or step 6...........its all nonsense and take control of your own trading career and trade on your own experience and stratagies ..........the only way to achieve future consistentu and profitability
never trust your money with other people ...it will not work
i looked at this stuff years ago when it was emerging and the fashion.....i actually contacted and communicated with a lot of "hotshot" traders who i wanted to incorporate into my own dream team for running a prop shop .....
most were just burn and churners ..........dissapeared overnighters who were there to generate income from attracting investors to follow them .....until the strategy burnt out ......and then moved onto the next strategy
so dont believe the hype ......its there to take your trading money from volume traded .......all broker funded
N, I do understand your thoughts. independent trading career – this is great. But unfortunately not for everyone. Somebody manages to trade constantly in black, but some no. And the thing here is even not in the skills or the strategy; the thing can be in psychology. Sometimes it can be hard psychologically to accept the lost and at the same time to make the right decisions for the future. When you are in the red for a long time and you need to make yourself to go further following the plan and do not change it, just because this way you can compensate your loss and stay in the black. This is not for everyone. But instead, someone is better in marketing or blogging. There are some people who can write cool and professional stuff about trading, but left the trading, just because the theory for them is much comfortable than the practice. At the same time, their recommendations can help newcomers, because the real experience hasn’t disappeared.
In the end, there are just some people who don’t want to trade, or doesn’t have time, or just doesn’t want to make money on the trading. Services like Zulutrade exist for them. And marketers and bloggers can make money on the promotion of this service. Just everyone finds the business which suits him.
If all who are interested in the financial market would become traders that would be the same as all the kids without the exceptions would entered IT majors after the school and become programmers just because they make better money than everyone else and IT companies are now the most powerful and influential in the world, even more than manufacturing, oil or financial…But still, not everyone chooses IT, even despite the popularity of the sphere. Just because of their hearts not in it…
Ok, this is all lyrics. The thing is that trading is awesome, without traders there would be no one to provide the signals for Zulutrade
🙂 But if the trader wants to make some extra money and investors would trust him and his work results, then why not to satisfy the need of everyone? And why not to pay a small commission to that zulutrade affiliate, who participated in the organization of this system by recruiting the investor?