YM journal

frugi said:
Sounds like the browser has minimised the screenshot so it fits on the screen all at once. If you hover your mouse over the image for a while a cross should appear that lets you view the image at full size and then scroll across or up/down to see different bits. Perhaps. It is Windows after all.

PS Cheers ts and allow me to return the compliment. Flattered to have you old pros (Q& Cman too) reading my drivel. Incidentally I must insist...it's gins and tonic in the plural, like eggs florentine. Aaarghhorrible pedant me 😱

That's sorted it. Live and learn, eh? . :cheesy:
I always read the good posts.I might be old, but never too old to learn. :cheesy:
As if by magic....
A little navigator button appeared....


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Yay a camp invisible shotputter - the obvious choice for a contextual menu. 🙂

Glad to know I needn't sharpen the jpeg axe just yet.

By the way -

In Firefox go to menu Tools>> Options >>Advanced >> Multimedia and uncheck "Resize large images...."


In IE go to menu Tools >> Internet Options >> Advanced >> Multimedia and uncheck "Enable automatic image resizing"

and never suffer the problem again.

Hmm, time for some poker.... 😀
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What a tedious day. -4 for a lot of watching. Perhaps more action when the 5 min triangle breaks? Also keeping an eye on that big ES H&S neckline at 1172. If that goes, most likely eek! A glance at a Dow 120 min chart shows that he has already broken his version of this neckline, while Naz is unclear, looking more like a triple top with a false upside BO than a H&S. No matter, we're not in the prediction game.

A couple of frustrating false bottoms gave rise to small losses, a couple of scalps smaller profits. A good example of setups failing without causing savage damage, at least. There's no rule that says 3 peaks/troughs signify a top or bottom, just a propensity for them to do so. e.g Today we had 4 troughs between 16:30 and 19:50. If my entry had been better, i.e 445 not 450 then my 10 point stop would have been safe at 435. I saw that big juicy up candle at approx 19:33 and bought a tad late.

However the good news is that in the past I'd probably have lost 30 from a multitude of silly ill timed scalps, so I'm happy. The joy of having proper, albeit flexible, rules cannot be overstated, nor can the importance of patience.

Food for thought: Conventional trading wisdom holds that to try and catch tops and bottoms is equivalent to holding your wallet over a voracious storm drain and shaking it vigorously. I'm beginning to think that this is cowardly propaganda put forward by those who cannot trade or mainly use lagging trend following systems that only grab the fruit from the middle of the tree. Sure, neither do you want to average into a losing postion until it kills you, nor will you consistently be closer than a few points away from tops/bottoms, but I'm convinced that a good trader can get pretty darn close by carefully observing price action, using her brain and pouncing at an opportune moment. If wrong, the pain is minimal as stops will be tight. I'll get back to you on this when I've fought a falling knife all the way to the job agency!



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frugi said:
Food for thought: Conventional trading wisdom holds that to try and catch tops and bottoms is equivalent to holding your wallet over a voracious storm drain and shaking it vigorously. I'm beginning to think that this is cowardly propaganda put forward by those who cannot trade or mainly use lagging trend following systems that only grab the fruit from the middle of the tree. Sure, neither do you want to average into a losing position until it kills you, nor will you consistently be closer than a few points away from tops/bottoms, but I'm convinced that a good trader can get pretty darn close by carefully observing price action, using her brain and pouncing at an opportune moment. If wrong, the pain is minimal as stops will be tight. I'll get back to you on this when I've fought a falling knife all the way to the job agency!

Very true.. It's easy to pick tops and bottoms in hindsight. I have been known , on the odd occasion, to nail one or two bang on,but it's generally beyond reach for most of the time. There's always a reason to hold on for a few more ticks, or get it completely wrong by missing a critical clue.Taking a good slice when it's on offer and refusing to trade when it's unclear is the way forward. Trouble is, a lot of people think they can beat the system.
What an idiot

Supply Frugi with an easy trend day worth 100+ and he will mess it up, without fail. Only a pathetic +39 garnered and I'm a bit gutted as it's days like these that should provide the wealth of points to make up for slothful days like yesterday.

Still, on the plus side my entries seem to be getting tighter and I resisted several urges to dive in short near the top, which would have cost me dearly. What a trend day, TICK dipped below 0 just once the whole day! The triangle BO test long in the morning and the Grail entry I am well pleased with, but on both occasions I closed too early, finding some spurious evidence to hinder my judgement, instead of simply watching targets unfold. Ah well, at least it wasn't a loss 🙂

(The first trade has been truncated from the left hand side of the 1 min chart. It was a long following the big triangle BO test, closed at the first little bull flag).

Have realised that the system cannot benefit from long trends such as today's. Hmm....


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More of the same

Another measly ration of +18.

As I said yesterday the system often has trouble taking big bites out of trend, since a few of the target parameters can be very restrictive under certain conditions.

For instance I entered short on a classic 3 peak ND top around 16:09, but because the ADX was >30, thus labelling the trade as a countertrend scalp, I only took ten points for my trouble.. So I've changed the rules to allow for a countertrend 3 peak entry with a new target of the 100 EMA, max one contract as before. I like Chartman's idea of adding to the stake if at this point the 100 EMA is penetrated and a pullback to it duly repelled. This often signifes a change of trend, like today. Adding after the bear flag broke to the downside around 17:30 would have been the thing to do.

Missed a possible long after the blow off bottom - I was hoping for 550 as there was lots of support there, but he didn't fall that far. So, long at 19:09 on the pullback would have been eminently sensible, but it wasn't a 3 peak bottom with only minimal PD, so happy enough to let it pass. Gotta follow those rules after all.


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Edit: There was a previous post from 13 suggesting I do not tinker with the rules.

I'm not about to moan as you offer sound advice thirteen, though I'm not particularly enamoured of your style of delivery. Believe me I've done that flitting between systems, rules, indicators, or whatever, when one of them fails or doesn't do as well as expected and I'm not keen to do so again as it resulted in losses.

The system I use is the one I will stick to - I am simply trying to make it as robust as possible, fine tuning if you like. The rule change is very small. It does not affect setup or entry it simply allows for a slightly larger target as I felt that restricting it to 10 points represents poor money management. Essentially I have removed a cog whose job was principally to cut profits. I still made money on the trade, 10 points, but my observation tells me that there are almost always more points available with this setup and I should try and grab some of them.

Time will tell - as I said in the introduction this system is still very much undergoing evolution based on my looking at one minute data for days on end and days to come. I appreciate your candid post all the same, as the principle of it is totally correct and valuable. Feel free to beat me if I start messing with the foundations or altering my chart setup though.
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Thing is, 13, there's a right way and a wrong way to say something. Say it the wrong way and no -one will take any notice. Your post contents are factual and to the point, but you say it all the wrong way and offend people. Why do you feel the need to refer to Frugi as " Greedy, Stupid or both" ? Perhaps he simply just doesn't know.
Yes, the truth hurts. You are rude in almost every post. You do yourself an injustice.
Right so you made $50,000 yesterday.

Oh look at that pink object in the sky.

yeah - it sucks dont it. i cant believe it either - but like i said - im not worried about it. greed is the downfall of most.

i shoulda made at least 100k - and done my target in 1. days like yesterday dont come often do they coulda taken the rest of the month off - and next

who knows jonny - i may even 'splah out' and buy this funny little spot on system for amusement.
Quiet but satisfactory

Been in and out all day ridding my flat of wine bottles and general oomska, now got to toddle off to the station to pick up Mrs Frugi, so +33 from one will do me nicely. A pretty 3 peaker short following a reasonably hi vol inverted hammer and out on a trailing stop placed just above the biggest preceding downcandle which was accompanied by the usual volume climax. Quite tidy for a Frugi, for once 🙂 Them big boys' little tricks are starting to feel familiar.


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Dolce Vita

A long following a bounce off magic number INDU near the 3.00 time pivot, supported by a substantial splash of volume and a TICK/RSI PD. Not a 3 peaker so obediently took 10 as per 'Discretionary Scalp' rule 5. Missed a grail short entry around 15:30 but was put off by the triple bottom and large green marabozu candles on high volume. In hindsight that 15:30 bar looks like a blow off top but at the time I had no idea. Safety first and all that.

Then a long off the 3 peak PD, which was actually much clearer on the 5 min chart. As Chartman says, these rules should work on all time frames, and multi timeframe confirmation is always a bonus. Because ADX was >30 - a down trend - I had to take profits at the 100 EMA standard target.

+20 for the day, not too awful, especially given my new heavy moderation workload 🙂


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Congragulations Frugi !

Hold your discipline and I can't see how you can possibly fail 😉 Good to see a winner arriving..
Aaargh the curse of kindly chump

😈 -27 from three. I told you I can't deal with trend days. Paradoxically, as I become used to consolidation it makes pulling the trigger on a breakout harder, despite the likelihood of a BO occuring (and being trustworthy) increasing with the length (and tightness) of the consolidation.

Two premature, impatient scalp attempts (I must stop keep an eye on my VIX!) followed by one nice 3 peak PD entry which should have netted at least 5 but ended up being stopped out for a loss as I didn't use a trailing stop. Rules state: lock in 5 pts at 20, and I forgot to. Really annoyed by myself today.

Still, the 3 peak between 18:09 and 19:09 is worth mentioning: look at TICK, RSI and the obvious volume divergence! Really thought such a strong, clear formation would be good for at least the 100 EMA but it fell just short then plumbed new lows.

Not even the chance of a Grail entry as the 100 EMA wasn't kissed once after ADX rose above 30.

I note Trader Tony is beating himself up for a +15, a profit. I have a long way to go yet then! No, I know where he's coming from, it's a gutter to see easy missed points in hindsight. Definitely a day for the Chartman 100 EMA pullback entries rather than trying to catch the falling knife with insubstantial mittens. But that's not a part of the system, to my chagrin.


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Nor do I judging by today, lol

$5 per point per contract, with generally a 1 pip spread.
thanx frugi hope tomorrow goes better for ya. If its any consolation I sat all morning waiting for something to set up and then went outside for a smoke, when I came back market had gone without me. DOAH