Service Pack Instructions


I've been having problems installing Service Packs (on Win XP Pro Sp2): I'm getting a "decompression" error.
I've tried tools for clearing my temp directories, but no luck, so will try uninstalling and reinstalling, and if that doesn't work, will also try installing in Safe Mode.

I have downloaded a lot of service packs from the following link:

The question (or multiple questions!) I have is which files should I be executing?

For SP2, there are 3 files:

Which should I execute? In what order?

For SP4 there are 7 files:

Which should I execute? In what order?

For SP5, there are 3 files:

Which should I execute? In what order?

One of the things you can do if SP2 fails to install is to check the svcpack.log entries, and you should be able to find this in c:\windows, or if not then use Start and Search to find this file on your machine.

You’ll be able to edit the log file in notepad, which means you’ll be able to find and identify the error code that were generated by the installation of SP2 on your machine.

The following EXAMPLES are svcpack.log entries from a restore point forward:

848.938: System Restore Point set.
849.250: PFE2: Per File Exceptions will not be used.
849.766: SceConfigreSystem failed, return 0x14
849.766: DoInstallation:SecurityConfigSystemCommit Failed: 0x800710d9
856.484: UnRegisterSpuninstForRecovery, failed to delete SpRecoverCmdLine value, error 0x2
856.484: DoInstallation: Failed to unregistering spuninst.exe for recovery.
856.484: Unable to read from or write to the database.
912.063: Message displayed to the user: Unable to read from or write to the database.
912.063: User Input: OK
915.766: DeRegistering the Uninstall Program -> Windows XP Service Pack, 0
915.766: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete.
928.516: Message displayed to the user: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete.
928.516: User Input: OK
928.516: Update.exe extended error code = 0x800710d9
928.516: Update.exe return code was masked to 0x643 for MSI custom action compliance.

The important bit is the error code: “0x800710d9” and if you truncate this to “800710d9” and type it into Google, then likely as not someone somewhere will have resolved the problem and put the solution in the public domain.



Maybe I wasn't clear:
I'm having problems installing *TradeStation* Service Packs onto my PC.
My PC is running Win XP Service Pack 2.

I'm not asking about installing the Windows XP Service Packs - I would have posted that in a Windows conference not a TradeStation one!

But thanks anyway.

Hi driver, I’m no expert on TS2000i or pc’s, but this is the solution I eventually managed to come up with. I don't know if there is an easy solution, perhaps more experienced folks may also help you.

I take it that you are getting the following message when installing service pack 4c (5.00.0771):
‘The decompression of %s failed. There may not be enough space available in the TEMP directory’.
Goto the following in windows xp pro:
C:\Doccuments and Settings\WORKSTATION\Local Settings\Temp

Reduce window and then pick up ‘set up icon’ (picture of a yellow cog) and put it on desk top.
THEN install service pack 4c, as it loads indicators (TS in house ones) just click ‘yes to all’.
WHEN LOADED CLICK ‘NO’, TO RESTART MY PC NOW (if you click restart, you’ll be in trouble as your pc may not be able to start & you may need a tech person to sort it out), go back to desk top and follow above instructions in reverse and put ‘set up’ file back in it’s place, if there are two of these files and it prompts ‘do you want to overwrite file’ ,just click yes.
Restart pc.

Install service pack 5 (5.00.0822), it will not load 1st attempt, follow above instructions, regarding ‘set up’ file.
WHEN LOADED CLICK ‘NO’, TO ‘RESTART MY PC NOW’ – just repeat instruction for service pack 4c.
ps . I have xp, but not service pack 2.

driver said:
Maybe I wasn't clear:
I'm having problems installing *TradeStation* Service Packs onto my PC.
My PC is running Win XP Service Pack 2.

I'm not asking about installing the Windows XP Service Packs - I would have posted that in a Windows conference not a TradeStation one!

But thanks anyway.

Thanks for that... although it would be good to have an approach that is more robust and reassuring.

I'm guessing that a number of people have had problems with this.

This is how I managed to install the TradeStation 2000i service packs on my machine (Win XP Pro SP2).

This is what I did. Some of this may be unnecessary, but it worked!

1. Boot into Safe Mode (this makes it easy to delete files in the Temp directories)

2. Create a directory on the C drive called C:\ts
(Doing things from my D drive caused error messages related to not enough space.)

3. Create the following directories in C:\ts:

4. Copy into the above directories the following files:
Into C:\ts\4b:
Into C:\ts\4c:
Into C:\ts\5:

5. Open up the following folders:
C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp

6. Delete files in the temp folders (make sure you can see hidden files)

7. Execute the following files in the order listed, ensuring that you delete files from the temp folders mentioned above after *each file* has finished running:

5. Open up the following folders:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp

I'm glad I stumbled onto this board. The fix above is what fixed my decompress error.

Thank you so much.

No valid password

Guess I spoke a little soon. Now that I've installed SP5, I'm getting a "no valid password" message when I try to create charts in 2000i.

It seems that the process of upgrading from build 771 to 822 (SP5) has erased my good forever password. The password was not lost when I went from 707 to 771 (4C). I did not have this problem last year when doing this on my old computer (Windows 98). This new computer has Windows XP. Might that have something to do with my problem? Also, might it have something to do with needing to erase my Temp folder to get SP5 to load due to that decompression problem mentioned earlier in this thread?

Thanks in advance for any help.

stevedee said:
Guess I spoke a little soon. Now that I've installed SP5, I'm getting a "no valid password" message when I try to create charts in 2000i.

It seems that the process of upgrading from build 771 to 822 (SP5) has erased my good forever password. The password was not lost when I went from 707 to 771 (4C). I did not have this problem last year when doing this on my old computer (Windows 98). This new computer has Windows XP. Might that have something to do with my problem? Also, might it have something to do with needing to erase my Temp folder to get SP5 to load due to that decompression problem mentioned earlier in this thread?

Thanks in advance for any help.



Try the following note (b) relating to the hidden ID files... You may/will need to redo the installation(s). Also the temp file No Space error at the installation of SP5 is easily fixed by the note (a) below.

(a) IF you get a message "No Space On Disk" clean the TEMP folder in C:\Windows\... Or better still, use the excellent utility Temp Cleaner from and then restart the PC. This error will almost certainly occur when doing the SP5 install.

(b) As SP3 is in effect a completely new installation, in order to get it to install if an earlier version of TS2000I is already installed, you will need to delete the following two (hidden) files located in the C:\windows\system32\ subdirectory (just run a search on them if needs be - they hold the original user ID / customer number info):





tradinghumble said:
On the Tradestation subject -- is it possible to use TS 7.2 or 8.0 without having an account ?


Hi - I'm a TS2000i user, but have wondered the same question. I don't know the answer, but I would guess someone around here will!



I am having the same problem. Basically, I get a No valid password when I update SP5 after SP4c to my new computer running Windows XP. Like Driver, I did not have the same problem in my old computer running Windows 98. I'll try erasing those two files and see what happens. Thanks.

stunich said:

Try the following note (b) relating to the hidden ID files... You may/will need to redo the installation(s). Also the temp file No Space error at the installation of SP5 is easily fixed by the note (a) below.

(a) IF you get a message "No Space On Disk" clean the TEMP folder in C:\Windows\... Or better still, use the excellent utility Temp Cleaner from and then restart the PC. This error will almost certainly occur when doing the SP5 install.

(b) As SP3 is in effect a completely new installation, in order to get it to install if an earlier version of TS2000I is already installed, you will need to delete the following two (hidden) files located in the C:\windows\system32\ subdirectory (just run a search on them if needs be - they hold the original user ID / customer number info):






I erased the two files from Windows XP and installed SP5. I get the same error, "no valid password" and "failed to create object in the registry".

I think it has something to do with having an older version being upgraded. I do not have any problems with SP4b and SP4c updates though. Please help.