I had to switch off after 2-0
The local women's institute team could have done better !!
But still not to worry I have money riding on the Jerries 😀
and they could win yet. Blitzkrieg on boys !!!
Only a sweaty sock could hold such views. Shame your lot can't even qualify
There we are then. More bum decisions by the officials...this time Mexico on the receiving end of it. Clear offside decision leading to the Argies first goal.
Once again the biggest tournament in the world reduced to farce.
Well-deserved win by Germany against a comatose England.
Having said that, I don't think they will win the competition.
It will be one of the latins.
Argentina vs. Mexico was a very entertaining match; Mexico were good, but Argentina were better. Funny, I was eating in a Mexican restaurant on Saturday night, watching the Yanks getting beaten 🙂. Glad I wasn't there tonight!
Fabio .. what can you say? Well, anything you bloody well like probably, because he won't understand it! 🙂
Saddly, thats what it is becomming. Teams don't win through skill anymore. You just hope a few really bad calls go your way and you're through to the next round.
The FA hired him when he couldn't speak English, at all. Now, I understand him.
Germany vs Argentina is going to be a great game, looking forward to it.
We should see some great football in the last 8 and onwards.