No offence taken at all - I am very grateful for every bit of advice that comes my way.
Yes, if I lose $400 I stop trading for the day.
It looks to me that you are entering and exiting the market pretty much at random trying to chase a few ticks here and there and seriously overtrading.
Spot on. I overtraded like a fool yesterday and the bulk of my trading plan was on holiday.
However I am also capable of making two or three good trades a day and feel I have a reasonable discretionary system (that incorporates the essential elements you mention) with which to pocket a couple of points a day. By discretionary obviously I mean I like to "manually" interpret price action, pivots, TICK divs. pattern formation etc. in real time and act according to my view of the situation. Though discretionary, the system is quite strict and I trust it. You will probably not believe this given my first two p/l statements but I believe there is a good trade or two lurking among the dross.
The trouble is that I am ill disciplined and and apt to make several, as you say, virtually random trades, just trying to grab a tick here and there, especially when I am already losing. I am trying to eliminate this nasty self destructive habit which is mainly why I'm posting my trades in public. That way kind folk such as yourself can point out the error of my ways and I can learn from my losses.
When you come to trade your system judge your performance against your system not against your daily P&L. So one day you might lose $400 but when you check, after the close, your system actually lost $412.50. Your actual trading made you a tick ahead of your system - well done you're a good trader.
I'm afraid don't really understand this statement. Surely if you have a different result from your system's at the end of the day then you have not followed the system, i.e. broken your rules, which is just what we're trying to avoid? Also I imagine it would be difficult to test one's results against a discretionary system, as part of it is, by definition, subjective.
On any given day I will be pleased with my performance if I have simply followed my rules and ended the day with a profit, however small.
Today is going better so far. Patience patience....
Best wishes.