Connect Private Wealth - Aussie Rob yet again

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Well I have just been advised of an opportunity by Aussie Rob.
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Well I have just been advised of an opportunity by Aussie Rob.

Well it seems that the mighty Aussie Rob Wilson did not like the TRUTH being discussed on this forum. The truth about his past suspect business dealings and failed businesses. The truth about how much money he has left owing to creditors of his failed company Lifestyle Trader. The truth about how investigations are on-going in Australia about Aussie Robert Wilson, Murray Priestley, Lifestyle Trader, Alpha Capital Management AND now Connect Private Wealth.

Why do I say Rob Wilson does not like the TRUTH being discussed, because he has enlisted his heavy legal guys to remove comments made on this forum thread that are TRUE.

If you are researching his new scheme Connect Private Wealth, perhaps do some reading on another forum on this site:

At the time of writing this there were 25 full pages of information that will certainly warn you about dealing with this man - Aussie Rob Wilson........ but wait, he has just dropped the Aussie bit. Check out his facebook page...... and yes, he is not an Aussie.... he is now a Robert Wilson. (is this so he can dodge the Google search engines that are loaded with bad material about the old Aussie Rob?)😏
I read Rob3 post a while back and guess the are other ex-clients with similar sentiments. I was astounded when the post was deleted.

However, there is a copy of the original post is here:

2012 Connect Private Wealth - Aussie Rob yet again - Trading & Marketing

And you should check out the Lifestyle Trader thread as it holds lots of details about Aussie Rob.

Companies in external administration are not the sort of credentials that endear me to someone preching financial freedom, no matter how low the cost. Yet the Aussie Rob teaching arm, Lifestyle Trader and the property arm Broomstix are both in external administration.

Add to this someone teaching a fish and chip money covered call strategy with no proven track record of results is also a bit iffy.

All in all I agree with you Rob3 I would not be going near this opportunity.
According to today's Gold Coast Bulletin, it looks like Aussie Rob has been summonsed for public examination on 14/15 February 2013. This is in relation to his failed Lifestyle Trader operation, which closed it doors in December 2012 with massive debts. The result of this is, 243 unsecured creditors, debts of 3 million plus and the liquidator has found no cash or assets.
According to today's Gold Coast Bulletin, it looks like Aussie Rob has been summonsed for public examination on 14/15 February 2013. This is in relation to his failed Lifestyle Trader operation, which closed it doors in December 2012 with massive debts. The result of this is, 243 unsecured creditors, debts of 3 million plus and the liquidator has found no cash or assets.

How could anyone invest in a new business that has been raised by someone who skips the country and boasts about his flamboyant travels on his Facebook.
I don't know how someone like that can sleep.
According to today's Gold Coast Bulletin, it looks like Aussie Rob has been summonsed for public examination on 14/15 February 2013. This is in relation to his failed Lifestyle Trader operation, which closed it doors in December 2012 with massive debts. The result of this is, 243 unsecured creditors, debts of 3 million plus and the liquidator has found no cash or assets.

Well it seems Aussie Rob has not been served and did not appear in court last week to give evidence at the public hearing.

However, his wife did (????) and they are still in email contact, so he must have known about the hearing dates.

She was left to struggle alone and throw some light on the demise of Lifestye Trader and answer what questions she could and that was not that many.

Call me old fashoined but it does not matter what water has passed under the bridge, I would not stoop so low as to let my partner handle this sort of grilling without some support.

Anyhow, can't say too much yet as some parties have been adjourned to March 7 and even later. Just to say, there were some startling revelations which will be aired in the fullness of time.

Lastly, the liquidators are looking for Aussie Rob, as they dearly would like him in court and early next month, it seems his location is pretty much set in stone, so let's hope they catch up with him there.
Well it seems Aussie Rob has not been served and did not appear in court last week to give evidence at the public hearing.

However, his wife did (????) and they are still in email contact, so he must have known about the hearing dates.

She was left to struggle alone and throw some light on the demise of Lifestye Trader and answer what questions she could and that was not that many.

Call me old fashoined but it does not matter what water has passed under the bridge, I would not stoop so low as to let my partner handle this sort of grilling without some support.

Anyhow, can't say too much yet as some parties have been adjourned to March 7 and even later. Just to say, there were some startling revelations which will be aired in the fullness of time.

Lastly, the liquidators are looking for Aussie Rob, as they dearly would like him in court and early next month, it seems his location is pretty much set in stone, so let's hope they catch up with him there.

Here is the big thing to note.
Aussie Rob Wilson's company failed and was put into the hands of liquidators in about April 2012 and newspapers report excess of $3m owed to creditors. On his Facebook page he says he left Aust about July 2012 - to start a new!

Hell what is that about 3 or 4 months after ASIC shuts him down and he owes trucks loads to people - then he skips the country and does the 'spiritual rebuilding of self' all over his Facebook. How bad does all this look and now - oh wait.... yes he is putting together a new trading system.

Wait for it, now called Instant Trading Results............. come on - Lifestyle Trader born again!

And if you put your money with this crook........ you have to be mad. You have been warned. Want more to read? Go here, all 26 pages of riveting comments about the "infamous Aussie Rob Wilson" :!:
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Aussie Rob & Kerry, Murray Priestly and Scott Gould in court

Hopefully, these crooks can be held accountable for their actions. At the very least have them publicly named and shamed for their part in ripping millions of dollars out of the pockets of investors and employees.

I am still owed over $3k and registered as a creditor, I am sure others are worse off. i am still hopeful that justice can be served.

From sources, the man himself was at the Brisbane magistrates court and playing dumb. How these people can live with themselves...

Lifestyler trader in court

Asic & lifestyletrader - brisbane magistrates court

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Re: Aussie Rob & Kerry, Murray Priestly and Scott Gould in court

Hopefully, these crooks can be held accountable for their actions. At the very least have them publicly named and shamed for their part in ripping millions of dollars out of the pockets of investors and employees.

I am still owed over $3k and registered as a creditor, I am sure others are worse off. i am still hopeful that justice can be served.

From sources, the man himself was at the Brisbane magistrates court and playing dumb. How these people can live with themselves...

Lifestyler trader in court

Asic & lifestyletrader - brisbane magistrates court


Hello Martin

Unfortunately, your "sources" were not quite accurate.

Aussie Rob Wilson was indeed summoned to appear in the Magistrates Court in Brisbane, but being who he is, he did NOT show. In fact he appears to be residing (or hiding as some see it) in Laos, and "sources" say he has no intention of ever returning to Australia.

Murray Priestley did show up and take the stand - and it seems he played, well vaguely like he didn't do anything. Yeah right!

As for Scott, I think you might have things a little messed there as all I have communicated with and all I have read, points to the fact that Scott Goold did his very best with the business, and "sources" say, he may be worse off financially, than most that have been affected.

Just bringing this up to date somewhat.
Glad to see one Queenslander voluntarily taking responsibilty for their actions today.

Unfortunately, some people think they are above the Law and try to shirk their responsibilites.

You can only keep painting the mirage for so long Mate; you are going to be exposed and you will face the music.

Remember a bad case of c0ck sick does not last forever.
If you are thinking of handing over cash to this Aussie Rob guy best you read this first.

ASIC Goes After Aussie Rob; Imposes Ban on Former Lifestyle Group CEO

It seems that both Aussie Rob and his right hand man Murray Priestley are both very shonky, see here.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 13-134MR ASIC Bans Murray Priestley of the Lifestyle Group

A financial service company with a CEO not competent to provide financial services - Wowwwwwww!!!!

It seems your money will drop down a black hole, never to be seen again.
If you are thinking of handing over cash to this Aussie Rob guy best you read this first.

ASIC Goes After Aussie Rob; Imposes Ban on Former Lifestyle Group CEO

It seems that both Aussie Rob and his right hand man Murray Priestley are both very shonky, see here.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 13-134MR ASIC Bans Murray Priestley of the Lifestyle Group

A financial service company with a CEO not competent to provide financial services - Wowwwwwww!!!!

It seems your money will drop down a black hole, never to be seen again.

Well Priestley has been banned for 3 years. So why today 17th June 2013, when you do a search on the man himself, this appears:

Murray Priestley - Alpha Asset Manager Pallamana

Banned means BANNED. That also means you cannot advertise because of the ban. It is pretty simple!!.
Wow, it gets more interesting.....

It seems all the officers associated with Lifestyle Trader turned up to the liquidator's court hearing except........ yup you guessed it Aussie Rob. He did not travel from his bolt hole in Laos.

So an ARREST WARRANT was applied for but failed due to..... yup you guessed it again, Aussie Rob has a medical condition, a bad back. You read it right he is the subject of an ARREST WARRANT!!!!!

It appears his bad back does not stop him sucking people in on his Facebook page and in fact it will not stop him from cruising from Miama in January. It also does not stop him producing more garbage to sell to punters.

Be warned, he is now recruiting followers to sell further products, so you maybe contacted by both old and new faces doing his dirty work.

The products include:

Instant Forex Results

Instant Trading Results

Instant Stock Results

All these domains are owned by Aussie Rob Wilson.

You know its hard to believe that he feels he has no obligations to his creditors but he is only to willing to keep pedalling his trashy products.

Wow, it gets more interesting.....

It seems all the officers associated with Lifestyle Trader turned up to the liquidator's court hearing except........ yup you guessed it Aussie Rob. He did not travel from his bolt hole in Laos.

So an ARREST WARRANT was applied for but failed due to..... yup you guessed it again, Aussie Rob has a medical condition, a bad back. You read it right he is the subject of an ARREST WARRANT!!!!!

It appears his bad back does not stop him sucking people in on his Facebook page and in fact it will not stop him from cruising from Miama in January. It also does not stop him producing more garbage to sell to punters.

Be warned, he is now recruiting followers to sell further products, so you maybe contacted by both old and new faces doing his dirty work.

The products include:

Instant Forex Results

Instant Trading Results

Instant Stock Results

All these domains are owned by Aussie Rob Wilson.

You know its hard to believe that he feels he has no obligations to his creditors but he is only to willing to keep pedalling his trashy products.


So Aussie Rob is going on a cruise in January. No doubt he will need travel insurance. But of course being such an honourable man he will fully disclose his horrific back injuries when applying for insurance!!!! Take note Aussie Rob there are eyes and ears everywhere.:clap: And they will be looking out for you and your deceptive games. You have left a lot of bitter people behind in Australia. Karma will get you in the end. Nobody wants your hat anymore. They want you back in Australia to face the music. What a cowardly act to leave your wife to face the ASIC music. How pathetic and shameful of you.😈
Well I have heard it all now, apparently Aussie Rob is a Global Citizen....

A Global Citizen, you have got to be kidding me... you won't set foot in Australia due to all the people you shafted and all the people that are after you. Ah!!! but it sounds soooo good and should drag a few more suckers in.

And by the way the Lifestyle demise was not Murray Priestley, the clients, staff and creditors were your responsibility.

Priestley was staff and you had many chances to fire him and save the company and staff, right back to 2010 but you would not listen to the very people that help build Lifestyle.

So NOW you are blaming Priestley, hmmmm you keep telling yourself that and all your Facebookers, if it helps your conscience. Same old Aussie Rob, always someone else fault, you must have that woah-is-me-story off pat by now, you have told it so many times!!!

As for A Global Citizen, I don't think so, I think the correct term is Global refugee!!!!