Words of Wisdom



A thread for those wise words you've come across during your life that have made an impression on you. They can be about trading but also about life in general. Maybe it was something your parents or grand parents told you, or a favourite teacher. Or perhaps just something that was posted on Facebook...

Please share it here for us all to enjoy and benefit from!
A Poem...

'Indispensable Man'

In the mid-80's in my late teens, having left school at 16 to enter the world of work, I found myself working in a cotton mill in a northern UK town (yes there were still a few left at the time) as a carding machine operator, factory labour essentially. I shared a tea break one day with a fellow worker who was approx 30 years my senior, he had been working all his life in factory work.

He said to me "you shouldn't be here, stuck in a dead end job like me, at your age you need to be out looking for something better", within a short period of time I had moved onto better jobs which set me on a completely different life journey, I am grateful for those words of wisdom in an otherwise innocuous tea break, I believe that was the point in time that everything changed for me.

Sliding doors.
The purpose of life is a life of purpose. To achieve that you need two things . . .
1. To find something you're really good at.
2. To really enjoy doing the thing you're good at.
If you achieve this AND whatever it is that you're good at pays enough to put a roof over your head and food on the table, then you've got it made. Job done. Nirvana.

If I had kids of my own (I don't), this is pretty much all I'd drum into them from an early age.
In the mid-80's in my late teens, having left school at 16 to enter the world of work, I found myself working in a cotton mill in a northern UK town (yes there were still a few left at the time) as a carding machine operator, factory labour essentially. I shared a tea break one day with a fellow worker who was approx 30 years my senior, he had been working all his life in factory work.

He said to me "you shouldn't be here, stuck in a dead end job like me, at your age you need to be out looking for something better", within a short period of time I had moved onto better jobs which set me on a completely different life journey, I am grateful for those words of wisdom in an otherwise innocuous tea break, I believe that was the point in time that everything changed for me.

Sliding doors.

A friend of mine's son is just approaching working age and we were talking about what advice we would give a young person about to enter the world of work. Specifically, how they could make a good impression and stand out from their peers. We came to the conclusion that all they'd have to do was:

Turn up on the days they were supposed to
Turn up on time
Do as they were told
Ask if they weren't sure
Hold their hands up if they made a mistake.
And generally keep their 'head below the parapet'

We reckoned that if they followed that advice they be better than 90% of their peers!
Never piss into the wind:)

Advice given to me just before setting sail on my first voyage (only a couple of weeks) and I have found this to apply equally on land and in metaphor.
In the late fifties my housemaster popped his head round the door and shouted “stop worrying about how you’ve done in the term maths exam. Let me give you a word of advice, my boy, NEVER worry about what’s been done, if you’re going to worry ONLY worry about what you are going to do.”

Took time, but I’ve tried to do just that.
Never piss into the wind:)

Advice given to me just before setting sail on my first voyage (only a couple of weeks) and I have found this to apply equally on land and in metaphor.
And never be sick over the side of a boat into the wind either, as I found out to my cost during one particularly choppy fishing trip!
Talking of school, written in stone above one entrance it says
"The path of duty is the way to glory"
Not sure if anyone seriously believed it though.
A good rule of thumb for reasonableness is - Do unto others as one would have them do to oneself.
Trump obviously hasn't heard of such a thing. He thinks the rest of the world will just roll over when he barks and It won't imho.
Talking of school, written in stone above one entrance it says
"The path of duty is the way to glory"
Not sure if anyone seriously believed it though.

That sounds almost as bad as "Arbeit macht frei" !
I find this piece quite poignant because I lost my Dad when I was young. It's from a different era but I think it's message is timeless

'A Father Forgets'

Do not keep your head in the clouds too long son. but stay with the muck 'cos that's where the money is.
A thread for those wise words you've come across during your life that have made an impression on you. They can be about trading but also about life in general. Maybe it was something your parents or grand parents told you, or a favourite teacher. Or perhaps just something that was posted on Facebook...

Please share it here for us all to enjoy and benefit from!

Sometimes curiosity gets the better of me and I click 'Show Ignored Content'. My God! It's like peering into the padded cell of a Lunatic and watching him smear excrement all over himself.:sick:

Creme de la creme :) :)

Only Fibo can get someone to that level. And to get someone who does not believe in God to invoke God is a whole other plateau :):):):):)

At 0:20

No need to look further than T2W for thread title examples:

Said by Nowler ..............
I have decided to trade the Natural Gas futures and have made the decision to use Technical Analysis to trade it
(put in the category: Lafffter, the best medicine)

Said by Fibo .............
Comparing the UK to the USA is akin to comparing a frog's p***y to the Panama Canal
(this statement by Fibo shut down an entire war raging between 5000 Brits and 4 Americans in Thailand forum - the fights stopped instantly)

Said by Fibo ..........
Stupid man give wife grand piano, wise man give her upright organ

Said by Fibo ........
Passionate kiss like spider's web, soon leads of undoing of fly

Said by Fibo ........
Be who you are, say what you mean because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.