You know you're a trader when...

Much of the commentary in other threads seems aimed at answering concerns about my strategy and the consequences that must follow. The problem for me is that when the premises of these commentaries are not reflective of my strategy, I end up questioning the conclusion.

{cut & pasted from HC’s private thread}

It seems to me that most of those who have challenged your system (forget those that have challenged your motives) have for the most part, fully understood your strategy and have gone to some lengths to advise you where it may not operate as you appear to think it does/will/might. That some have been less than controlled in their manner of delivery is a side issue and as a big boy, I’m sure you can take that side of things in your stride.

So I'm surprised at the private forum decision. I’m not sure hiding in the cellar and only allowing down there those that agree with you is the most sensible option. If you truly want to have your system tested to destruction (which I imagine you would in order to prove its durability under stress) then the way to do that is to allow all those who do have something to say on the subject a chance to do so. And if you’re intending to ‘let in’ all those who have previously disagreed with you, what was the point in the first place? Unless it’s to ceremoniously chuck them out when they disagree again or do so in a manner not to your liking.

Howard, I'm completely neutral on the HC v The Rest thing as you know, but I think this was a negative step on your part.
Sometimes I am too pithy. I should have said that I lost beyond the loss limits because of my own folly.

Suggesting that a spike in the VIX caused my losses misunderstands my strategy in a significant way. Worse yet, in order to try to be "one of the boys" I was sloppy in using this terminology myself.

The fact that VIX increases when the market moves rapidly and makes the management of existing trades more challenging, is an effect, not the cause of the problem. Were I to focus on the effect and not the cause, I would be trying to manage with a lagging indicator.

The cause of my losses was that the underlying overtook my short strike. The cause of the losses being greater than the strategy limits was my not maintaining sufficient cash reserves to buy back ALL the spreads that reached their loss limit.

I just can't be bothered anymore. You have lost all credibility.
{cut & pasted from HC’s private thread}

It seems to me that most of those who have challenged your system (forget those that have challenged your motives) have for the most part, fully understood your strategy and have gone to some lengths to advise you where it may not operate as you appear to think it does/will/might. That some have been less than controlled in their manner of delivery is a side issue and as a big boy, I’m sure you can take that side of things in your stride.
As a teacher, if a student fails to understand a lesson, I try another approach rather than saying it louder or berating him for his stupidity. If I have failed to discern truth buried in the muck, then perhaps you or any anyone else can take what I hope is my clear statement of strategy and point out its flaws. I will gladly post analysis that is actually based on the elements of the strategy in the private thread.

{cut & pasted from HC’s private thread}
So I'm surprised at the private forum decision. I’m not sure hiding in the cellar and only allowing down there those that agree with you is the most sensible option. If you truly want to have your system tested to destruction (which I imagine you would in order to prove its durability under stress) then the way to do that is to allow all those who do have something to say on the subject a chance to do so. And if you’re intending to ‘let in’ all those who have previously disagreed with you, what was the point in the first place? Unless it’s to ceremoniously chuck them out when they disagree again or do so in a manner not to your liking.
There are plenty of threads where those who disagree with me can post their critiques. I recommend that before you condem what I might do you have some patience to see what I actually do.

{cut & pasted from HC’s private thread}
Howard, I'm completely neutral on the HC v The Rest thing as you know, but I think this was a negative step on your part.
Thank you for your opinion. I will certainly think about what you have written. As time permits, I will even try to review the original journal for criticisms that were not based on false premises and publish them in the private thread. Should you have any candidates, I will gladly look at them and either put them in the private thread or explain why I chose not to do so.

If you have another solution to the private thread to eliminate the trash, I'll gladly consider that as well. I am not trying to duck criticism, I'm trying to have a clean, luzl free and trash free thread.
If you have another solution to the private thread to eliminate the trash, I'll gladly consider that as well. I am not trying to duck criticism, I'm trying to have a clean, luzl free and trash free thread.
“Clean, lulz free and trash free thread…”. I’ve never seen one of those Howard, nor am I likely to. Even when one of the ex-mods tried to enforce such a setup, it fell apart, fairly rapidly too. T2w threads are as subject to entropy as anything else in this part of the Universe.

But I do have a solution to what you consider to be your problem.

A private forum.

Your current private thread gives you total visibility and publicity, but nobody other than your personally selected members the ability to respond. Some might suggest that the purposes to which you are putting this type of thread and your intent rather begs the question whether you should be entitled to participate in the open forums and threads as well? My personal view is that it should be one or the other. Either we’re all good enough for you - or not. LOL.

A private forum gets round any potential accusations of total publicity with unlimited protection by ensuring only the chosen members get to see your work and comment upon it. Therefore you can’t be accused of continuing to benefit from 100% visibility (and publicity) for your offerings while denying all but the select few the opportunity to respond in any manner they (and the mods) see fit. And to be honest, a private thread is seem for what it is, a statement that you want more protection than the mods are willing or able to give you under current guidelines from what must be considered justifiable responses from hose who hold a different view to yours.

Of course, you can continue to have your cake and eat it (I would if I were in your position, for as long as I could get away with it too), but integrity being a cornerstone of your character, I’m sure you’d rather consider a more appropriate option.

Or not.
“Clean, lulz free and trash free thread…”. I’ve never seen one of those Howard, nor am I likely to. Even when one of the ex-mods tried to enforce such a setup, it fell apart, fairly rapidly too. T2w threads are as subject to entropy as anything else in this part of the Universe.

But I do have a solution to what you consider to be your problem.

A private forum.

Your current private thread gives you total visibility and publicity, but nobody other than your personally selected members the ability to respond. Some might suggest that the purposes to which you are putting this type of thread and your intent rather begs the question whether you should be entitled to participate in the open forums and threads as well? My personal view is that it should be one or the other. Either we’re all good enough for you - or not. LOL.

A private forum gets round any potential accusations of total publicity with unlimited protection by ensuring only the chosen members get to see your work and comment upon it. Therefore you can’t be accused of continuing to benefit from 100% visibility (and publicity) for your offerings while denying all but the select few the opportunity to respond in any manner they (and the mods) see fit. And to be honest, a private thread is seem for what it is, a statement that you want more protection than the mods are willing or able to give you under current guidelines from what must be considered justifiable responses from hose who hold a different view to yours.

Of course, you can continue to have your cake and eat it (I would if I were in your position, for as long as I could get away with it too), but integrity being a cornerstone of your character, I’m sure you’d rather consider a more appropriate option.

Or not.

Again, I recommend some patience until you see what I add to the thread that is from others. If you have candidates, I will either post it there or explain why I chose not to. After you have seen what I choose to post I will revisit your concerns about my attempt to hide or not.

I'm afraid it is way too late to go private. The relentless campaign against my strategy, some fair, most not, has made this impossible for me.

We have had a lot of words about whether I am justified in having a private journal thread. Perhaps we and soon segue to posting content, either in support of elements of my strategy or in criticism of those elements.
Again, I recommend some patience until you see what I add to the thread that is from others.
I may have misled you Howard as patience is not an issue for me generally and is quite irrelevant with regard this specific issue as it’s not a topic for which I have a great deal of interest personally.

I do wander by occasionally primarily to see how everyone is handling themselves (LOL) and so see if there is accidental emergence of something more germane to my own sphere of trading operations and interests.

To that extent, I’m probably best classed as a lurker and occasional lulzer so you’re well rid on me in your new thread.

Good luck anyway.
I'm afraid it is way too late to go private. The relentless campaign against my strategy, some fair, most not, has made this impossible for me.

😆 classic lulz

Far from being impossible, its just the click of a button.
You know you're a trader when obtaining other peoples money becomes your main focus.(see hoodwinked)
You check to see what the high and low of the day is. Only to find that you were looking at the.......

weather forecast.
Your complete philosophical view point on life and all the quotes you use comes from trading and trading books........When you belive things like mastering golf is like mastering trading or vice versa.....
Your complete philosophical view point on life and all the quotes you use comes from trading and trading books........When you belive things like mastering golf is like mastering trading or vice versa.....
When you use flying maxims to illustrate your trading philosophy just because you were a pilot before you were a trader. :smart: