well for a guy how makes money every day as he claims, and had no need to sell it anymore so he stopped selling it, he has now restarted selling again so must mean he needs the money!!!! go figure......., oh and i have it and lets just say i do not trade it!!!!! enough said!!
BUMP, still no answers...........? Guess they are all keeping it to themselves 🙂
hey tomtrader.
I found this blog site that gave a positive review of the Tick Trader Course. And, for the past few months, he has been posting daily trade results based on using the system. Perhaps you could compare your results with his....to see if you would have made the same trades he did?
Here's the site:
General Investing in the eMini S&P 500 and Forex Currency Markets - General investment strategies into the eMini S&P 500 Market and Forex Currency Markets. Reviews of various trading systems will also be conducted.