
Hi DBPhoenix,
Please could you explain why you think the Richard Wyckoff course is not good value for money?

Many thanks.
(didnt want to start a new thread)

I got an invitiation to a Wyckoff webinar, from Bekeley Futures.

Its all free, but you have to register, etc.

I dont do Wyckoff, but I have registered, just to learn something new.

There arent limitations on number of attendees.

Webinar starts at 18:30, UK-time, Wed, Feb-28th.

register here:

Berkeley Futures Ltd in conjunction with the CBOT® invite you to attend their latest webinar (online seminar)- an opportunity to expand your trading knowledge, learn new skills and improve trading returns.

'Trading the Grains: Tools for Spotting Profit Opportunities'

In his hour-long webinar presentation, Jim Wyckoff, will show in detail the tools he uses to seek out profit opportunities in the active grain futures markets. He will also discuss specific market entry and exit strategies, as well as studying longer-term charts to gain better shorter-term market perspective.

About the Speaker

Jim Wyckoff has spent the better part of two decades involved with the stock, financial and commodity futures markets. Jim cut his teeth as a reporter on the rough-and-tumble commodity futures trading floor in Chicago and New York, covering every futures market traded in the U.S., at one time or another.

Not long after beginning his career in financial journalism, Jim began studying technical analysis and realized the playing field could be leveled between the 'professional insiders' in the markets, and himself. How can this be? This is how: Market (or stock) price activity and price history, including volume is a composite reflection of every news event and (or) other fundamental factor known to all traders. Price activity also factors in ideas and speculation about the future prospects, and future news, for the market (or stock). If a trader tried to study and learn all there is to learn about a futures market or an individual stock -including knowing all the fundamentals that impact, or could impact the market or stock -it would be nearly a full-time job. And even if a trader spent all his time studying a market, he or she still would not know as much, as soon, as the professional insiders. This is why, according to Jim, successful traders employ technical analysis.

Webinar Date: 28th February 2007
Time: 18:30 GMT
Location: Web based (via Hotcomm)
Cost: Free

NB: I have no financial association with Berkeley, other than my trading with them is putting some of their kids through private school, no doubt!

I hope this isnt classed as advertising, I am sure that the mods will let me know.

You never know what you may learn!!
trendie said:
(didnt want to start a new thread)

I got an invitiation to a Wyckoff webinar, from Bekeley Futures.

Its all free, but you have to register, etc.

I dont do Wyckoff, but I have registered, just to learn something new.

Hi trendi,
It may very well be a good webinar, but there is a difference between Jim Wyckoff and Richard Wyckoff. One is alive and the other is deceased. 🙂

trendie said:

Webinar Date: 28th February 2007
Time: 18:30 GMT
Location: Web based (via Hotcomm)
Cost: Free

NB: I have no financial association with Berkeley, other than my trading with them is putting some of their kids through private school, no doubt!

I hope this isnt classed as advertising, I am sure that the mods will let me know.

You never know what you may learn!!

No its not advertising, you just trying to help others. I also have an account with Berkeley's, ...I see you in the webinar Wednesday
overall, webinar was disappointing for me.
nothing new or specific.
quite generic and vague.

the slides can be viewed at the link below.


the actual webinar will be available on the cbot.com website tomorrow, along with other recent webinars.
Too bad this guy has the same last name as the subject of this thread. The two men don't have a whole lot in common.