Zulutrade affiliate program reviews and opinions


I just wanted to clarify a few moments regarding zulutrade affiliate program. Mostly I’ve been working on a CPA model with brokers, but lately I decided that I would like something more stable. I decided to check the revshare offers. I’ve started with the brokers’ offers, but then I came across zulutrade service. There are a few moments I liked (profit is calculated based on traded volume, in theory their system itself attracts the users, which are long-term trading oriented, user-friendly personal account), but that’s not what this is really about. If I still decide to switch to revshare model, maybe it would make sense to look for the offers from brokers or aggregates like zulutrade? Or even search the revenue share offers in a different vertical.

Also I didn’t find what traffic sources they prohibit… Maybe someone knows? I’m going on for it here, but maybe they won’t even accept my leads…
As I`ve mentioned in similar discussion somewhere nearby, you can try affiliate programs from forex software developers. As an example I can mention Forex Tester, as I have been working with them for nearly one year without any problems. They just pay you for each purchase of their product through your affiliate link, the system is fully transperent.

Of course, in case of brokers you can attract "consistent" clients, and that is the main plus of such programs. But, at the same time, you can compose both these ways of cooperation.

I have no experience with Zulutrade, but it seems to be quite rare among affiliate marketers. If to speak about the brokers, most of them work with FXCM, +500 or XM.
As I`ve mentioned in similar discussion somewhere nearby, you can try affiliate programs from forex software developers. As an example I can mention Forex Tester, as I have been working with them for nearly one year without any problems. They just pay you for each purchase of their product through your affiliate link, the system is fully transperent.

Of course, in case of brokers you can attract "consistent" clients, and that is the main plus of such programs. But, at the same time, you can compose both these ways of cooperation.

I have no experience with Zulutrade, but it seems to be quite rare among affiliate marketers. If to speak about the brokers, most of them work with FXCM, +500 or XM.

Thanks for the recommendations. You are totally right and it is possible to work in both directions. But at the moment I would like to clarify something - how promising it is to attract "consistent" clients. I'm talking from the perspective that forex traders wipe out deposit in 90% of the cases and you need not just a broker, who just gives you an opportunity to trade. You need a service, which originally long term traders oriented. I know a few brokers retention managers. They told, that clients who practice manual trading at the end lose their money. But zulutrade service is more traders-investors oriented (at least this is how I see it). I mean it is oriented for those, who don't want to trade by themselves, just want to get some profit. Such clients are less gambling and supposedly they will use the service longer. But these are all my hunches that is why I've created this thread.

And another genius thought just came into my mind. What If we provide CPA traffic to one of the brokers (zulutrade partners) and then somehow motivate this client to use zulutrade, in this case will you get CPA commission first, and then Zulutrade revshare? But I think in this case you need your own call center to process the leads.
I decided to share all the information I find out here. I asked Sharky permission and he gave agreement. My next posts will be like zulutrade affiliate program review. Maybe some of you noticed certain inconsistency following my logic and could give some decent advice. Lets go!

Regarding the traffic sources.
Allowed: finance and forex related sites; youtube, vlogs, etc.; educational content; social media groups; forums and communities; newsletter affiliates; incentivized traffic (cashback, coupon); PPC.
Forbidden: spammers; PPC, which abuse brand name; sites promoting violence, discrimination, illegal activities, and blah-blah-blah; distributors of downloadable software; ads that force click; browser helper objects; cybersquatting and typo squatting; parasiteware; unsolicited emails

But regarding PPC - it's a completely different topic. There is a number of restrictions for PPC. I will write about it in details a little bit later on.

In general, there is nothing extraordinary in traffic sources. Quit standard set of what is allowed and what is not. There is a moment, which must be taken into account. Since referrals should be investors, then you need to use sources, which intend multiple touchpoints with the user. I suppose if you launch the adwords directly on the landing page with the registration form - investors are not the decision makers. What I'm saying is that it is important to find a compromise here. And it is important to build longlasting work relationship with the client before he opens an account. You need to make investors feel your expertise. I just couldn't find such a recommendation in the official materials, but I guess it is very important for work with revshare.
As I`ve mentioned in similar discussion somewhere nearby, you can try affiliate programs from forex software developers. As an example I can mention Forex Tester, as I have been working with them for nearly one year without any problems. They just pay you for each purchase of their product through your affiliate link, the system is fully transperent.

Of course, in case of brokers you can attract "consistent" clients, and that is the main plus of such programs. But, at the same time, you can compose both these ways of cooperation.

I have no experience with Zulutrade, but it seems to be quite rare among affiliate marketers. If to speak about the brokers, most of them work with FXCM, +500 or XM.
Have you personally work with revshare? I'm curious to hear your opinion about the stuff I'm writing here about.
Thanks for the recommendations. You are totally right and it is possible to work in both directions. But at the moment I would like to clarify something - how promising it is to attract "consistent" clients. I'm talking from the perspective that forex traders wipe out deposit in 90% of the cases and you need not just a broker, who just gives you an opportunity to trade. You need a service, which originally long term traders oriented. I know a few brokers retention managers. They told, that clients who practice manual trading at the end lose their money. But zulutrade service is more traders-investors oriented (at least this is how I see it). I mean it is oriented for those, who don't want to trade by themselves, just want to get some profit. Such clients are less gambling and supposedly they will use the service longer. But these are all my hunches that is why I've created this thread.

And another genius thought just came into my mind. What If we provide CPA traffic to one of the brokers (zulutrade partners) and then somehow motivate this client to use zulutrade, in this case will you get CPA commission first, and then Zulutrade revshare? But I think in this case you need your own call center to process the leads.

hey there....interesting article

investing is an interesting term as used in above .....but investing in an entity that is in effect providing trading resources (and not investing) is still not really investing.....lets be honest i would be surprised if zulutrader is under the same strict rules as companies that do truly invest clients money in regulated products and services ?

lets call a spade a spade here......"investors" in this particular case are giving their money to unregulated traders ....

and investing is definitely a word that PAM/MAM Companies would be trying to use a lot in the marketing of these unregulated product to try to sell it as safer and more reliable than trading ....which is a matter of opinion

hey there....interesting article

investing is an interesting term as used in above .....but investing in an entity that is in effect providing trading resources (and not investing) is still not really investing.....lets be honest i would be surprised if zulutrader is under the same strict rules as companies that do truly invest clients money in regulated products and services ?

lets call a spade a spade here......"investors" in this particular case are giving their money to unregulated traders ....

and investing is definitely a word that PAM/MAM Companies would be trying to use a lot in the marketing of these unregulated product to try to sell it as safer and more reliable than trading ....which is a matter of opinion


N, thanks for your follow-up. I heard a lot of meanings what investing is. I got your point. Personally, I understand only its general definition. Investing money with the purpose to get profit in the future (including intangible assets).

I totally agree with you, that PAMM/MAM can't be compared to the classic investing assets with management from regulated organizations. But the thing is that the process of cooperation with such companies is more complicated and required more free capital. This is very discouraging for many people. And as a result, people are using simplified services. Is it good or not? I guess, if such services exist, they make a profit. Personally, I understand the motivation of such "investors", who don't want to trade themselves, but ready to trust their money to regulated traders.

What interested me in your post is the question of regulation. Taking into consideration, that zulutrade is not a broker itself, I checked the regulations of its partners first. I found brokers with offshore regulation and also with more trustful. Some of those who seem to be credible are swissquote, phillip capital, pepperstone. There is also FXCM with the FCA regulation. So the potential zulutrade client has a quite wide range of options. Additionally, I checked the regulation of zulutrade. Seems like they receive the license from Greek regulator to be able to work with clients from the EU. The name of this regulator is not familiar to me. I can only can make a conclusion, that the EU regulator can't be just for the record.
In your case, I would choose those sources of promotion, which are available for you right away. First of all – social media. You can use a referral link in your posts. Secondly- blogs (maybe you have your blog related to the financial topic). Third – you can also launch your vlog. All you need to figure out is how to make headers and description for your videos properly. You won’t be able to manage the third option without any basic knowledge of SEO.
The main thing here is to understand that you have someone, who is possibly interested in the financial topic. The way you will deliver this information to them is just a matter of technical question. This could be done with the help of Facebook, Instagram or personal message.
The good news is that Zulutrade allows to combine their affiliate program with their traders program, so if you know how to trade, create a trader account, and then make an affiliate account too, to promote your trader account with affiliate links to any media you like as mentioned above.
If you want to have a stable income from revshare you should immediately plan the development of your social media accounts. Otherwise, your career as affiliate can be ended up. You have to grow the amount of new signups every month.
Yes and no.
You can choose the way you’re going to do the promoting. the company is going to help you with that also. besides the referral link, you will have access to media materials (banners, widgets). If you are still going to promote the company using your personal brand they will not be very useful in this case.
Moreover, there is a personal affiliate manager. He can help you with some questions as well. Don`t dream that manager will share with you work algorithms. He can give you some tips, but you will personally work out on particular implementation. Based on my experience with different affiliate networks and advertisers, I can say that it is better not to underestimate the help of the affiliate manager or their team. Usually, they know what and how it is better to promote at this moment as they are speaking with the hundreds of other partners.
be careful about this route ..........If you build a following and reputation as a good trader why are you selling out ?

reputation is all ..........
What if I want to learn zulutrade affiliate program from scratch, which order should I follow to get a better understanding? Do I have to register on the website?
I rashly went through the website, I obviously miss something. Besides figuring out how the affiliate program works at all I need to put my hands into the operations of zulutrade service itself. Am I right?

True words. You need to catch up both separately copy trading service itself and affiliate program.

I would recommend following the next steps.

Step one
Evaluate the official zulutrade website, affiliate program guide and the presentation (you can download it at the very bottom of the promo page of the affiliate program). You can just look up for it in Google and you will find all the necessary pages.

Step two
Register for the affiliate program and get access to the personal account. Check out all the tabs, which are available in the personal account.

Step three
On ZuluTrade forum, there is a separate thread dedicated to the affiliate program. There is not that much information, but in general, you can ask your question as well. To be honest I recommend more to write directly in the online chat if you have any questions. They respond within 3-4 minutes. This will be faster than just write on the forum.

Step four
If the conditions of the program are clear and you wish to go deeper, then you need to understand how the service itself works. To be short, there are three main players – investors, traders, and supported brokers. Investors receive the signals from traders (the last one in their turn also receive commissions based on the investors’ trading volume). It is important to understand for affiliates that they need to recruit only investors and only to the platforms of supported brokers. This is exactly what the commission is being paid for in affiliate program. But of course, it makes sense to get an understanding of what kind of specifics service has in order to understand how to promote it.

Step five
Start acting and recruit referrals if you liked everything 😉
or step 6...........its all nonsense and take control of your own trading career and trade on your own experience and stratagies ..........the only way to achieve future consistentu and profitability

never trust your money with other people ...it will not work

i looked at this stuff years ago when it was emerging and the fashion.....i actually contacted and communicated with a lot of "hotshot" traders who i wanted to incorporate into my own dream team for running a prop shop .....

most were just burn and churners ..........dissapeared overnighters who were there to generate income from attracting investors to follow them .....until the strategy burnt out ......and then moved onto the next strategy

so dont believe the hype ......its there to take your trading money from volume traded .......all broker funded

or step 6...........its all nonsense and take control of your own trading career and trade on your own experience and stratagies ..........the only way to achieve future consistentu and profitability

never trust your money with other people ...it will not work

i looked at this stuff years ago when it was emerging and the fashion.....i actually contacted and communicated with a lot of "hotshot" traders who i wanted to incorporate into my own dream team for running a prop shop .....

most were just burn and churners ..........dissapeared overnighters who were there to generate income from attracting investors to follow them .....until the strategy burnt out ......and then moved onto the next strategy

so dont believe the hype ......its there to take your trading money from volume traded .......all broker funded

N, I do understand your thoughts. independent trading career – this is great. But unfortunately not for everyone. Somebody manages to trade constantly in black, but some no. And the thing here is even not in the skills or the strategy; the thing can be in psychology. Sometimes it can be hard psychologically to accept the lost and at the same time to make the right decisions for the future. When you are in the red for a long time and you need to make yourself to go further following the plan and do not change it, just because this way you can compensate your loss and stay in the black. This is not for everyone. But instead, someone is better in marketing or blogging. There are some people who can write cool and professional stuff about trading, but left the trading, just because the theory for them is much comfortable than the practice. At the same time, their recommendations can help newcomers, because the real experience hasn’t disappeared.

In the end, there are just some people who don’t want to trade, or doesn’t have time, or just doesn’t want to make money on the trading. Services like Zulutrade exist for them. And marketers and bloggers can make money on the promotion of this service. Just everyone finds the business which suits him.

If all who are interested in the financial market would become traders that would be the same as all the kids without the exceptions would entered IT majors after the school and become programmers just because they make better money than everyone else and IT companies are now the most powerful and influential in the world, even more than manufacturing, oil or financial…But still, not everyone chooses IT, even despite the popularity of the sphere. Just because of their hearts not in it…

Ok, this is all lyrics. The thing is that trading is awesome, without traders there would be no one to provide the signals for Zulutrade 🙂 But if the trader wants to make some extra money and investors would trust him and his work results, then why not to satisfy the need of everyone? And why not to pay a small commission to that zulutrade affiliate, who participated in the organization of this system by recruiting the investor?