xp sp2 resolution problems


im not sure if this is the right place to post this, but recently i've updated my XP system to SP2. everything has been running fine for the past months, until today.

i recieve and installed updates from microsoft, and rebooted, and now, my resolution is stuck at something like 800*600 eventhough my system shows that I am at 1280*1024.

if i switch to a lower resolution, it looks like the res goes down to 640*480. all the fonts are HUGE, and the windows are MONSTROUS. even the desktop icons are BIG!

here's a screen shot if it helps.


recently I installed Norton Systemworks 2005. I thought that might be the problem, so I uninstalled it. no change.

checked for spyware. none.

i've checked the drivers for my video card: GeForce 5600. updated and good to go.

basically, my system sees me running at 1280*1024, but in actuality, im seeing 800*600.

does anyone have any solutions or have a silmilar problem?


this BIG everything on my monitor is giving me a headache.
Have you tried System Restore to before the updates?

could also try the Troubleshooter in Display Properties. Have a look in Hardware/Monitors, there might be something there.
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i cannot change the font size that much. for example. if i change my AIM font down to 8pt (the minimum) it still looks as if it's 12pt - 14pt.

for the actual OS, i've considered changing the font size. that does not change the fact that the windows, task bar, system tray icons, and desktop icons are larger than life right now.
Oatman - yes, i tried a system restore. to no avail. im still stuck with this BIG problem. ill check into the Display properties troubleshooter and get back to you.
i played with my refresh settings ... and that seemed to help, just a little bit. i still have big desktop iCons, and a big Taskbar. and a HUGE start menu. it literally takes up the entire hieght of my 19" monitor.

any suggestions for the icon sizes?
sorry for the many posts. i just rebooted and rechecked the Display Settings. Apparently the "Use large Icons" under advanced settings was checked. everything is back to normal now