which one is you now


Experienced member
Questions : Which one is you now?

a.) - Full time traders & self employed
b.) - Employed and trying to trade part time
c.) - Doing some business while trading
d.) - Unemployed and trying to become full time trader

Second Question : So hows your trading

a.) Made some money, lose it all back again
b.) Im consistently profitable & trading full time
c.) Im consistently profitable & trading part time
d.) Trying to learn trading, hasnt made any money yet
e.) Trading now but never made any money, all is loss.
f.) Im just trading for fun, loss or gain doesnt matter
g.) Im just trading for fun, burn some extra money.. lulz
h.) Im retired, made too much money from trading. Dont care about market anymore
i.) Im retired, made too much money from trading. Still trading as usual