Worldspreads Competition

Quick update for everybody...
I just received post and there's a cheque from WorldSpreads...

Good luck everybody and happy New Year
Received cheque this morning, and I haven't closed my account, will decide it's fate in the new year!

The recent discussions as to the ease (or not) with which 10 in a row can be achieved - I say it easy to do if:
- you trade/bet at minimum stake possible - thus keeping risk lower
- there is no time limit - the 3 weeks the comp ran had trading in ranges, so made initial "bad" trades come back into profit.
- you have a little bit of luck - ie no slippage/requotes (or take more than 6 points to minimise the effect)
- you have some skill - ie you pick the right general direction(s) and don't overdo it - know when to stop if the market isn't willing to give you the pips/points etc
- you were (perhaps) willing to put more than your initial (minimal) deposit into your SB account (if things went too far against you).

All in all it was a clever marketing by WS - although I (like others) would love to have won the full £100k, can't complain with the £540.54 winnings (plus - in my case - £104.48 net trading profit from the 10 competition trades) - isn't too bad a return on a £500 deposit in 3 weeks - it pays for more than Xmas!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas - and wish all a very prosperous New Year!

I sent my qualifying entry to Worldspreads on the 29th November. I found it really easy to do and was expecting about 1000 winners. So am pleasently surprised at 540£. I hope there will be other fun competitions in 2011.
Happy New Year Everyone. Good luck and good trading !