider the other side of the fence.

If one looks at Sweden, Norway and Finland, they are on par or above with GDP per capita versus the UK.

Norway is almost double.
Finland is on par.
Sweden is 20% higher.
Denmark is 20% higher.
Iceland is also higher.

Could Scotland emulate these similar Nordic countries? What would that signal to parliament if they do better than the UK?

Realism imo. However, always good to consider the other side of the fence.

If one looks at Sweden, Norway and Finland, they are on par or above with GDP per capita versus the UK.

Norway is almost double.
Finland is on par.
Sweden is 20% higher.
Denmark is 20% higher.
Iceland is also higher.

Could Scotland emulate these similar Nordic countries? What would that signal to parliament if they do better than the UK?


They had the good sense to stay out of The Middle East conflicts
Will Cameron resign if the yes camp win ? I doubt it.

Will Salmon resign if the no vote wins ? I doubt it

When will the whole charade be held again and again until the vote goes their way ?
If Scotland had Lego and Maersk, as Denmark has, or the oil that Norway has, I would agree with a "yes" vote for Scotland, purely on economic grounds.

In any case, we shall have to wait and see. My own interest is more in Cataluña because I want the best for my children and grandchildren. We have a corruption problem within the present Catalan government and these are the people who would lead us to independence?

That trumpeter of independence, Jordi Pujol and Family, is reported to have 1.5 billion (with a B ) outside of Spain. This fortune appears to have been squirreled together by taking 3% commisions from those companies interested in government contracts.

This independence business is all juicy stuff!
If I was a Scot, I'd vote no.
If you were a (Spain based expat Scot) you'd not get a vote, but like most of the other expat celeb Scots, they're all saying YES in a big way.

To be fair, they're all actors now living in Los Angeles and drama is always going to trump reality.

Am I talking English arrogance, or realism?
Is there such a thing as English arrogance? I hardly think any of the other tribes which constitute our union have the brainpower to make such an observation, even if true.
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