You sir, have just shared a valuable nugget of information :smart:
How would one go about getting these notifications?
You're having sex and when you are near to the happy ending you withdraw halfway in case you end up back at your entry level. Or is that just me?
I think i would go as far as saying. You hope for a natural disaster to make some money. Actually that's a little too far. =/. I hope that reactor blows up....I guess it's bad to say it. But then if i donate money to the Japan earthquake disaster fund, that makes it right. right?
Do you read ZeroHedge perchance?You're not serious are you? We talk about zero sum games, do you recognise/accept that, for example, oil rising to $150 due to continual ME instability and disastrous crusades may have shocking global/social consequences ultimately killing any personal gain we may make as individual traders? The uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria etc. were not caused by 'hopey changey democracy' ideals, they were caused by commodity prices rising and lack of employment, a cause and effect you could lay at the door of our global bankster elite.
I'd also suggest that normal market randomness and the continual instability conditions are preferable to make money for us bottom of the food chain traders, as opposed to outlier black swan events.
You know you're a trader when your friend phones and says "whats up" and you respond with
"the dow by 180 points"
You know you're working too late at the computer center when you calculate your checkbook balance in octal. (Actually happened to me)
You're right about that. The first programming I did was with punch cards and paper tape and core memory was actually made up of doughnut shaped ferrite cores. 😎That's how you know you're an old nerd Howard 😆